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This is a transcript for dialogue with Donovan.


FFEU56A1 Donovan! What are you doing in these parts? Neutral 50 Tracked you using the Geomapper. Reilly sent me to find you so I could bring you this. 1
FFEU56A2 No problem. What are you doing out here? Neutral 50 Looking for you. I tracked you using your Geomapper. Reilly sent me to find you so I could bring you this. 2
Hey, you can't always count on me to save your ass. Disgust 50 Nice. So that's the thanks I get for coming all this way to bring you this? 3
FFEU56A3 What are you doing, following me? Disgust 20 In a way. I tracked you using your Geomapper. Reilly sent me to find you so I could bring you this. 4
FFEU56B1 I don't know what to say. What do I owe ya? Happy 75 Not a thing. Rangers take care of their own. You watch your ass out here and come back alive! 5
I don't know what to say. What do I owe ya? Disgust 25 Nothing. That's not how it works. But maybe next time you'll think about helping out a fellow Ranger in trouble. 6
FFEU56B2 Wow, thanks! Happy 50 No problem. Once a Ranger, always a Ranger. Take care of yourself! 7
FFEU56B3 Now that's what I call payment. Happy 50 You earned it. Rangers take care of their own. You watch your ass out here and come back alive! 8
Now that's what I call payment. Disgust 25 You earned it... last time. Rangers take care of their own, remember? Alright, I'm out of here. 9
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 You sure know your shit. Ever consider joining the Rangers? I bet Reilly would love to have you on our team. 10
GREETING Happy 70 Remember, if you need anything fixed, look me up at the Ranger Compound. 11
GREETING Anger 70 Move... move! 12
GREETING Happy 60 Hey there. Donovan at your service. You break it, I fix it. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 What can I do you for? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey man, the Butcher wants to see you. He's right over yonder. 15
GREETING Happy 50 Looks like you pulled my fat out of the fire again. Thanks. 16
GREETING Disgust 50 Damn, I could have used your help with those uglies. 17
GREETING Neutral 50 Sorry, gotta get back to the Compound. Come by and visit us when you want to offload some of that data. 18
GREETING Happy 50 Uh oh, you're back. Something need fixing? 19
MS18DonovanEndgameCT01 Nah. I've got things to do. But thanks for the compliment. Neutral 50 Okay, just wanted you to know that I got your back if we ever end up in a firefight again. Anyway, we gotta' split. 20
Happy 70 Oh, if you ever make your way to our headquarters, look me up if you need something fixed. I'd be glad to cut you a deal. 21
MS18DonovanEndgameCT02 That would be great. Maybe I'll speak to Reilly about it. Happy 50 You should. Now that our group is smaller, I'm sure she'll be into adding another Ranger to our ranks. 22
Neutral 50 Anyway, we gotta' split. Oh, if you ever make your way to our headquarters, look me up if you need something fixed. I'd be glad to cut you a deal. 23
MS18DonovanEndgameCT03 Well, since I saved your ass, shouldn't you be joining me? Disgust 70 That's a nice attitude, man. No need to be a dick. 24
Disgust 70 Just forget I said anything. 25
MS18FinBailout Let's discuss something else. Neutral 50 Sounds good. 26
MS18FinTLHowAreThings What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Oh wow, Reilly snapped out of her slump now that you're mapping for the Rangers. 27
Happy 50 Now we go out and kick ass like the old days. Ooh-rah! {Ooh-rah! Is the old army call out slogan. (Ooo ra)} 28
What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Not much really. Reilly is taking it easy for a while until she gets back into shape. She looks ready to rock in my opinion, but I'm no doctor. 29
Neutral 50 I'm kind of itching to get out of here, but she still calls the shots. Something has her spooked. 30
MS18FinTLRepairGateway Yeah, my equipment has seen better days. Neutral 50 Well, let me see what I can do about that. 31
Yeah, my equipment has seen better days. Happy 80 I think we can do something about that. 32
Yeah, my equipment has seen better days. Happy 70 No problem, lemme have a look. 33
MS18TLAmmoLocation Where can I get some more ammo around here? Sad 60 On our way to the roof, one of our guys got scragged. Poor son-of-a-bitch get blown apart by a frag. 34
Neutral 50 I think he went down on the second floor stairwell of this place. You find him, and you'll find his ammo crate. 35
Neutral 50 Ask Butcher for the code though. We lock that stuff so the Muties can't steal what's inside. 36
Where can I get some more ammo around here? Sad 60 We lost a good man on the retreat to this godforsaken roof. Theo. Newest guy in the group too. 37
Neutral 50 He got killed on the second floor stairwell of the hotel. He was carrying our ammo supply with him. 38
Happy 70 Here, let me give you the code. The more ammo we have the better! 39
MS18TLColumbiaHeights What can you tell me about Vernon Square? Disgust 80 All I can tell you is this place sucks. I hope we never have to map another inch of it. 40
MS18TLGotBattery I have a Fission Battery that will fix that express elevator. Neutral 50 Let me have that thing. Give me a few minutes, and I'll have the elevator up and running. 41
Neutral 50 As soon as I get it online, we'll get out of here. 42
MS18TLHeresSomeAmmo Here, I brought you some ammo. Neutral 50 Thanks. I was starting to feel a little naked without it. 43
Here, I brought you some ammo. Disgust 60 Wonderful. What the hell am I going to do with less than 50 shots? That barely fills this puppy up. Come on, kid. 44
MS18TLHowDidYouSurvive How have you guys survived up here? Neutral 50 By the seat of our pants. We are out of everything. Ammo, food and time. 45
Happy 50 I have no idea how we've made it this long, but damn I am glad you got up here. 46
MS18TLWhereIsCell Any clue where I can find a Fission Battery? Neutral 50 Hmmmm. Not really. All I remember is passing that maintenance office on the third floor. 47
Neutral 50 Sorry, we were under fire the whole time. Otherwise, I would have cleaned the place out. 48


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Sure enough. 49
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yep, no problem. 50
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Kick ass. 51
I have to go now. Happy 70 See you again. 52
I have to go now. Happy 70 Come on back soon. 53
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Not bad kid, not bad. 54
HELLO Disgust 30 So, you're the reinforcements, huh? Crazy. 55
HELLO Happy 70 Howdy Ranger! 56
HELLO Happy 70 You saved my ass back there... I won't forget it. 57
HELLO Happy 70 Our savior returns! 58