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Gather, all. May the creator guide my words and help me speak true...

Jason Bright is the non-feral glowing one leader of the Bright Brotherhood at the REPCONN test site in 2281.


A ghoulified survivor of the Great War, Jason claims that his name was "Jason Bright" even before the nuclear devastation struck, which he takes as a proof of his destiny.[1]

Jason states his belief in an entity he calls the creator, from which he declares himself to be the prophet of the "Great Journey." He says the creator has shown him numerous visions of a "sacred place" called the "Far Beyond," where ghouls like himself can find peace and healing, away from the cruel wasteland and the bigotry of its human inhabitants.[2] Espousing these beliefs, Jason has amassed a "flock" of followers who wish to accompany him on the Great Journey, and he welcomes his role as their prophet.[3]

The so-called Great Journey is the way for Jason and his followers to reach the Far Beyond, through a means Jason reveals only to devout followers of his faith.[4] The truth is that he intends to restore a number of REPCONN Aerospace rockets from their test site, which will then fly the flock to the Far Beyond. Jason states that this method is willed by the creator, and thus he acknowledges the potential risks but refuses to change his mind about it.[5][6]

To these ends, Jason and his flock have made much progress towards their Great Journey by working on the rockets. The arrival of Chris Haversam, a human engineer who believes he is a ghoul, has been especially invaluable. Jason initially tried to show him that he was human, but stopped when this agitated Chris. He believes Chris to be a redeemer of the human race, sent by the creator to make up for their acts against ghouls. However, Jason knows that Chris cannot go along on the Great Journey, as the radiation would kill him. He has not told Chris so, saying that the creator has willed for him to keep it — and Chris' status as a human — hidden from him for the time being. He has no malice in this, however, and he would even declare Chris as "Saint of the Great Journey" to ease his pain.[7][8][9]

The greatest disaster to befall the flock since then was an attack by "demons," who struck without warning and killed many of the ghouls. Since then, Jason and his surviving followers have been forced to stay in the upper levels of the REPCONN test site, keeping them from their work. Jason knows that the Great Journey cannot be completed if the "demons" remain in control of the facility, and he hopes for some sign from the creator that their troubles will soon be over.[10]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Come Fly With Me: Jason Bright asks the player character, whom he believes to be another "redeemer" of humanity sent by the creator, to deal with the "demons" in the basement of the REPCONN test site. After they are dealt with, he sends the player character to Chris Haversam to repair the rockets, and when the repairs are complete he will board the rockets with the rest of his followers. Killing Jason will fail the quest.
  • I Could Make You Care: If Veronica is present during the first time the player character speaks to Jason Bright, that will count towards the amount of conversations needed to trigger the quest.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Jason Bright's outfit
Before launch: Space suit and helmet
Plasma Defender


  • Jason's voice is different from other ghouls. Most ghouls speak in a deep, gravelly voice, while Jason speaks in an electronically resonating tone. It is not gravelly in any way, and the only thing that makes it different from a human voice is an artificial echo.
  • Unlike other glowing ones, one will not receive radiation from being near Jason.
  • Unlike normal glowing ones, Jason's skin is still relatively intact despite his condition. Only parts of him (such as his right shoulder and the left side of his skull), are bioluminescent.
  • Jason is very similar to the "Sun of Atom" from Fallout 3, as both are glowing ones that serve as the living symbol of a religion. Even when first meeting him, beams of light crack through the ceiling and make him look even more like a religious figure.
  • His suit is unique and cannot be obtained by reverse pickpocketing or upon his death.
  • If one kills him when in stealth mode, the Bright followers will still attack even if the attack was silenced. Also, they will say some different sentences, like "Jason was our leader!"
  • If Jason witnesses the Courier killing a feral ghoul, he will become hostile. This will also happen with all the other members of his flock.
  • Jason does not wear a space suit even when getting ready for the launch.

Notable quotes[]


Jason Bright appears only in Fallout: New Vegas, and is mentioned by the Courier's brain in Old World Blues.[11]


Fallout: New Vegas[]

Magic: The Gathering[]


  1. The Courier: "Your last name is "Bright?" That's funny."
    Jason Bright: "An auspicious name, don't you think? It was mine before I became as I am now. Before the Great War, even. Truly does the creator author a destiny for each and every one of us..."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What's the "Great Journey"?"
    Jason Bright: "We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland, especially the violence and bigotry of its human inhabitants. The creator has promised to my flock a new land: a place of safety and healing... a paradise in the Far Beyond. Preparations for the Great Journey were nearly complete when the demons appeared."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Jason Bright: "I am Jason Bright, the prophet of the Great Journey. All the ghouls you see here are members of my flock."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "How will you make the "Journey?""
    Jason Bright: "The means by which the Great Journey is to be accomplished are an article of faith, not to be discussed with outsiders."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Are you seriously going to make your "Great Journey" on those rockets?
    Jason Bright: "Yes. The rockets will convey us to our promised land in the Far Beyond. Vision upon vision has confirmed it."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Those rockets will convey you and your flock straight into the ground!"
    Jason Bright: " I understand your concerns, friend, and I thank you for voicing them. But the creator's will for us has been made manifest."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Let's talk about Chris."
    Jason Bright: "After all that you have done for us, I suppose you deserve to know everything... When Chris came to us, we tried to convince him that he was human. But this only angered him. He seemed... lost. We decided to let him stay with us for a few days, over the course of which we learned that his technical skills far surpassed our own. It became clear that the creator had sent him to us, to ensure the success of the Great Journey. Equally clear was that Chris should labor in blessed ignorance of his humanity, and his inability to make the journey himself. It is no coincidence that two humans have been vital to the success of the Great Journey. It is my belief that the creator sent you and Chris to expiate the sins of your kind against mine. You are redeemers both."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "So you're going to leave Chris behind?"
    Jason Bright: "Such is the creator's will. Vision upon vision has shown me that, were Chris to accompany us, he would die in minutes. The radiation around the launch pad alone would kill Chris in minutes. The radioactivity of the Far Beyond is much stronger."
    The Courier: "You've been using Chris. It's despicable."
    Jason Bright: "It is the creator's will, and I must submit. There is no malice in it. We would take him with us if we could."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Well, it's none of my business."
    Jason Bright: " Chris shall be declared the Saint of the Great Journey before we depart. I hope this will ease his sadness..."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Tell me more about these "demons.""
    Jason Bright: "The demons appeared from nowhere... except it might be more accurate to say they never actually "appeared" at all. The demons are invisible. Where one of them stands, the most one sees is the air shimmering, like sunlight on water... They set upon us as we were on our way to worship one morning. We had just entered the basement. My flock fought bravely, and killed a few, but at such cost. Nearly half of us died or went missing. The rest of us retreated up here. One of the demons raved at us, but they have not tried to attack us since. Still, their demonic presence brought all progress towards the Great Journey to a standstill. But now you have come. Once again, the creator has sent a human to help us across a seemingly insurmountable obstacle."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "So, what, you'd rather just stay here? Never leaving that tank of... whatever that stuff is?"
    The Courier's brain: "Well, certainly there might be some things I miss about being ambulatory. We have seen some incredible sights, haven't we? Jason Bright and his followers launching into the vast unknown. HELIOS One coming back on-line. But still, given the tremendous, potentially life-ending peril that went along with those... yes. Yes, I'd rather stay here."
    (The Courier's brain's dialogue)