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Well, I can think of a faster way, but I doubt you'd survive the fall.

Butcher (real name Carl) is the Reilly's Rangers medic in Fallout 3. He can be found with the rest of the team on the roof of the Statesman Hotel, waiting for Reilly to return. After completing the Reilly's Rangers quest, he and the other rangers can be found at the Ranger compound.


Born in 2246 as Carl,[1] Butcher gained his name after joining the Reilly's Rangers mercenary company, as a result of a one-off joke by Brick. The name stuck and he adopted it as his own.[Non-game 1] He became Reilly's second-in-command, due to his ability to make rational, logical decisions under fire, and the team's medic as the only one with the talent for it. Though his skills in the manner were moderate at best, Butcher demonstrated a willingness to learn and improve, stripping every medical facility the Rangers come across for learning material and tools. Together with his leadership qualities, it compensated for the fact that he is the worst shooter out of the Rangers.[Non-game 1] His loyalty to the Rangers was consistently graded by Reilly as unquestioned.[1]

By 2277, Butcher was a fixture of the Rangers, with an active, open-ended contract with Reilly, paid 70 caps per mission on top of any salvage he recovered. He also earned three merits and zero demerits, behind Brick (five to one), but ahead of Donovan (two to null). His professional relationship with Reilly changed shortly before the mission to Vernon Square. While he was always flirty with Reilly, she brushed it off as merc humor, until she realized it was not. The budding relationship boosted morale between them, despite Reilly's concern over it adversely affecting their relationship within the company.[2]

The next mission would put that to the test. Reilly opted to scout Vernon Square, both to gather salvage and to train Theo, a new ranger on a probationary contract. Butcher hoped to pick through the ruins of Our Lady of Hope Hospital to find more medical materials and supplies.[3] However, nobody among the Rangers enjoyed mapping missions into that sector of downtown, with the sole exception of Brick: the sheer number of super mutants was overwhelming to most people, but to her, it was merely a target-rich environment.[4][5] Butcher believed that there was something in the area that attracted super mutants or something they were looking for. However, he lacked the resources and time to investigate on his own.[6][7]

Soon, he would discover that he had very little time for anything but survival. While the team was mapping Vernon Square, they were ambushed by an unusually large horde of super mutants, forcing them to retreat into the ruined hospital and fight a running battle across the street to the Statesman Hotel. For reasons unknown to the Rangers, the super mutants were particularly bloodthirsty and kept coming after them. Once in the hotel, the Rangers made a fighting retreat to the roof. Theo was mortally wounded in the fighting, with Butcher unable to save him.[Non-game 1] The Rangers left him and their ammo supplies behind, unable to strip the pack from him, and were eventually forced on to the roof, with their reserves almost depleted. Rather than wait for the inevitable, Reilly left Butcher in charge of the Rangers, then used a Stealth Boy to try and find help. She was wounded on her way out of Vernon Square, and Butcher has been left waiting for her, unable to make a breakout. The best he could do was rig up a distress beacon and wait for someone to answer the call.[8]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

25 Strictly Business
This character is a temporary companion.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
This character is a doctor.



Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Ranger battle armor 10mm SMG
Scoped .44 Magnum*
* Only if one does not give him any ammunition.

Notable quotes[]


Butcher appears in Fallout 3 and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Behind the scenes[]

In 2277, he is 31 according to Reilly's terminal.[1] The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide incorrectly lists his age as 29.[Non-game 1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Butcher
  2. Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Personal Entry 178
  3. Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Personal Entry 179
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Vernon Square?"
    Donovan: "All I can tell you is this place sucks. I hope we never have to map another inch of it."
    (Donovan's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Vernon Square?"
    Brick: "The other guys hate mappin' this zone, but hey, I love it. I love turning the 'muties into a fine, red mist with my gun."
    (Brick's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Vernon Square?"
    Reilly: "If I wasn't asking for your help, I'd tell you to stay away. It's thick with Super Mutants. I don't know why. Butcher, our team medic, has always suspected something is in the area they are looking for or being attracted to. The only place worse I can think of is the Mall."
    (Reilly's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Vernon Square?"
    Butcher: "There's something about this area. I can't put my finger on it, but just like the Mall, there is an unusually high concentration of Super Mutants. If I had the time and resources, I'd investigate. All I care about now is getting the hell off this damn roof."
    (Butcher's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "So, what's this about needing help? Tell me the whole story."
    Reilly: "We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Let me guess, more Super Mutants inside?"
    Reilly: "You got it. More of the ugly bastards just kept coming. We fought our way to the roof and found a way across to the Statesman Hotel next door. The Super Mutants seemed driven... like they smelled blood. They kept following us. Once in the hotel, the only way to go was up."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Bad move, I'm guessing."
    Reilly: "Very bad move, but we had no choice. On the way we lost Theo, one of my guys. We were unable to get the ammo case off of his body as we were pushed onwards. So, guns almost dry, we hit the roof of the Statesman."
    The Lone Wanderer: "So that leaves them up there. How come you're here?"
    Reilly: "My bad idea I'm afraid. I had a Stealth Boy which allowed me to slip off the roof unnoticed. The plan was to get back to get some help. I was almost at the street when a Super Mutant jumped me. Damn near ripped my arm off in the process. Last thing I remember was falling into a culvert. Now I'm here. Some rescue attempt, huh?"
    (Reilly's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.64: "Butcher
    Butcher is 29In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar and the team's medic. He has saved their lives on more than one occasion. His original name was Carl, but Brick jokingly called him 'Butcher' once and the name stuck. He is the worst of the team in terms of fighting, but his prowess as a medic more than makes up for it. He is currently quite depressed at the death of his teammate, Theo, but there wasn't much he could have done to save him."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)