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The Quantum Stag is a side quest in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Manwell Rifle Set."


This quest is a simple 'follow the leader' quest that will guide the player character across a small area near Outpost Zimonja, starting at a house by the railroad tracks. Upon taking the note at the house, the player must follow a trail of Quantum splatters on the ground until they reach a hunting camp with another note. Once the player takes the note and Manwell rifle, they will be guided to a nearby pond with a few irradiated barrels nearby. Pour a bottle of concentrated Nuka Quantum into the pond, then hide in a nearby brush and wait for the Quantum radstag to appear. Once it appears, the player character can either kill it or feed it the second bottle of concentrated Quantum and send it to a settlement to end the quest.

If spared, the Quantum radstag will be marked as a settler. Killing the Quantum radstag in a settlement will cause any nearby settlers to turn hostile, and companions will give the usual reactions that they would if one killed a normal settler.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
5 West of Outpost Zimonja I found a note left by a hunter. Evidently he and his son were hunting a Quantum Radstag at a nearby pond. I found the corpse of the hunter and some bait for the stag. Beside him was a trail of quantum blood. I can follow it to find the stag.
10 Investigate the area west of Outpost ZimonjaThe northern part of the Commonwealth has always been full of dense forests and wildlife. While the trees are barren, perhaps there's still some game worth hunting.
20 Search the hunter's bodyWest of Outpost Zimonja I found a note left by a hunter. Evidently he and his son were hunting a Quantum Radstag at a nearby pond.
30 Follow the trail of QuantumI found the corpse of the hunter and some bait for the stag. Beside him was a trail of quantum blood. I can follow it to find the stag.
50 Investigate the hunter's campWhile tracking the beast, I found the camp of the hunter's son.
55 Pick up the hunter's rifleApparently the stag's watering hole is nearby, at a pond just north of the camp.
60 Pour the Concentrated Quantum into the pond
70 Hide in the brushApparently the stag's watering hole is nearby, at a pond just north of the camp.
80 Wait for the Quantum RadstagFollowing the trail, I tracked the beast down to his watering hole, and filled it with the hunter's bait.
90Quest finishedKill the Quantum RadstagFollowing the trail, I tracked the beast down to his watering hole, and filled it with the hunter's bait before hiding in the brush. The Quantum Stag then took the bait and I was able to kill it.
100Quest finished(Optional) Feed the radstag more QuantumNot wanting to harm the stag, instead of killing the beast I fed the animal more Concentrated Quantum.


  • Preston Garvey, Codsworth, and Curie all like giving concentrated Nuka-Cola Quantum to the Quantum radstag.
  • After looting the stag hunter's corpse, one can go directly to the hunter's campsite.


  • PCPC If a settler vs. raider random encounter happens near the stag hunter's corpse, a settler or raider may take the Manwell carbine. Pickpocketing or killing the NPC who took the gun will allow the player to continue the quest. If one does not kill or pickpocket the NPC with the Manwell carbine, the gun may disappear from the game, rendering the quest impossible to complete.[verified]
  • PCPC If the hunter's body is approached out of quest order, or if the body is not investigated the moment the quest progresses, the quest can break and cease progressing past "Search the Stag Hunter's Body" even after the body is searched.[verification overdue]
    • To move forward, use the console command setstage FEXXX8B9 30 to continue. To get the proper form ID, use Wrye Bash to identify the index for ccsbjfo4002_manwellrifle.esl.

