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The Far Beyond is an unknown area somewhere in the wasteland.


Jason Bright, the leader of the Bright Brotherhood, has been having prophetic visions of the Far Beyond. The area is highly radioactive. This leaves it a place of safety and healing for ghouls,[1] since the radiation would kill any humans that attempt to travel there.[2] Jason plans to lead his flock to the Far Beyond aboard rockets from the REPCONN test site.[3] The rockets were almost ready to launch when a group of Nightkin led by Davison arrived searching for Stealth Boys. The Courier can assist the Brotherhood with the rockets, sending them off on their journey, and even improved the flight trajectory to get them 15% closer to their destination. After the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Bright Brotherhood will return to help the town of Novac, either helping to fortify the town against the NCR[4] or evacuate it from the oncoming Legion.[5]


The Far Beyond is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "What is this Far Beyond?"
    Jason Bright: "I have glimpsed it only in visions, wanderer, but what I have seen is truly miraculous. It is a place of light and healing, and I know in my soul that my flock will be safe there."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "So you're going to leave Chris behind?"
    Jason Bright: "Such is the creator's will. Vision upon vision has shown me that, were Chris to accompany us, he would die in minutes. The radiation around the launch pad alone would kill Chris in minutes. The radioactivity of the Far Beyond is much stronger."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What's the 'Great Journey'?"
    Jason Bright: "We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland, especially the violence and bigotry of its human inhabitants. The creator has promised to my flock a new land: a place of safety and healing... a paradise in the Far Beyond. Preparations for the Great Journey were nearly complete when the demons appeared."
    The Courier: "How will you make the 'Journey?' "
    Jason Bright: "The means by which the Great Journey is to be accomplished are an article of faith, not to be discussed with outsiders."
    The Courier: "Are you seriously going to make your 'Great Journey' on those rockets?"
    Jason bright: "Yes. The rockets will convey us to our promised land in the Far Beyond. Vision upon vision has confirmed it."
    The Courier: "Are these surface-to-surface rockets? Or will they launch you into orbit?"
    Jason Bright: "I understand your concerns, friend, and I thank you for voicing them. But the creator's will for us has been made manifest."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  4. Fallout: New Vegas endings, Novac: "Though Novac was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of Novac's citizens died in its defense. In the weeks that followed, several Bright Followers returned to Novac to help restore its defenses, allowing it to remain independent of the NCR."
  5. Fallout: New Vegas endings, Novac: "During the Legion's attack on Novac, Bright Followers, returning from their long pilgrimage, assisted in its evacuation. Though Novac eventually fell to the Legion, many citizens of Novac were able to escape, alive and intact."