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It would also prevent it from going to Higgs Village and taking up residence there. With my teddy bears.Doctor Dala, arguing to allow the Courier to reside in The Think Tank

Higgs Village is a location in Big MT in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


Prior to the Think Tank's undergoing the procedure to extract and implant their brains into robotic shells, the human scientists resided in the private cul-de-sac of Higgs Village, with one residence for each individual.[1] Following the discarding of their organic shells, the Think Tank abandoned the village to reside entirely within the Think Tank.


Situated slightly to the east of the X-2 transmitter antenna array in the cardinal south side of Big MT, the exterior of the location consists of a large warehouse with a single entryway on the north face. The dirt-trodden path leading up to it is often occupied by lobotomites.

Inside the warehouse exterior, there are a total of six residences, each with their own specific numerical designation:

House #00[]

Upon entering, there is a Securitron Mk I on the left with scrap metal and scrap electronics found around it. Upstairs is another Securitron with additional scrap. The Recipes - Repair skill book can be found by turning right just before entering the room furthest to the left and then looking at the lower shelf on the computer equipment. In the left room, on top of a computer terminal, is the Audio Sample - Giant Tarantula. On top of the house are two syringes of Med-X and one stimpak; the roof can be reached by jumping from the catwalk surrounding the village onto the roof. The house belonged to Dr. 0, as evidenced by the house number and a large number of broken robots strewn about. The same portrait of Mr. House seen at the House Resort is in the kitchen with knives stabbed through Mr. House's head, upper torso and groin.

House #101[]

To the left side of the building is a dead shrub with a Nuka-Cola Victory hidden under it. Directly behind the house against the white picket fence is a metal box with assorted items. Upstairs in the bathroom is a first aid box and two packs of Mentats on the shelf to the left. The middle room contains the Sink Project: Book Chute holotape on a desk and Dr. Klein's glove on the shelf to the right of the door. Upon entering the bedroom is a wardrobe on the right with Dr. Klein's scrubs on it, as well as a picture that appears to be Tranquility Lane. In the bedroom, there is another pack of Mentats and a bottle of wine. The presence of the glove and the scrubs indicate that the house was owned by Dr. Klein. Strewn about the place are many wine bottles as well.

House #102[]

Computer monitors and equipment litter the house. Recipes - Science skill book is located upstairs on the right upon entering the bedroom, along with packs of Mentats. Next to the desk, just outside of the bedroom, are two more packs of Mentats. There is an ice cold Nuka-Cola in the kitchen on the floor next to a bucket just to the right of the door. Behind the house are a wooden crate next to the picnic table and metal crates in the corner to the left with random loot inside. On the picnic table, there is another skeleton, and two bottles of beer. On the roof is a skeleton sitting on a chair with two beers, a "Big MT" metal crate and an Average-locked footlocker (accessible by jumping roof to roof from the entrance). The house is presumed to have been owned by Mobius, since he has a Mentat addiction, and there is a large amount inside. Another hint that the house was owned by Mobius is that the left monitor of the two located to the left upon entering the house is dirty and broken, while the right one is fresh and new, mimicking Mobius' own eye monitors.

House #103[]

In the backyard is a rocket playset with a Nuka-Cola Quartz inside, as well as a dog house to the right of it for a dog named Gabe, who Dr. Borous mentions when the Courier speaks with him in the Think Tank. With the Wild Wasteland trait, there is a tiny deathclaw named Stripe here. To the right, behind the house is a skeleton with two packs of Mentats lying next to it. On the left side, several broc flowers can be found.

Inside, there is a multitude of empty birdcages. Upstairs in the bedroom on the floor is a knife stuck into a piece of paper with "Dad" written on it. On the perch in the green cage on the desk is a key for Borous' basement. Recipes - Medicine skill book can also be found on the desk. Downstairs towards the kitchen is the basement door with a lock on it (Very Hard). In front of the basement door, lying on the floor, is a pack of Mentats.

Upon entering after picking the lock (or using the key) and heading down is a gruesome sight. It appears that Dr. Borous liked to dissect animals and stab things into the faces and bodies of teddy bears. Inside one of the locked cages is a teddy bear with butter knives stuck into it. On the shelf in the back is a Ripper.

House #104[]

Upstairs, teddy bears sit in for spectators in the sexually charged, fashion-centric house, complete with broken mirrors, mannequins and cameras. The hallway is transformed into a runway stage with teddy bears as the audience. The bedroom features a similar theme, with more standing mirrors, a canopy bed with three floor-to-ceiling poles and a variety of costumes.

In the hall, on top of the radio, there is the Speech skill book holotape. In the bedroom, there are lots of pre-War clothes including sexy sleepwear. Downstairs in the kitchen are seven bottles of wine.

Behind the house are stairs to a catwalk. On the catwalk, there are multiple containers to search through. There is also a duffle bag on the roof wedged against the tree containing a number of chems and alcohol. Due to her obsession with teddy bears and human anatomy, this house is likely to have belonged to Dr. Dala.

House #108[]

The kitchen has eight coffee mugs and plates precisely lined up in what appears to be the work of obsessive compulsion. Upstairs in the office, there is the Sink Project: Jukebox holotape on top of some paperwork on the desk, which is needed for the All My Friends Have Off Switches quest. In the locked suitcase (Hard) under the bed are some stacks of pre-War money and an Audio Sample - Opera Singer holotape on the night stand.

Almost unique in all of the Mojave, there is what appears to be the sound of a pendulum clock ticking, suggesting the house might actually have a working clock, the other being inside the Goodsprings General Store.

Outside, on the right side of the house, there is xander root growing in a planter. There is also a wooden crate with a skeleton behind the house and a pack of Mentats. The house belongs to Dr. 8, as it was mentioned by him, and by Muggy in the ending. It is also suggested by the eight paintings and eight clocks on the walls of the living room. Furthermore, there are eight coffee mugs and spoons, along with eight dinner plates and forks, in the kitchen, eight drinking glasses in the upstairs office, eight ham radios in various states of repair scattered throughout the house, and eight intercom panels both installed and lying on the floor or furniture. In a departure from this pattern, there are a total of fourteen green handheld radio units.

Central fountain[]

The fountain is the center of Higgs Village. Initially, the fountain is inactive and can be activated by starting the weather test inside the X-17 meteorological station. There are several bottle caps in the fountain, along with a super stimpak.

Notable loot[]

House #00[]

House #101[]

House #102[]

House #103[]

House #104[]

House #108[]

Related quests[]


  • A scene in the announcement trailer showed that the X-42 giant robo-scorpion may have originally been intended to be placed in the village.
  • In house #00, there is a poster for the Museum of Technology from Fallout 3 on the second floor in the room with the computers and monitors.
  • The warehouse exterior's big hangar door cannot be accessed. The entrance is on the catwalk next to it.
  • Both catwalks on opposite sides of the warehouse can be used to jump onto the houses' rooftops.
  • The dead Securitrons will disappear from house #00 upon entering it a second time.
  • The X-17 meteorological station contains a small replica of the village for its weather test.
  • It is sometimes possible to swim up the fountain after activating it at the X-17 meteorological station. It is also possible to temporarily "float" above ground while swimming away.
  • If the weather test is left on at the X-17 meteorological station, there will be water in the fountain, but it cannot be consumed.
  • There are a large number of pre-War books and damaged books here that can be used with the Book Chute to create blank books for the creation of skill books. One can also use the Voracious Reader perk to create blank magazines for the creation of skill magazines.
  • There is an abundance of coffee mugs that can be brought to Muggy to break down.
  • The queen-sized beds in houses #101 and #103 give the Well Rested benefit, while none of the other beds in Higgs Village do.
  • The outsides of the houses are classified as an outside location. Perks that require the player character to be outside, such as Solar Powered, will function here, as will the Big Mountain Transportalponder!
  • The village's design bears a strong resemblance to Tranquility Lane from Fallout 3, both having six houses enclosing a cul-de-sac and fountain, both being used in some kind of experiment/testing, as well as the layout of the interiors in each house being very similar.
  • Only houses #101 and #00 have bathrooms.
  • Despite the houses being double windowed on the outside, inside there is only one window on either side of the door.
  • The numbers on the outside of Dr. 0's house were originally supposed to be #000, but apparently, one of the zeros fell off the door (indicated by the two white zeros and the one empty space).
  • House #108 has a speaker above its front door, unlike any of the others.


Higgs Village appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

Behind the scenes[]

The location's name is derived from theoretical physicist Peter Higgs who originally proposed the existence of a field that would utilize weak symmetry in the fundamental forces to allow massive objects. As a side effect of this "Higgs field," a particle many are familiar with, the Higgs Boson, was theorized. As of March 14, 2013, CERN essentially confirmed the existence of the Higgs Boson and leading to Higgs receiving the Nobel Prize in physics. Peter Higgs passed away on April 8, 2024, at the age of 94.

  • The rediscovery of the Higgs boson particle, and by proxy the Higgs field that ended up solidifying Peter Higgs as a household name in science, didn't happen before 2012, a year after the release of Old World Blues in 2011.



  1. The Courier: "I'll head out, then, and be back with these... things."
    Doctor Dala: "It would also prevent it from going to Higgs Village and taking up residence there. With my teddy bears. And it would be nice to have it so... close."
    (Doctor Dala's dialogue)