Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Xander root is a consumable item in Fallout: New Vegas.


Xander root is commonly found growing around trails, rocks, and around the mouths of caves as well as in the open desert. It is visible via a tall green stalk, the root partially protruding out of the ground. Once collected, xander root can be used in the crafting of both healing powder and stimpaks. The roots will regrow after being harvested.

Survival skill effect[]

SkillEffectHardcore effect
10+1 Hit Point for 5s-6 Starvation 
20+1 Hit Point for 5s-7 Starvation 
30+1 Hit Point for 5s-8 Starvation 
40+1 Hit Point for 5s-9 Starvation 
50+2 Hit Point for 5s-10 Starvation 
60+2 Hit Point for 5s-11 Starvation 
70+2 Hit Point for 5s-12 Starvation 
80+2 Hit Point for 5s-13 Starvation 
90+2 Hit Point for 5s-14 Starvation 
100+3 Hit Point for 5s-15 Starvation 



Some traders "sell" xander root, despite it not being worth any caps. Therefore, when trading, it can be acquired for free.

