Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Where is it?[]

I looked all over the graveyard and all around the schoolhouse for this and broc flower but didn't find either.

Its at the school in front of one the the doors near the stump. 3 should be there.

- Siddo4ty4

Move To Consumables?[]

This should probably be moved to consumables.

Why a separate page fro FNV?[]

Shouldn't this information just be merged into the Xander root page for F2?

If the item stats differ in a major way, it is our policy now to have separate item pages for each game. However, the main Xander root page should be turned into an overview page that covers info from all games and has links to the more detailed game-specific articles. Ausir(talk) 14:46, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

Xander Roots south-east of Lone Wolf Radio?[]

I'm currently scavving these roots, but I found 6 Broc Flower plants near a splash of water to the south-east of the Lone Wolf Radio and it is south of Goodsprings Source. 14:31, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

I found it but can't harvest ![]

when I approach it, and press on it; the player don't take it really, and a note on the upper left shows up saying something like "not for kids" or something like that.

I thought for a while and knew I need to buy something that make me able to harvest the xander root, but what on earth is it, really?

rofl wtf????? thats the weirdest thing ive ever heard i can gather it using nothing is it some special root at some place?

are you on the PC? If not, save the game and reboot your console. If you are on PC, and not using mods to play as a child, save then exit the game and restart it. If you're using a mod to play as a child, check your mods to fix the problem. --Kris User Hola 00:29, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

Ruby Hill Mine to Jacobstown[]

I found a total of 34 in this area and posted a map of sorts. 37 Xander I could not find the item listed as "A very large one (about 3-4 times bigger than the average)..." GRPeng 16:12, November 23, 2011 (UTC)
