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You ever listen to the Silver Shroud? That's who we need. No matter how bleak things got he'd save the day.Kent Connolly

The Silver Shroud is a side quest in Fallout 4.

Quick walkthrough[]

Side quest: The Silver Shroud 
Listen to Silver Shroud Radio station in or around Goodneighbor
Go to the Memory Den in Goodneighbor.
Talk to Kent Connolly and accept his request. 
Travel to Hubris Comics
Recover the Silver Shroud outfit and hat
Talk to Kent in the Memory Den.
Become the Silver Shroud. 
Reward: ??? caps 
Give the Silver Shroud photo to Kent. 
Reward: 75 caps 
Give the Silver Shroud script to Kent. 
Reward: 125 caps 
Give the Silver submachine gun prop to Kent. 
Reward: 120 caps 
Listen to the Silver Shroud Radio Station in Goodneighbor.
Find, kill, and leave a Silver Shroud calling card as the Silver Shroud on the three murderers Connolly describes. 
Go to the National Guard training yard.
Kill Shelly Tiller
Reward: 500 caps in a dead drop outside Goodneighbor. 
Meet with Hancock as the Silver Shroud. 
Kill Smiling Kate and Northy.
Search their bodies for clues. 
Return to the Memory Den to find Kent gone. 
Listen to the Silver Shroud radio. 
Travel to Milton General Hospital.
Confront Sinjin.
Optional: save Kent. 
Return to Hancock. 
Reward: 450+ XP
750 caps
Silver Shroud costume upgrades (if Kent survives) 

Detailed walkthrough[]

Getting the costume[]

When the player character is close to or in Goodneighbor, they can pick up the Silver Shroud Radio, broadcasting a looping series of old episodes from the pre-War The Silver Shroud radio serial. The "radio station" can be found in the Memory Den in Goodneighbor, in a backroom on the right side of the main floor. There, one finds Kent Connolly, where talking to him starts a conversation first about the player character's view of the Commonwealth after the bombs and then to Kent's plan to bring the character of the Silver Shroud from the airwaves into real life as a crusader of justice protecting Goodneighbor. To complete the look, he asks the player character to find the Silver Shroud costume at the TV production studio in the Hubris Comics building. An orange Charisma check can be passed to get some caps upfront.

Situated slightly northeast of Trinity Tower and west of Boston Common, the building is easily identifiable by the large Unstoppables billboard on the roof. The three-story building is infested on every floor with feral ghouls, including a glowing one on the top floor. There are a few additional memorabilia items that can be retrieved for bonus rewards: on the second floor, a Silver Shroud photo can be found in a corner reception room in a nearby display case next to a baseball bat and ball. A Silver Shroud script can be found on the third floor next to the producer's terminal. On the top floor, in the studio behind the backdrop where the glowing one resides, the Silver submachine gun prop can be found. The Silver Shroud costume is set on a mannequin in front of the backdrop. Take it and then either return to the first-floor door or use the nearby roof access to return to Goodneighbor and Kent.

Back at the Memory Den, Kent will hand over the agreed reward, plus a little extra for the above memorabilia (up to 320 additional caps for all three). He then offers to modify the costume for the player character themselves to become the Silver Shroud and protect the innocent in his stead. One can decline the offer at this point, which will leave the quest incomplete with the objective "Talk to Kent."

Hero work[]

If the offer is accepted, the quest continues as Kent gives the modified Silver Shroud armor, the Silver Shroud hat, his custom silver submachine gun, some Silver Shroud calling cards to leave on enemies' bodies after killing them, and a few stimpaks with an orange Charisma check. To start the crusading, Kent instructs the player character to listen to Silver Shroud Radio station while in Goodneighbor and he'll point out any "bad guys" to find. Using the silver submachine gun is not required for the quest, however, it is necessary to wear the Silver Shroud armor to get the unique "Speak as Shroud" dialogue options for the duration of the quest (the hat is also optional).

While in Goodneighbor, listening to the radio points to the first target, a murderer named Wayne Delancy, located behind the Hotel Rexford. Wayne is not immediately hostile and therefore can be spoken to as the Shroud. One will have the option of asking Wayne about the murder, which Wayne will happily confess to. The confession can also be coerced by simply threatening him. Regardless of the approach, Wayne must be killed and a Silver Shroud calling card be left on his corpse to continue.

Listening to the radio again, the next target is a chem peddler named AJ, located near Bobbi No-Nose's place, who is accused of dealing children. AJ has two bodyguards with him, but he and his party are not immediately hostile. AJ gives the option to take a bribe to leave him alone. One can either speak as the Shroud, threaten to kill AJ, or accept the bribe (50, 75, 90 or 200 caps) depending on the difficulty of the Charisma checks passed. Good-natured companions like Piper Wright or Nick Valentine will dislike the latter, however. When AJ is killed, a calling card must be left on the corpse to proceed.

Once AJ has been handled, the radio will declare the next target is Kendra, a notorious assassin. To find her, Kent directs the player character to Whitechapel Charlie in the Third Rail. The barkeep will ask for money, but speaking as the Shroud twice or passing a yellow Charisma check will convince him to give the info for free, with Charlie advising that she can be found in the Water Street apartments just south of Goodneighbor. The apartments are occupied by raiders on the first floor. At the top of the stairs to the second floor, there is a hallway that has been laced with mines and a machine gun turret at the far end. Through the doorway to the right at the end of the hallway, Kendra is waiting. She will tell the player character they are in over their heads before attacking. Once killed, on her inventory, Kendra has a contract to kill Shelly Tiller at the National Guard training yard, which becomes an optional objective to carry out the contract and earn some additional caps; doing this will also incurs dislikes from good-natured companions. Leave the calling card on the assassin's body and return to Goodneighbor.

Saving Kent[]

Kent then reveals over the radio that John Hancock wants to meet with the Silver Shroud. Enter the Old State House where Hancock is in his office on the second floor. He will task the player character with taking down Northy and Smiling Kate, two members of the gang working under Sinjin, an up-and-coming raider boss. One can pass a couple of Charisma checks, but neither can be done as the Shroud. Doing so has no negative effects; however, an additional 50 caps are given upfront for the job.

Smiling Kate can be found slightly southwest of Bunker Hill; upon getting close, one can overhear her plotting with some of Sinjin's men to directly go after their enemy, the Silver Shroud. None of them are immediately hostile, so it is possible to talk with her as the Shroud. Her party turns hostile once this dialogue has been completed or the player character assaults them. Northy can be found near Prospect Hill, but due to his extreme paranoia, all of his bodyguards are immediately hostile.

Once both parties have been eliminated, leave a calling card on the corpse of either Kate or Northy. Whoever is killed last will be a holotape on their body, revealing that Sinjin knows about Kent and plans to find him at the Memory Den. When one returns to Goodneighbor, Irma is waiting in the Den distraught; armed raiders arrived before they did and took Kent. She will not be happy if one responds like the Shroud. Listening to Silver Shroud Radio reveals that Sinjin kidnapped Kent and issues a challenge to the Shroud to come and save him at the gang's stronghold in Milton General Hospital. If Irma has been killed before reaching this stage in the quest, one will not be able to talk to her in order to continue the quest, however, going directly to the hospital will allow the quest to proceed as normal.

Outside of Milton General Hospital, there may be super mutants including a suicider or two hanging around the adjacent locations. It is recommended to save right before entering the building and be sure to be wearing the Shroud armor as several bugs have been reported which cause Kent to be killed prematurely.

The multi-story hospital is littered with raiders and traps, with the objective set to reaching the building's basement by following a winding path that intersects between the floors. It is recommended to save again before taking the last elevator to confront Sinjin.

Upon reaching the hospital basement where Sinjin, his right-hand Avery, and two other raiders are situated along with a bound Kent, concluding the standoff can be accomplished through several options:

  • Direct - Attack Sinjin from the elevator, before any conversation or interaction occurs. Once he is dead, the raiders will attack the Sole Survivor instead of Kent. However this can (and most likely will) still result in Kent being killed immediately after Sinjin's death, particularly if one uses an automatic weapon.
  • Stealth - A stealth approach is possible but highly dangerous. If Sinjin detects the player character at any time, then they escape detection again, he will yell "You're not walking away from this!", kill Kent, then turn hostile. If Sinjin is killed with a stealth headshot, the unnamed raiders will turn and kill Kent, starting with the one to the left of the elevator. Avery is the only person not scripted to kill Kent, but commonly strafes behind him while shooting, inadvertently killing him in the process.
    • It is still entirely possible to kill Sinjin and the two raiders before they kill Kent, although their reaction time makes it effectively impossible without using Jet and a weapon with high damage per shot.
  • Intimidation - A red Charisma check will get Sinjin's gang to flee in fear. However, this method will cause Sinjin to immediately target Kent. If playing on Survival mode it could be difficult for some characters to defeat Sinjin before he has a chance to kill Kent.
  • Pacify - If one has a high Charisma and the Intimidation perk, it is possible to pacify Sinjin and his bodyguards on exiting the elevator, before the dialogue options appear. After choosing option 1 or 2 above they will not target Kent, especially if turning the bodyguards against each other. This leaves Sinjin as a target.
  • Persuade - Another red Charisma check can make Sinjin and his gang target the player character instead of Kent.
  • Beg - Sinjin can be asked to spare Kent, but he just kills Kent immediately. However, it is possible to kill Sinjin before he kills Kent with a sufficiently powerful weapon and headshots in V.A.T.S.
  • Kill Kent - Upon exiting the elevator, the player character can kill Kent themselves before talking to Sinjin. This triggers unique dialogue where Sinjin and his gang panic. Wearing the Shroud will further allow another unique dialogue where the player can turn Sinjin's gang to their side.
  • Silver Shroud - Choose the "Speak as Shroud" option all three times, which results in every raider except Sinjin, including Avery running away and become pacified. However, Sinjin alone will become hostile and immediately target and kill Kent if he's not killed fast enough in turn. If one attempts to talk to Avery or the other two raiders after, they will say they did not want to work for Sinjin anyway.

Once Sinjin and his goons are defeated, should Kent not be killed, he expresses regret at trying to change the world but can be convinced to continue to continue helping the Silver Shroud shortly afterwards. Next, one must speak to Hancock, either back at the Old State House or immediately after saving Kent if he was brought as a companion. If he was convinced to help, Kent says that he will work up another job for the Silver Shroud later (see Notes), and the quest completes.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
25 Talk with Kent ConnollySomeone named Kent Connolly is calling all Silver Shroud fans for an "urgent mission." If I want to check it out he's at the Memory Den.
100 Get the Silver Shroud costumeA ghoul named Kent Connolly wants to play caped crusader as the Silver Shroud. But he's missing a genuine Silver Shroud costume which can be found at a local Hubris Comics.
200 Give Kent the Silver Shroud costumeI found Kent's costume in a feral-infested comic book store. He'll pay handsomely if I bring it to him.
390 Talk with Kent - Quest rejected; option to returnSo Kent Connolly wants me to pretend to be the Silver Shroud. I shot the idea down. If I change my mind I'm sure if I drop by the Memory Den he'll welcome me back with open arms.
400 Listen to Silver Shroud station in GoodneighborSo Kent's going to use his radio station like a police scanner. I'm supposed to wear the costume, patrol Goodneighbor's streets, tune in, and fight crime. What could go wrong?
410 Talk with Whitechapel CharlieSo it sounds like I'm targeting another psychopath - an assassin named Kendra. Whitechapel Charlie at the Third Rail can help me track her down. Costume optional.
420 Kill Kendra
430 Put calling card on Kendra's bodyWhitechapel Charlie backed up Kent's tale about Kendra. With some persuasion the bartender gave up her whereabouts. Water Street Apartments. Deal with her then leave my patented calling card.
440 Listen to Silver Shroud station
442 (Optional) Assassinate Shelly Tiller
445 (Optional) Collect assassination payment
450 Deal with AJAJ is a chem dealer who has been peddling his garbage to kids. So Kent wants the Silver Shroud to strike again. And leave another calling card.
480 Put calling card on AJ's bodyThe AJ situation is dealt with. Let's see what Kent has next with his little radio station.
500 Kill Wayne DelancyApparently Wayne Delancy is a low-life who murdered a mother and her kid. Kent wants me to deal out some Silver Shroud justice then leave a calling card on his corpse.
590 Put calling card on Wayne's bodyWayne Delancy's dead. So time to listen in on Kent's radio station for my next assignment.
598 Talk with Hancock
599 Listen to Silver Shroud station in Goodneighbor
600 Meet Hancock as the ShroudSo Hancock wants to meet the Silver Shroud. I wonder how he feels about me killing people on his streets?
700 Kill Smiling Kate and NorthyHancock informed me that a dangerous raider named Sinjin is planning revenge against the Shroud. If I deal with Smiling Kate and Northy, hopefully I can find Sinjin's whereabouts.
800 Kate Dead
900 Northy dead
950 Search the body for clues
1000 Find KentSinjin's heading to Goodneighbor to pay a "special" visit to Kent. I need to get to the Memory Den quickly. Kent is in trouble.
1100 Listen to Silver Shroud station
1200 Kill SinjinSinjin's kidnapped Kent and is holding him hostage at Milton General Hospital. He's setting a trap for the Silver Shroud. He's going to get more than he bargained for.
1303 Meet with Hancock as the Shroud - Kent deadSinjin's been dealt with but Kent didn't make it. But Mayor Hancock's job was to kill Sinjin, so I'm still owed a reward.
1359 Talk with KentSinjin's down and Kent's been saved. I should check in on him. Kent looks pretty rattled.
1360 Meet with Hancock as the ShroudAfter being tortured by Sinjin, Kent was understandably rattled. But he's alive and heading back to Goodneighbor. I should do the same. Hancock promised me a reward.
1400Quest finishedQuest completeA very dangerous man, Sinjin, has been dealt with. The legend of the Silver Shroud lives on. I wonder what Kent would've thought of it all.
1425Quest finishedQuest completeSo Kent and I dealt with an evil gang and its boss, Sinjin. Not bad work for the Silver Shroud. Kent's working on a special project just for me. He'll fire up the radio station when it's done.
9000Quest failedQuest Failed

Companion reactions[]

Kent Connolly
Tell Kent the Commonwealth is a nightmareLikeNo reactionDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesLikeDislikesNo reactionNo reactionLikeLoveNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Kent there is a glimmer of hope among the chaosDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeDislikesLikeLikeNo reactionLikeDislikesNo reactionNo reaction
Speak in support of Kent bringing the Silver Shroud to lifeDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeDislikesLikeLikeDislikesLikeHatesNo reactionNo reaction
Call Kent nuts when he speaks about bringing the Silver Shroud to lifeLikeDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesLikeDislikesDislikesLikeDislikesLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Humor Kent when he speaks about bringing the Silver Shroud to lifeNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionDislikesNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionDislikesDislikesNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Telling Kent the Sole Survivor will keep the costume for themselvesLikeDislikesDislikesNo reactionDislikesNo reactionLikeDislikesDislikesLikeDislikesDislikesNo reactionNo reaction
Telling Kent to believe in himself after the costume has been retrievedDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeDislikesLikeLikeDislikesLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Ask AJ for a bribeLikeDislikesDislikesHatesDislikesDislikesLikeDislikesDislikesNo reactionDislikesLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Accept AJ's bribeLikeDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesLikeHatesHatesDislikesHatesLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Threaten AJ as Shroud when bribedDislikesLikeLikeLikeLoveLikeLikeLikeLoveLikeLikeDislikesNo reactionNo reaction
Tell AJ that you'll walk awayDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesLikeDislikesDislikesNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Kendra that Wayne got what was coming to himLikeDislikesDislikesDislikesNo reactionLikeLikeNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Speak as the ShroudDislikesLikeDislikesNo reactionLikeNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Hancock that Sinjin is "his problem, not yours"No reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionDislikesNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Hancock that you are "up for some community service"No reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Kill Kent to scare SinjinNo reactionHatesHatesLike*Dislike*HatesHatesHatesHatesLoveHatesLikeDislikesNo reaction
Tell Sinjin that the player character doesn't care about KentLikeDislikesDislikesDislikesHatesHatesLikeHatesDislikesLikeHatesNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Sinjin that having friends is not a weaknessDislikesLikeLoveLikeLikeLikeDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Speak as the Shroud after Sinjin threatens to kill KentDislikesLikeLikeLikeLoveLoveLikeLikeLoveLoveLikeDislikesNo reactionNo reaction
Ask Sinjin to spare KentDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeNo reactionLikeLikeNo reactionLoveNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Scare Sinjin's men after Sinjin threatens to kill KentLoveDislikesDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeNo reactionLikeLoveNo reactionLoveNo reactionNo reaction
Keep Kent aliveNo reactionLikeLikeDislikesNo reactionLoveNo reactionLoveLoveLikeLoveNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Kent to keep fightingDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeDislikesLikeNo reactionDislikesLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Tell Kent to retireLikeNo reactionNo reactionDislikesLikeNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
* Will also hate it due to it being murder.


  • After announcing Wayne DeLancey's location, the door to Kent's room becomes locked and inaccessible until after finding the holotape on Northy/Smiling Kate.
  • Hancock has two different versions of the dialogue where he warns the player character about Sinjin. If he is available as a companion, it will default to the second version, which is shorter and assumes he has been traveling with the player character to kill Kent's targets even if he has not. Hancock's affinity can only be affected by the second dialogue, despite the responses being similar to those in the first version, and even if this dialogue is carried out in a settlement full of the other companions. Further, to initiate the dialogue and continue the quest, Hancock must be the active companion, then selecting "Talk," thus the first version can never be obtained if The Big Dig has advanced far enough. Talking to Hancock as the Shroud is only possible in the first version.
    • Furthermore, if one has already completed The Big Dig and refused Hancock as a companion, he will not provide the dialogues necessary to complete The Silver Shroud. Upon trying to talk to him, he will only prompt the player character to let him travel with them. In order to complete this quest, one will have to accept him as a companion or use console commands.
  • Nick and Curie may be sent to the Memory Den in accordance with Dangerous Minds and Emergent Behavior (which the latter requires the former to be completed also, but Nick will remain in the Den until he is spoken to). Since they share reactions to dialogue with Kent, it is possible to affect both of their affinities together via dialogue. This is one of the few quest scenarios where the affinity of multiple characters can be affected at once.
  • To keep the memorabilia, return to Hubris Comics and collect it after Kent returns the suit, or refuse Kent's initial offer to take the suit.
  • There is a Novice locked safe in the building Northy is waiting at.
  • A hidden perk called "True Hero" that increases Luck by 1 point is associated with this quest. It is not used anywhere, however. Cut content
  • After completing the quest, Silver Shroud Radio will become inactive in the Pip-Boy, except if Kent survives to the completion of the quest. He will contact the player character and offer to upgrade the Silver Shroud costume to provide armor bonuses. He will do this a maximum of three times at character level 25, 35, and 45. The bonuses acquired each time are:
    • Shroud Costume: Reduces damage from humans by 15% - Agi: +1/Per: +1 / Wgt: 7
    • Lvl 25: 57 Ballistic, 57 Energy, 0 Radiation
    • Lvl 35: 70 Ballistic, 70 Energy, 0 Radiation
    • Lvl 45: 87 Ballistic, 87 Energy, 0 Radiation
      • Once the last of these upgrades has been received, the radio will then no longer broadcast.
  • It is not required to place the Silver Shroud calling cards on the bodies of Smiling Kate, Northy and Sinjin.

Behind the scenes[]

The quest was primarily designed by Ferret Baudoin, while lead designer Emil Pagliarulo came up with the character of the Silver Shroud and wrote the in-game radio plays.[1] Ryan Jenkins also worked on level design for the quest.[2]


  • PCPC Entering the hospital with Targeting HUD enabled may cause the raiders to execute him instantly, failing that part of the quest. Unequipping the modded helmet until Kent is safe will avert the issue while allowing the use of other power armor throughout the hospital.[verified]
  • PCPC On rare occasions the quest dialogue with Kent will not start. It can be fixed by going to Hotel Rexford and sleeping for a night.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One On rare occasions, the quest will stop progressing after one has killed AJ. The next objective is to listen to the Silver Shroud radio in Goodneighbor, but the radio will only broadcast the regular episodes. This problem can be fixed by independently locating and killing Kendra. She will be non-hostile even if all the raiders in the building have been killed. The Sole Survivor can talk to her, and she will become hostile after that.[verified]
  • PCPC After killing Kendra, if her body is moved by holding E, the option to leave the Silver Shroud calling card will bug out. You can move forward with the console command SetStage 00027556 599.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Hancock will stop the progression of the quest with a Deal with Bobbi loop if the player character spared or killed Bobbi after The Big Dig quest and refused Hancock to be a companion on "Meet with Hancock as the Shroud". This can be fixed by adding Hancock as a companion, and then talking to him as the companion.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One After saving Kent from Sinjin, he may become stuck in the hospital in the same location he was held prisoner. Speaking to Kent about the upgrades before he returns to Goodneighbor is a possible cause. Kent will still upgrade the armor after his radio broadcast airs, but the player character will have to fight through whatever spawns in the hospital to get to him. A possible fix is pushing him into the elevator (crouching makes pushing him to go a lot faster) and then going up a floor (though just leaving him there might also work). He'll walk himself back to Goodneighbor after that, meeting the player character along with Hancock.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One The player character may not be able to trigger the quest dialogue with Hancock if he is an available companion. A possible fix is to make Hancock the active companion and equip the Silver Shroud outfit. Quest dialogue starts after using "Talk" choice. Using console commands can skip the dialogue, too.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 "Search body for clues" may not check off after searching Northy's body leaving the player character with a quest blip over his body. However, the player character may progress through the rest of the quest regardless.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 After killing Kendra (and optionally Shelly) one will be tasked with listening to Silver Shroud Radio for an update. It's possible that this update won't actually play, and the quest will be perpetually stuck. Use the console command setstage MS04 600 to advance to the stage immediately after hearing the broadcast, which is to meet with Hancock.[verified]
  • PCPC Xbox OneXbox One If one cannot finish the quest by talking to Hancock after having killed Sinjin, use the console command setstage MS04 1400.[verified]
  • PCPC After killing Wayne Delancy and leaving the calling card on his corpse, Kent may not inform the player character of the next target over the radio and the quest objective will not change from "Listen to Silver Shroud radio." This can be fixed by finding AJ and killing him. This causes the quest to continue as normal.[verified]
    • A similar situation can arise if one turns off the radio during Kent's radio message (There's a point in the middle where it sounds like the message is over). Both situations can be progressed past by using the console command setstage MS04 450 which sets the quest stage to the one after hearing the message. This, as opposed to just finding and killing AJ, allows for initiating the dialogue with him.
  • PCPC Upon entering the hospital Kent is killed instantly. This may be prevented if the player leaves their power armor prior to entering. This is due to a known bug in which the targeting HUD, if installed in power armor helmets, will turn some neutral mobs hostile, including Sinjin's bodyguards.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Clearing Milton General Hospital before the Silver Shroud quests can cause the hospital interior to respawn with robots in addition to the raiders. Upon exiting the second elevator, the robots and raiders will become hostile towards each other, causing Kent to be killed before the player has a chance to reach him. By utilizing the advanced locked door on the first floor, the player may be able to avoid this outcome. On PC, the console command tai can be used to temporarily disable enemy AI before entering the hospital, and turning it back on when reaching Sinjin.[verified]
    • Another fix for this bug is to use a suit of power armor equipped with a Jetpack modification, and then enter the hole in the hallway ceiling, from there both Protectrons can be destroyed and the quest can continue like normal.
    • A similiar fix can be achieved by placing a set of power armor under the hole and using the geometry to jump up on top of it.
  • PCPC Picking up the holotape off Northy's body and trying to listen to it while still in combat will cause the 'You cannot use this in combat' message to appear and the "Search the body for clues" marker to now follow the player until the quest is finished.[verified]
  • PCPC After speaking to Irma about Kent's kidnapping, the objective will update to "Listen to Silver Shroud station." This objective disappears after one saves and reloads, even if it has not yet been completed.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 If the player can choose Hancock as a follower the quest stops if Hancock isn't the follower.[verified]
  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 When the player character proceeds to kill one of the targets, sometimes they will place the card too fast, and the game bugs and does not continue the quest. One can fix this by just continuing on from the quest instead of bothering about that part.



  1. Emil Pagliarulo on Twitter: "I created the character of the Silver Shroud, wrote all the radio plays. Most of the quest was done by designer Ferret Baudoin."
  2. Ryan Jenkins on Twitter: "Ferret and I worked together on the Silver Shroud quest for Fallout 4. He was incredibly receptive to my ideas and a joy to work with. He greeted everyone with a smile and was a joyous addition to the design team at Bethesda.
    The world is a little less bright without him in it"