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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brick.


GREETING GREETING Happy 80 Did ya see me? Nothing good ole' Eugene and a few hundred rounds of ammo couldn't handle. 1
GREETING Happy 80 Goodbye. If you're ever in the neighborhood and need some help, just listen for Eugene's rat-a-tat-tat. Ha ha ha! 2
GREETING Anger 80 Go go go! {Like a drill sergeant.} 3
GREETING Happy 80 Brick's the name, and I call this fine looking roomsweeper Eugene. 4
Disgust 50 We've had a lot of fun together mowin' down Super Mutants, but I think it's time we get off this roof. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah? What is it? 6
GREETING Neutral 50 I think Butcher wants to talk with you and he's callin' the shots. We can talk about me 'n Eugene later. 7
GREETING Happy 50 Well all right! You're back! 8
MS18BrickEndgameCT01 Yeah, Brick... You really, um, ventilated them... Happy 100 You bet your ass I did! Did you see that Super Mutant's head burst? Beautiful! 9
Neutral 50 Me and Eugene, we got a partnership. I find targets, and he vaporizes targets. It works out well. 10
Happy 50 Anyway, you look me up if you ever want to get into a fight. I'll be sure and bring the thunder. Ha ha ha! 11
MS18BrickEndgameCT02 Has anyone ever spoken to you about anger management? Neutral 50 Well, someone did once, and I swear I let them leave only with a slight limp. 12
Happy 100 Don't worry, I'm on your side! 13
Happy 70 Anyway, you look me up if you ever want to get into a fight. I'll be sure and bring the thunder. Ha ha ha! 14
MS18BrickEndgameCT03 Wow, you're certifiably insane, huh? Anger 100 Last guy who said something like that to me took a long dirt nap. Catch my drift? 15
Happy 50 Hahahaha! Oh, I loved watching you sweat there for a second. Damn right I'm crazy! Isn't that right, Eugene? 16
Neutral 50 Anyway, you look me up if you ever want to get into a fight. I'll be sure and bring the thunder. Ha ha ha! 17
MS18FinBailout Let's discuss something else. Neutral 50 Whatever floats your boat. 18
MS18FinTLHowAreThings What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Now that you're part of the team, Reilly is her old self again. 19
Happy 50 We've been vaporizing hostiles like there's no tomorrow! 20
What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Me and ole' Eugene have been a bit sad lately. No Super Mutants to mow down. 21
Neutral 50 I guess as soon as Reilly's ready, we can head back out into the ruins. I wish I knew what she was waiting for. 22
MS18TLAmmoLocation Where can I get some more ammo around here? Neutral 50 Well, if you've picked the Mutie corpses clean, there isn't much else to scrounge. 23
Neutral 50 I dunno if you came across it or not, but one of our guys dropped on the second floor stairwell. He had an ammo crate with him. 24
Neutral 50 Gonna have to get the code from Butcher though. 25
MS18TLColumbiaHeights What can you tell me about Vernon Square? Happy 50 The other guys hate mappin' this zone, but hey, I love it. I love turning the 'muties into a fine, red mist with my gun. 26
MS18TLGotBattery I have a Fission Battery that will fix that express elevator. Neutral 50 Well, what the fuck you bringin' it to me for? Get it plugged into the elevator! 27
I have a Fission Battery that will fix that express elevator. Disgust 50 Well, what the fuck you bringin' it to me for? Give to to Donovan. Sheesh. 28
MS18TLHeresSomeAmmo Here, I brought you some ammo. Happy 50 Oh, HELL yeah! 29
Here, I brought you some ammo. Disgust 70 Hey, kid. This bad boy spits out lead like there's no tomorrow. So unless you have at least 150 rounds, I can't even fill it up. 30
MS18TLHowDidYouSurvive How have you guys survived up here? Happy 50 Skill baby, pure skill. And my big-ass gun! 31
MS18TLWhereIsCell Any clue where I can find a Fission Battery? Happy 50 All I remember is mowing down Super Mutants with Eugene here. 32
Happy 50 Ask the eggheads, they're runnin' the show. I just point and shoot... then stuff dies. 33


GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 70 No sweat. 34
I have to go now. Happy 70 Watch your ass, kid. 35
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Don't worry. Me 'n Eugene's got your back. 36
I have to go now. Happy 70 Adios, kid. 37
I have to go now. Happy 70 Kick some Mutie ass for me, kid! 38
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Hey, all right! Me 'n Eugene are glad to see ya! 39
HELLO Neutral 50 Well, well. We got us a genuine rescue, eh? 40
HELLO Happy 70 Back from splatterin' more Muties? 41
HELLO Happy 70 Welcome back to the compound, kid. 42
HELLO Happy 70 Me 'n Eugene missed ya. 43