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This is a transcript for dialogue with Reilly.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Well, I guess you weren't such a jerk after all. 1
Surprise 80 Wow, you look like you've been through Hell. 2
GREETING Surprise 80 From what I've heard, sounds like you've been through Hell. 3
GREETING Surprise 80 You look like you've been though Hell. 4
GREETING Disgust 70 Well, I'm still waiting. What's the deal with my men? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Any other info I can give you? 6
GREETING Disgust 70 Staying in Underworld isn't helping our cause. Make this fast. 7
GREETING Fear 80 You still here? The Rangers aren't going to last forever if you don't get out there and help them. 8
GREETING Disgust 70 I thought we covered everything. What is it now? 9
GREETING Disgust 100 Get the hell out of my face. {very angry} 10
GREETING Disgust 80 If you're going to continue to irritate me, I'm not going to be so nice about it. 11
GREETING Surprise 60 What.... Where am I? What happened? {groggy like waking from sleep} 12
Neutral 50 How long have I been out? 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah? What is it? Ready to help? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah? What do you want? 15
GREETING Happy 50 Hey there! Got anything good for me? 16
GREETING Sad 70 I can't believe they're all dead. I just can't... 17
GREETING Sad 50 I really don't feel like talking right now. Please leave. 18
GREETING Sad 50 Look, our contract is done. There's nothing else for you here... okay? 19
GREETING Happy 50 I thought we might see you again. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 So, you're back. What did you want? 21
MS18Bailout Let me ask you about something else. Neutral 50 Okay, go ahead. 22
MS18ColumbiaHeightsReillyCT01 How can I get there from Underworld? Neutral 50 Your best bet is to stay with the Metro tunnels. Head north from here to Metro Central. Then look for the tunnels to the Dupont Circle Station. 23
Neutral 50 Exit from Dupont Circle Station into what we call the Dry Sewers and eventually you'll wind up in Our Lady of Hope Hospital. 24
MS18ColumbiaHeightsReillyCT02 Any good news about the area? Neutral 50 Not much I'm afraid. Oh wait, the hospital may have some supplies that will help you. 25
Neutral 50 We saw some storerooms on the way to the roof, but didn't have time to raid them. 26
MS18DeadRangersAll I'm sorry Reilly... None of them made it. I did the best I could. Surprise 80 I... I don't know what to say. I should never have left them up there. Maybe with one more gun, they could have made it. 27
Sad 100 I'm sorry, I think I need to be alone. Could you excuse me? 28
MS18DeadRangersBrick I'm sorry we lost Brick. Sad 70 Yeah, that stupid gearhead. Sigh. Ah well, at least the others made it. 29
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 30
MS18DeadRangersBrickButcher I'm sorry we lost Brick and Butcher. Sad 70 I was afraid that might happen. I should never have left them up there alone. Now their deaths rest on my shoulders. 31
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 32
MS18DeadRangersBrickDon I'm sorry we lost Brick and Donavan. Sad 100 I was afraid that might happen. I should never have left them up there alone. Now their deaths rest on my shoulders. 33
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 34
MS18DeadRangersButcher I'm sorry we lost Butcher. Sad 90 Yeah, Butcher was a good man. Ah well, at least the others made it. 35
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 36
MS18DeadRangersButcherDon I'm sorry we lost Butcher and Donavan. Sad 100 I was afraid that might happen. I should never have left them up there alone. Now their deaths rest on my shoulders. 37
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 38
MS18DeadRangersDon I'm sorry we lost Donovan. Sad 70 Yeah, Donovan was a good man. Ah well, at least the others made it. 39
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 40
MS18DeadRangersNone It went extremely well, as you can see. We didn't lose anyone. Surprise 80 I'm very impressed at your skill. I don't think I've come across someone quite like you in the ruins. 41
Happy 50 I suppose I owe you a debt, and I intend to pay it in kind. 42
Neutral 50 I'm sure you're more interested in your reward than listening to me talk, so let me get right to it. 43
MS18FinBailout Let's discuss something else. Neutral 50 Sure thing. 44
MS18FinLostGeomapper I'm afraid I've lost my Geomapper... Disgust 50 Like I told you last time, the last one I gave you was it. I am fresh out of them. Sorry. 45
Neutral 50 I guess that ends our relationship. Thanks for all you've done. 46
I'm afraid I've lost my Geomapper... Neutral 50 Well, this is the last one I have. If you lose this, you're shit out of luck. 47
I'm afraid I've lost my Geomapper... Disgust 50 Okay, but I only have two left. So try and be more careful. 48
I'm afraid I've lost my Geomapper... Neutral 50 That's okay, here's another. Just be careful, they don't grow on trees you know. 49
MS18FinReillyCT01 We all make mistakes, Reilly. You're not a fortune teller. Neutral 50 Yeah, but I led the guys right into a corner. Theo died because I decided to take shelter in the hospital. 50
Neutral 50 I'm not so sure I'd be trusted leading anyone at this point. 51
MS18FinReillyCT01a It is what it is. Neutral 50 Yeah, but I led the guys right into a corner. Theo died because I decided to take shelter in the hospital. 52
Neutral 50 I'm not so sure I'd be trusted leading anyone at this point. 53
MS18FinReillyCT02 Shit happens, Reilly. Get used to it. Neutral 50 Well a lot of shit happened all because of me. 54
Neutral 50 We lost Theo because I was stupid enough to retreat into the hospital. 55
MS18FinReillyCT03 No, Theo died because of bad luck. That's all. Neutral 50 Thanks. You're sweet to try and make me feel better about everything. 56
Neutral 50 I just hope that I can get back to mapping the ruins soon. I have a lot of contacts that are demanding I finish. 57
No, Theo died because of bad luck. That's all. Neutral 50 Thanks. It's nice of you to try and make me feel better about everything. 58
Neutral 50 I just hope that I can get back to mapping the ruins soon. I have a lot of contacts that are demanding I finish. 59
MS18FinReillyCT04 Theo died because he was careless. Neutral 50 He wasn't careless. I was the one who was careless. Bah, it doesn't matter why... either way, he's gone. 60
Neutral 50 I just hope that I can get back to mapping the ruins soon. I have a lot of contacts that are demanding I finish. 61
MS18FinReillyCT04a There's tremendous risk in what you do and I bet Theo knew that. Neutral 50 Thanks. It's nice of you to try and make me feel better about everything. 62
Neutral 50 I just hope that I can get back to mapping the ruins soon. I have a lot of contacts that are demanding I finish. 63
MS18FinReillyCT05 Let me help. You stay here and I'll do some mapping for you. Neutral 50 You'd risk your neck for me like that? 64
MS18FinReillyCT05a Well, I hope it all works out. Sad 50 Yeah. On my own as usual. Sigh. 65
Disgust 50 Look, why don't you come back later. I don't need pity right now. 66
MS18FinReillyCT06 Well, looks like you're on your own then. Sad 50 Yeah. On my own as usual. Sigh. 67
Disgust 50 Look, why don't you come back later. I don't need pity right now. 68
MS18FinReillyCT07 Sure. Why not. You look like you need the help. Happy 50 Well... okay. I hadn't expected this, but I'll certainly take you up on it. Oh, and I insist on paying you. I won't take no for an answer. 69
Neutral 50 For every map marker you uncover in the Capital Wasteland, I'll pay you a fair sum in bottlecaps. 70
Neutral 50 All you have to do is find them, come back here and I'll get them off your Pip-Boy there. 71
MS18FinReillyCT08 Well, yeah. I expect to be paid a merc's wage, though. Disgust 50 Don't worry, I'll compensate you for your time. 72
Neutral 50 For every map marker you uncover in the Capital Wasteland, I'll pay you a fair sum in bottlecaps. 73
Neutral 50 All you have to do is find them, come back here and I'll get them off your Pip-Boy there. 74
MS18FinReillyCT08a Nah. I was just messing with ya. Disgust 100 You are such an asshole. 75
MS18FinReillyCT09 Done deal. I'll locate as many as I can for you. Neutral 50 Here, take this geomapper. Please don't lose it. Donovan spent a year developing it and I only have a few. 76
Neutral 50 It will offload all of the map data you collect from your Pip-Boy automatically. When you come back, I can take the data from it and you get paid. 77
MS18FinReillyCT10 As long as the caps flow, you'll get your maps. Neutral 50 Here, take this geomapper. Please don't lose it. Donovan spent a year developing it and I only have a few. 78
Neutral 50 It will offload all of the map data you collect from your Pip-Boy automatically. When you come back, I can take the data from it and you get paid. 79
MS18FinReillyCT10a On second thought, I think I'll pass. Surprise 100 Oh! Okay. 80
Sad 90 Guess I'll see you around then. 81
MS18FinReillyTalon01 Have you had run-ins with them? Neutral 50 Yeah, we've crossed paths. Fortunately, we just stepped out of each others way. 82
Neutral 50 Brick almost turned it into a damn bloodbath when one of them spit on her boots, but I was able to hold her back. 83
MS18FinReillyTalon02 Well, wouldn't you kill if that was part of your contract? Anger 50 Look, those fucks went into a settlement a year or two ago and killed everyone. Women, children... everyone. 84
Disgust 50 That's the sort of crap Talon Company does. All they care about is getting paid. 85
Disgust 50 Reilly's Rangers operate on a set of morals. We're here to help people, not as professional assassins. 86
MS18FinReillyTalon03 Sounds like my kind of people. Disgust 50 If that's your kind of people, then you really need to take a long look at yourself and decide just what the hell is wrong with you. 87
MS18FinTLHowAreThings What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Well, I've been feeling a little more confident now that I have you mapping for us. 88
Neutral 50 I think we'll head out into the ruins and do some search & destroy to ease back into things. 89
What's been happening since you've been back? Sad 50 I don't know. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this kind of job anymore. 90
Sad 50 I almost got everyone killed in Vernon Square. What kind of responsible leader does that? It was one bad decision after another. 91
What's been happening since you've been back? Disgust 60 Same as last time you asked. 92
Sad 60 I just hope that I can get back to mapping the ruins soon. I have a lot of contacts that are demanding I finish. 93
MS18FinTLMapping I have some mapping data for you. Neutral 50 Excellent! Let me offload the data and I'll be glad to pay you. 94
I have some mapping data for you. Neutral 50 Hmmm. You need to actually collect some new data before I can pay you. 95
Neutral 50 We already have all these locations in the system. 96
I have some mapping data for you. Disgust 60 Well, without the Geomapper, I can't get the data from your Pip-Boy. Where the heck is it? 97
MS18FinTLTalonCompany What's the deal with Talon Company? Disgust 50 Let me give you a word of advice. Stay away from them, they give mercs a bad name. 98
Disgust 50 They have no morals, no remorse and wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through a defenseless man's head if it meant a job. 99
Neutral 50 They've been pretty active lately around the old Capital Building ruins. I'd recommend giving that area a wide berth. 100
MS18Goodbyes I have to be on my way. Fear 50 Good luck. You're going to need it. 101
Look, I've got someplace I need to be... Sad 60 Please don't go. I really need your help. 102
MS18MoreRangersReillyCT01 How do I know they're still alive? Neutral 50 Before I left I gave them an order to keep broadcasting for help over their radio. 103
Neutral 50 Hopefully, when you get near their location, you'll pick it up. 104
MS18MoreRangersReillyCT02 Where is Theo's body? Sad 60 We lost him on one of the stairwells on the second floor of the Statesman Hotel. 105
Neutral 50 He almost made it, but one of the Muties hit us with a frag grenade; blew him apart. 106
Neutral 50 If you can get to his ammo crate, there's a ton of rounds inside. Bring as many as you can to the Rangers. 107
MS18ReillyAngerTrack01 I don't think you're in any condition to make threats. Disgust 100 Look, I just woke up expecting to see the pearly gates. Can you cut me some slack, or what? 108
MS18ReillyAngerTrack02 Okay, okay. Sorry. Fear 70 If time wasn't so precious right now, I wouldn't be so on edge either. I need to get help for the rest of the Rangers, and fast. 109
MS18ReillyAngerTrack03 I don't cut anyone slack. Deal with it. Disgust 100 Nice that you pick on bed-ridden people. That how you get your jollies? Does it make you feel tough? 110
Anger 50 If you want to hear me out, then shut the hell up. If not, get out of my face. 111
MS18ReillyCT01 Whoa, whoa. Calm down! Who are you? Happy 70 I'm sorry. The name's Reilly. Yeah, THE Reilly as in Reilly's Rangers. {accentuate THE} 112
MS18ReillyCT01a Hey, relax, you were badly wounded. Now... who are you? Happy 70 I'm sorry. The name's Reilly. Yeah, THE Reilly as in Reilly's Rangers. {accentuate THE} 113
MS18ReillyCT02 Get a grip, lady. Disgust 100 Look, asshole. I don't know who you are, but no one talks to Reilly that way. Yeah, you heard me, THE Reilly of Reilly's Rangers. 114
MS18ReillyCT02aMedicine I don't think you're in any condition to be up and about. Disgust 50 That's not the way I do things. 115
Anger 60 Do you have any idea what it would do to my reputation if word got around that Reilly of Reilly's Rangers was laid up in a hospital bed? 116
MS18ReillyCT03 My apologies. I didn't know who you were. Happy 70 That's okay, kid. Don't sweat it. The Wasteland's a big place. 117
Neutral 50 We're guns for hire; the best merc group in the Capital Wasteland. If you need something done in there, you seek us out. 118
MS18ReillyCT04 Reilly's Rangers, huh? Never heard of you. Disgust 80 You been stuck living in a vault the last decade or something? 119
Neutral 50 We're guns for hire; the best merc group in the Capital Wasteland. If you need something done in there, you seek us out. 120
MS18ReillyCT04aGunNut I've heard of you guys. You pack some serious firepower. Neutral 50 You're pretty sharp, kid. 121
Disgust 50 We pack plenty of firepower, but that didn't help us from getting our asses into serious trouble. 122
Sad 50 I didn't expect to make it out of there alive. 123
MS18ReillyCT04b Oh, not the mighty Reilly's Rangers! Oooh, scary... Disgust 50 Laugh it up, kid. It's easy for you to make fun of me now when I'm in this condition. 124
Disgust 50 Keep making jokes and I'll show you what it's like to be in a coma. 125
MS18ReillyCT05 So, what's this about needing help? Tell me the whole story. Neutral 50 We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. 126
Surprise 50 Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover. 127
MS18ReillyCT06 You look terrible. Maybe I shouldn't have woken you up so quickly. Fear 50 Heh, I feel worse than I look, but that doesn't even matter to me. I'm just worried about the rest of the Rangers. 128
Sad 50 I don't even know if they're still alive. 129
MS18ReillyCT06a Wow, Reilly. You look like shit. Disgust 70 You got a lot of class, kid. {Sarcasm} 130
Neutral 50 I feel worse than I look, but that doesn't even matter to me. I'm just worried about the rest of the Rangers. 131
Neutral 50 I don't even know if they're still alive. 132
MS18ReillyCT07 You've been in a coma... chances are the Rangers are already dead. Anger 50 No! There is no way my guys are dead! 133
Disgust 50 If there's even the slimmest chance of surviving, they'll do it. 134
Anger 50 If you won't go, stop wasting my fucking time and find me someone who will! 135
MS18ReillyCT07a Why don't you attempt a rescue? Your legs broken or something? Anger 50 Are you completely stupid? 136
Anger 50 I can barely walk right now, let alone climb a skyscraper. If I could even hold a pistol, I would go get my guys right now! 137
Disgust 50 I'm using everything I've got just standing here talking to you. Get the point? 138
MS18ReillyCT11 Let me guess, more Super Mutants inside? Disgust 50 You got it. More of the ugly bastards just kept coming. We fought our way to the roof and found a way across to the Statesman Hotel next door. 139
Neutral 50 The Super Mutants seemed driven... like they smelled blood. They kept following us. 140
Neutral 50 Once in the hotel, the only way to go was up. 141
MS18ReillyCT12 Not a very smart move, if you ask me. Disgust 80 I didn't ask you. Those bastards were everywhere. I don't know what was driving them. 142
Neutral 50 We fought our way to the roof and found a way across to the Statesman Hotel next door. 143
Neutral 50 Once in the hotel, the only way to go was up. 144
MS18ReillyCT13 Bad move, I'm guessing. Sad 70 Very bad move, but we had no choice. 145
Sad 70 On the way we lost Theo, one of my guys. We were unable to get the ammo case off of his body as we were pushed onwards. 146
Neutral 50 So, guns almost dry, we hit the roof of the Statesman. 147
MS18ReillyCT14 Trapped yourself at the top of a tall building. Brilliant. Anger 90 Look, I don't know what your problem is, but I got three guys alone out there with an army of Super Mutants around them. 148
Anger 90 Either help me by listening, or get the hell out of my sight. I'm not here to be judged by you or anyone else. 149
Neutral 50 Now, like I was saying, we had to fight our way up towards the roof of the Statesman. 150
MS18ReillyCT15 Last stand? Neutral 50 Last stand? Well, we hoped not. We figured we'd get up there and get a better signal to radio the Brotherhood of Steel for help. 151
Sad 50 Problem is, help never arrived. Vernon Square is so thick with the Super Mutants, I don't think they could slip through. 152
MS18ReillyCT16 Look, I could care less about your stories. Disgust 50 Fine. Since you're all business and obviously don't give a damn about human life, I got a proposal for you. 153
Disgust 50 You want to hear it, or you gonna keep flapping your lips? 154
MS18ReillyCT17 So that leaves them up there. How come you're here? Sad 70 My bad idea I'm afraid. I had a Stealth Boy which allowed me to slip off the roof unnoticed. The plan was to get back to get some help. 155
Fear 60 I was almost at the street when a Super Mutant jumped me. Damn near ripped my arm off in the process. 156
Neutral 50 Last thing I remember was falling into a culvert. Now I'm here. Some rescue attempt, huh? 157
MS18ReillyCT17Explosives Did you set any kinds of traps or mines? Surprise 70 Actually, we did lay down a bunch of countermeasures. I don't know how many of them have already gone off though. 158
Neutral 50 When I slipped out with my Stealth Boy, I think I almost tripped one or two of them. 159
Neutral 50 Damn near didn't make it out of there at all, come to think of it. 160
MS18ReillyCT18 I don't know, Reilly. This sounds like suicide. Fear 70 Look, I don't know where else to go. In the shape I'm in, I'll be lucky to get ten feet. 161
Neutral 50 I'll sweeten the deal for you, maybe it'll help. How about I set you up with a suit of Ranger Armor if you get them back? 162
Neutral 50 If that doesn't do it for you I'll set you up with a minigun from our armory. Either way, you walk away with something. 163
MS18ReillyCT19 What's in it for me if I risk my neck for you? Happy 70 Spoken like a merc. You sound like me when I was just a kid starting out in the business. 164
Happy 60 Okay hotshot, how about a full suit of Ranger Armor? It's the best combat armor in the Wasteland. 165
Neutral 50 Or if that doesn't do it for you I'll set you up with a minigun from our armory. Either way, you walk away with something. 166
MS18ReillyCT19a Forget it. I may as well shoot myself in the head and save the trouble. Anger 100 Wow. You really are an asshole. Fine. I hope their deaths sit well on your conscience. 167
MS18ReillyCTRadio Your team's still alive... I heard their distress signal! Surprise 100 They are?! Holy shit! 168
Fear 90 Look, either I need to get out there and lend them a hand or they aren't going to last much longer. 169
MS18ReillyCTRadio01 Tell me what's going on and I'll see if I can help. Neutral 50 We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. 170
Neutral 50 Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover. 171
MS18ReillyCTRadio02 Start from the beginning. Neutral 50 We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. 172
Neutral 50 Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover. 173
MS18ReillyCTRadio03 Sorry, sounds like suicide. Be my guest. Disgust 70 I dunno why you bothered to come here and wake me then. I would have been better off sleeping through it. 174
MS18ReillyEndgameCT01 Nah. It was all in a day's work. Happy 50 You're a cocky little thing, aren't you? I like that. 175
Neutral 50 Well, as much as I want to hear all about it, can you tell me a full debrief on what happened out there with my men? 176
MS18ReillyEndgameCT02 Yeah. That was a tough run. Neutral 50 I bet it was. Frankly, I'm amazed you made it. 177
Neutral 50 Can you give me a full debriefing on what happened out there with my men? 178
MS18ReillyEndgameCT02a Are you kidding me? Hell would have been a damn picnic! Disgust 70 All right, all right. No need to get your underpants in a knot. 179
Neutral 50 Can you give me a full debriefing on what happened out there with my men? 180
MS18ReillyEndgameCT03 No, please continue... Your men are more important than my reward. Happy 50 Losing a bit of the merc edge, eh? Don't get soft on me now! 181
Neutral 50 Well, I've said it once but I'll say it again. You have my thanks. I'd be pretty lost without my guys. 182
Happy 50 So, for your reward, what'll it be? The Ranger Battlearmor or one of Brick's Miniguns? 183
MS18ReillyEndgameCT04 Yeah, please. I have much to do. Neutral 50 Okay, but at least let me thank you for all you've done. You could have been killed trying to save my men. 184
Happy 50 So, for your reward, what'll it be? The Ranger Battlearmor or one of Brick's Miniguns? 185
MS18ReillyEndgameCT04a You're damn right I do! Happy 80 Now you sound like a merc! Well, let's cut the bullshit and get right to it then. 186
Happy 50 So, for your reward, what'll it be? The Ranger Battlearmor or one of Brick's Miniguns? 187
MS18ReillyEndgameCT05 What about my reward? Disgust 50 Reward? If you had some sort of a deal going with Butcher, then that was between you and him. 188
Disgust 50 I'm guessing the deal was get them off that roof. They're all dead, so I don't see that as a success. 189
Sad 50 I'm sorry. Now, please... leave me be. 190
What about my reward? Disgust 50 Reward? The deal was get my men off that roof. They're all dead, so I don't see that as a success. 191
Disgust 50 I don't know how you normally deal with mercs, but we stick to our deals. You couldn't hold up your end of it, so there's no reward. 192
Sad 50 I'm sorry. Now, please... leave me be. 193
MS18ReillyEndgameCT06 Hey, what about my damn reward? Anger 50 Are you out of your fucking mind? Reward? If you had some sort of a deal going with Butcher, then that was between you and him. 194
Neutral 50 I'm guessing the deal was get them off that roof. They're all dead, so I don't see that as a success. 195
Anger 50 Now get the hell out of my sight! 196
Hey, what about my damn reward? Anger 50 Are you out of your fucking mind? 197
Neutral 50 We had a deal... you get my men back, I give you payment. No men, no armor. That's it. There's no middle ground. 198
Anger 50 Now get the hell out of my sight! 199
MS18ReillyEndgameOtherStuff01 Before we talk about that, do you have my reward? Disgust 50 Wow. You sound like one of the guys from Talon Company. Ruthless bastard, aren't you? 200
Disgust 50 You can act badass all day, doesn't phase me. You're chicken shit compared to some of the guys I've dealt with. 201
Neutral 50 To answer your question, yeah, I got your damn reward. Now, how about that debrief? 202
Give me the reward first. Then we'll talk. Anger 50 No way, pal. No fucking way. 203
Anger 70 I do things by the book. My book. It may seem stupid to you, but it's all we got. So when I ask for a debrief, I want a goddamn debrief! 204
MS18ReillyFastMission Let's skip all the story and get to the point. What do you need? Happy 80 So you're that eager to jump in headfirst, eh? You remind me a lot of some crazy mercs I knew back in the day. 205
Disgust 50 They're all dead now because they were stupid, but suit yourself. 206
Neutral 50 My team is trapped on the roof of the Statesman Hotel in Vernon Square and completely surrounded by Super Mutants. 207
Neutral 50 Their ammo is almost gone, and I have no idea how much longer they have to live. 208
Actually, I get the point. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 209
MS18ReillyNegTrack01 Sorry about being such a jerk, Reilly. Happy 70 It takes a big man to apologize... I respect that. 210
Sad 50 If time wasn't so precious right now, I wouldn't be so on edge either. I need to get help for the rest of the Rangers, and fast. 211
MS18ReillyNegTrack02 I'm not going to bug you anymore. Neutral 50 If time wasn't so precious right now, I wouldn't be so on edge either. I need to get help for the rest of the Rangers, and fast. 212
MS18ReillyNegTrack03 You don't scare me. Disgust 90 Wow, you're really an asshole... you know that? 213
MS18ReillyProposal What did you need from me? Fear 50 Get the Rangers home. Please. That's all I want. I don't care how you do it. 214
MS18ReillyQuestThink I need some time to think about it. Disgust 50 What's to think about? Sigh. 215
Neutral 50 My guys don't have the luxury of time. If you're going to decide, decide soon. Otherwise I'm offering elsewhere. 216
MS18ReillyQuestYes All right. I'll do it. Surprise 50 Whew, I was holding my breath on that one I think. I wasn't sure what you were going to say. 217
Fear 70 All I ask is that you hurry. I don't know how much longer they will be able to survive up there. 218
Neutral 50 I also recommend you try and find the body of Theo, one of my men. He was carrying our main ammo supply. 219
Neutral 50 Here, let me punch the ammo box code and some better directions into your Pip-Boy there. 220
MS18ReillyRewardArmor I'll go for the armor. Happy 70 The armor it is. Wear it with pride, kid. We do. 221
Neutral 50 Consider this place your home away from home. If you're ever in the neighborhood again, you're more than welcome to take shelter here. 222
Happy 70 I guess that does it. See you 'round, kid. 223
MS18ReillyRewardGun The Minigun is more my speed. Happy 70 You got it. Use it well, and take down some more Muties with it for us. 224
Neutral 50 Consider this place your home away from home. If you're ever in the neighborhood again, you're more than welcome to take shelter here. 225
Neutral 50 I guess that does it. See you 'round, kid. 226
MS18ReillyRewardOther Got anything else? Sad 50 Sorry, we need every piece of equipment we've got. I can spare the gun and the armor, but that's about it. 227
MS18ReillyStart01 Not long, fortunately. Neutral 50 Right... can't remember what I was doing. 228
Surprise 100 Wait! Oh shit! 229
Fear 50 My men... my team! What happened to them? 230
MS18ReillyStart02 What difference does it make? Neutral 50 Well, I don't know actually. Kind of confused. 231
Surprise 100 Wait! Oh shit! 232
Fear 50 My men... my team! What happened to them? 233
MS18ReillyStart03 Oh, it's been centuries. The planet is a lush, green paradise once again. Disgust 90 Huh? What the hell are you talking about? That isn't very funny. 234
Disgust 90 If my guys were here, they'd kick your... 235
Surprise 100 Oh shit! My team! What the hell happened? 236
MS18TLAnythingThatWillHelp Can you think of anything that will help me get there? Neutral 50 We have a headquarters not far from here. 237
Neutral 50 If you can make it there, you are welcome to anything you need inside. Just punch in Reilly0247 at the gate. 238
Neutral 50 We have ammo, supplies, you name it. 239
MS18TLColumbiaHeights What can you tell me about Vernon Square? Neutral 50 If I wasn't asking for your help, I'd tell you to stay away. It's thick with Super Mutants. I don't know why. 240
Neutral 50 Butcher, our team medic, has always suspected something is in the area they are looking for or being attracted to. 241
Neutral 50 The only place worse I can think of is the Mall. 242
MS18TLHowDidHappen How did this all happen, Reilly? Neutral 50 We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. 243
Neutral 50 Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover. 244
Neutral 50 Eventually the fight spilled into the Statesman Hotel and we ran all the way to the roof. 245
Neutral 50 I left my guys up there and tried to stealth out but got caught by a Mutie ambush patrol. That was the last thing I remember. 246
MS18TLMoreRangers Tell me more about Reilly's Rangers. Sad 50 There's five of us... oh wait, four now. I almost forgot about Theo. Poor bastard. 247
Neutral 50 Besides myself of course, we have Brick, our heavy weapons specialist, Butcher, our medic and Donovan, our tech. 248
Neutral 50 All of them have been with me for years. I'd trust any of them with my life. 249
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 I've told you everything I can think of. 250


GOODBYE I have to go now. Fear 50 Watch yourself, those ruins are bad ass. 251
I have to go now. Fear 50 Take it easy... I don't want to lose you too. 252
I have to go now. Fear 50 Careful out there. 253
I have to go now. Happy 70 Hope you find what your looking for. 254
I have to go now. Happy 70 Door's always open for you. Come back anytime. 255
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Please give me a status report. 256
HELLO Disgust 50 Sigh. This is a long way from the Statesman Hotel. Why are you still here? 257
HELLO Fear 60 Whoa. Feel woozy. 258
HELLO Anger 50 Why are you just standing around here? My men might be dying! 259
HELLO Neutral 50 Please, don't hang around here... just get out to the Statesman Hotel and rescue my men. 260
HELLO Neutral 50 You're still here? 261
HELLO Disgust 80 I'm busy right now, please leave me alone. 262
HELLO Disgust 80 Can't you just get out of here? 263
HELLO Disgust 80 What the hell do you want? 264
HELLO Happy 70 My place is yours. Kick your feet up and relax. 265
HELLO Happy 70 Grab anything you need. 266
HELLO Happy 70 Feel free to roam around... you're quite welcome in my place. 267