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Jacque is a destroyed Protectron found at Torrance House in Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.


Jacque was a butler-style Protectron, similar to those found at the Whitespring Resort. At some point after the Great War, the Blood Eagles at the nearby base known as the Kill Box found Jacque. Jacque began to produce automated printouts with poems on them. All of the Writings of Jacque are in haiku (5 syllables-7 syllables-5 syllables) format and are targeted at a Blood Eagle known as Striker, mocking him as smelly and stupid. Eventually, Striker became fed up with Jacque following him around and attempted to destroy Jacque. He rebuked Jacque with a warning directed at Derick, another Blood Eagle whom Striker implied was responsible for targeting him. After this attempt, however, Jacque still managed to survive and produce another poem, saying that Striker "dumbly" stared at Jacque in disbelief.[1] By the time the Vault Dwellers find Jacque, the Protectron is disabled and destroyed on top of Torrance House.

The story of Jacque has spread as a rumor in Appalachia, concerning a supposed ghostly writer at Torrance House. Blue Ridge Caravan Company bartender Herschel Klein has heard this story and is intrigued by it, as any writings produced by Jacque may provide him inspiration for his side career in writing. However, Herschel is unaware that Jacque is actually a Protectron and not a ghost.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions dead
This character is deceased.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Costa Business: Herschel


Apparel Weapon Other items


Jacque appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.

Behind the scenes[]

As Torrance House, where Jacque is found, contains multiple references to the 1980 psychological horror film The Shining,[Non-game 1] Jacque's name appears to reference Jack Torrance, the main antagonist of the film.



  1. ↑ Writings of Jacque
  2. ↑ Herschel Klein: "See, I've got a nasty case of writer's block. Honest, I'm telling you, I'm on the rocks. Is life worth living if you can't share your brilliance and beauty with the world? You know, I think I just figured out what I need though. I know this sounds crazy, but listen, rumor has it that there's uh... this ghost... that, well... uh writes. Or wrote. Is it writes or wrote? If it's a ghost would it be past tense... anyway, nevermind that. His name's Jacque or something or other. You ever heard of Torrance House? Sounds like he just litters the place with pages of his writings. Remarkable writings might I add. Hey, if he doesn't want them I'll take them! Go have a look around that house for me, and bring me back some of those writings. That's the ticket!"
    (Herschel Klein's dialogue)


  1. ↑ Bethesda_DE: Interview with Jeff Gardiner and Emil Pagliarulo at Gamescom 2020 (reference starts at 00:47:12):
    Alina Ullrich: "Ivo wrote her favorite one is the Shining house in 76, which is cool."
    Jeff Gardiner: "Oh, yes. That was our lead designer, Daryl Brigner, and, ah, yes, that is great. That's an example of somebody, he just goes in and does this stuff."