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This is a transcript for dialogue with Herschel Klein.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
67 005FB388 005FB3A9 Eh, no. Last time I stocked that, fifteen pack Brahmin were left up on the roller coaster at Wavy Willards. How about a beer instead? No way. Recommendation is not really a question.
68 005FB38A 005FB39E Okay then, nice and simple, coming right up.
69 005FB38C 005FB3C2 One of America's finest, coming right up.
70 005FB38E 005FB3AD Uh... I've got a container of nuclear waste in the back, but you don't look like much of a Ghoul to me. So... how about a whiskey for now. Yikes, trying to make light, but what's this guys problem?
71 005FB390 005FB3A1 Neat? Well, you sure as shit aren't getting it on the rocks. Chuckle to self. Not mad, just poking fun.
72 005FB392 005FB3C5 Oh boy, a customer! What can I get for you?
405 00605FF1 00605FF3 Okay, here you go, enjoy. Uncaring


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00602B10 00602B3D A new face. Wonderful! The shlumps around here were getting pretty boring. A welcome change to boredom
2 00602B3E Hello there. What're you having? Friendly
3 00602B3F Welcome back, welcome back. Always happy to have a returning patron. Friendly
4 00602B40 Need a little breather from all those caravan runs you've been doing? Can't blame you. Impressed by the player
8 00602B11 00602B4D Herschel Klein, author, reveler of life, aspiring playwright, and on certain occasions, bartender... at your service. Full of himself. Note: he's really only ever tending bars
9 00602B4E Take your pick from "Herschel's Curated Liquors of Choice," comprised entirely of whatever I happen to find today. Starts proud, slips into under breath
10 00602B4F You're really starting to get that Brahmin dung fragrance like the rest of this sorry lot. Keep up the good work, I guess. Grossed out, but trying to be nice at the end
11 00602B50 Keep showing up around here and I might even remember your name. So what's the news? Friendly
35 Never mind. 00602B32 Yeah, yeah. Leave poor old Herschel to slinging schnapps. Go on then. Tiny violin playing
35 00602B20 006A17E8 His writings stink! They stink I'm telling you.
36 And he doesn't haunt much better either, believe me. I've had better hauntings after eating one of Rudy's spoiled soups. Kept me up all night!
36 Heard any rumors lately? 00602B42 You know that guard we got, Aries? He's got an encyclopedic knowledge of everything strange: cryptids, aliens, killer robots. Telling a secret, but he's full of BS
37 I've been working on a theory: he IS an alien. His spaceship was destroyed when the bombs fell, and now he's stuck working for us just to get by. All BS
38 Poor guy. Must miss his home planet something awful. Sympathetic
39 00602B43 So the Brotherhood of Steel, right? I heard a rumor it's all fake. Just a traveling theater troupe. They've got a different con in every town. Telling a secret, but he's full of BS
40 One of my regulars said he saw that Paladin Rahmani lady doing a trapeze act down in Florida. True story! All BS
41 Here's a crazy one: Brahmin might have two heads, but only one brain... and it's in their udders. Seriously, Rudy told me. Telling a secret, but he's full of BS
42 Speaking of Rudy, you ever ask what's in those pepperoni rolls? Human flesh. Heard him slip up and call them "peopleroni rolls" once. I swear! All BS
43 00602B45 Rumor has it that the folks in the Crater are actually astronauts that came down with that space station... but their mission is top secret. Telling a secret, but he's full of BS
44 Or, at least, that's what one of them told me last time they mugged me. Said he couldn't tell me what the caps were for. Highly classified. All BS
45 00602B46 Here's one I heard: we're all just living in a simulation. Telling a secret, but he's full of BS
46 That's right: none of this is real. Die here and you'll just wake up in a memory lounger somewhere in Hoboken, New Jersey. All BS
47 To be honest, I'm not sure which reality is worse! Ha-ha-ha! Thank you, thank you... I'm here all week! Telling the punchline to a cheesy joke
48 00602B47 You know them ghouls? Well, I heard the bombs got nothing to do with it. It's just a side effect of drinking too much Nuka-Cola. Telling a secret, but he's full of BS
49 Really, a dentist came through here telling me all about it. Said sugary drinks work a number on your teeth a few years, then, pow, you're a ghoul. All BS
50 00602B48 Rumors? What do I look like, some kind of barkeep? A little insulted
51 I mean, I am, but, really, do I look like one? I'm trying to keep my style a little fresh. Fooling around
52 What is the Blue Ridge Caravan Company? 00602B4B Always with the questions about Blue Ridge. Never "hello, fine barkeep, what's your story?" A little annoyed
53 No one's interested in reading the latest draft of "My Life at the End of the World: A Herschel Klein Story." Going on a tangent
54 With a special foreword written by Billingsley of the Bolton Greens. Out of the side of his mouth, and as if the player is meant to be impressed
55 Fine. The Blue Ridge Caravan Company is a caravan company. Hard as it is to believe, given its incredibly cryptic and non-descriptive name, I know. Sarcastic
56 People pay us money to get things from one place to another place. If you want work, head over to the East side of the tunnel and talk to Vinny. Impatient
58 006CCAEE 006A17E7 You know, not half bad. And, you want to know something else I just heard?
59 I heard that there's an intelligent and civilized mole rat society that lives underneath Appalachia. Lovely architecture, too. I kid you not!
60 006CCAF0 00602B32 Yeah, yeah. Leave poor old Herschel to slinging schnapps. Go on then. Tiny violin playing


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
7 On second thought, nevermind. 006A1800 It's a good show. But go ahead then, and live with your regret. Doesn't make a difference to me.
8 Sure, this doesn't sound crazy at all. But I'll do it. 006A17FD I know, I know, I sound like a schmuck. Can't you see I'm desperate though. I'm begging you. Many thanks and yada yada yada.
9 I found your ghost writings. Here you go. 006A17F9 What? You did? I can't believe it. You mean they actually exist? Alright, who's the comedian?
10 Another time, maybe. 006A1808 Fine, be that way, but Herschel Klein never forgets!
11 Vinny sent me. He says you're not working up to his standards. 006A1803 Ha! Vinny? Standards? I'm surprised he even knows the word, between you and me.
12 Actually, you know what, I'm glad he's furthering his education. Applaud him even!
13 But, uh... he's right, though. I am in a bit of a rut these days. And, ooh, do I hate it when he's right.
14 Let's back up. Are you kidding me? 006A180A Whether it's real or whether it's a joke, what does it matter?
15 It's not like I want to steal his ideas, I just want to "borrow" a few. For good luck and inspiration. And any extra you find, for good measure.
16 That doesn't hurt nothing, does it?
17 Just get back to serving the wine, instead of drinking it. 006A17FB Ha! Oh uh, you're serious?
18 You know, if I wasn't so busy being pathetic, I'd really give you knock in the... eh, who am I kidding. Help me out, will you?
22 Why do you want a ghost's writings again? 006A1806 Look, I know you don't believe me. I barely believe me too.
23 Thing is though, those writings might be exactly what I need to cure my writer's block.
24 Herschel needs his inspiration, I'm begging you!
25 Enough already, get back to work. 006A17F4 Wait a minute, how do you know I'm not working? Oh, ok I get it, Vinny has you checking up on me hasn't he?
26 Yeah, that makes sense. I've just been schlepping around lately.
27 Can't believe I'm this far gone for Vinny to notice. Fine, it's not what you think though.
28 006A17C7 006A17F0 See, I've got a nasty case of writer's block. Honest, I'm telling you, I'm on the rocks.
29 Is life worth living if you can't share your brilliance and beauty with the world? You know, I think I just figured out what I need though.
30 I know this sounds crazy, but listen, rumor has it that there's uh... this ghost... that, well... uh writes. Or wrote.
31 Is it writes or wrote? If it's a ghost would it be past tense... anyway, nevermind that.
32 His name's Jacque or something or other. You ever heard of Torrance House?
33 Sounds like he just litters the place with pages of his writings. Remarkable writings might I add. Hey, if he doesn't want them I'll take them!
34 Go have a look around that house for me, and bring me back some of those writings. That's the ticket!
42 Don't mention it. Happy to help. 006A17F1 To show you my gratitude, I'll make mention of you in one of my stories.
43 Trust me, not many people are lucky enough to make it into a Herschel Klein tale!
44 006A17D5 006A1801 I'll be honest. I think this did the trick. Herschel's back baby! In mind, body and spirit.
45 Ha, "spirit", you see?! It's working already!
46 Oh... and spirit like the drink... triple entendre! A new record!
47 Seriously though, thanks.
48 Well you see, Jacque was actually a malfunctioning robot. 006A17F5 Ha! You mean to tell me... a robot... that's priceless. Here I was thinking a ghost is actually out there writing books and all.
49 You know, let's just keep this a secret between you and me.
50 [Lie] Not kidding. Jacque, and his writings are the real deal. 006A1804 Well I'll be. The chances of something like that. One in a million!
51 You don't think he'll come to haunt me now do you? Meh, what'll it matter, maybe he could be my ghostwriter.
52 Sorry, I haven't found them yet. 006A17F7 Tough break, for the both of us.
53 Just give the grounds around Torrance House a look for them please.
55 That's the spirit! 006A17FE Ha! Listen to us! We sound like two loonies, don't we. I thought I recognized you from the nuthouse!
56 Shut up and just get back to work now will ya. 006A180B Jeez, alright, take it easy. Herschel do this... Herschel do that. Fine, whatever. May the drinks be poured again.
57 006A17DC 006A17F3 See you around, alright.
60 006A17E0 006A38AF Where was I? Oh, right!
61 006A38B0 Meh, all right.
64 006A17E1 006A1810 What, are you here to watch the show? "A Paltry and Pitiful Putz", starring yours truly, the washed up has-been... Herschel Klein.
65 006A1811 Wait a minute, have I seen you before? Oh, yeah, about that, any luck?!
67 006A38B1 Not now, I'm in the middle of a thought. You should go see Vinny.