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The Enclave remnants are a unit of surviving Enclave soldiers who have entered the Commonwealth in 2287 to track down and recover the X-02 power armor stolen by a deserter known as the Black Devil.

While this faction only previously appeared in Creation Club, it was integrated into Fallout 4 and made canon as part of its next-gen patch in April 2024. This group is separate from the main Enclave expedition seen in the game.


These remnants have been hiding in an unspecified base somewhere on the East Coast and have lost contact with the main Enclave forces in the East. Their leader, an unnamed lieutenant, ordered his entire detachment to leave the base and head to Boston to recover a suit of power armor stolen by a deserter who then became a vigilante known as the Black Devil.[1]

The soldiers eventually found a couple of wastelanders trying to summon the Black Devil at relay tower 0MC-810 and took one of them prisoner.[2] He was taken to the BADTFL regional office and interrogated by the lieutenant, Sgt. Hodges, and Officer Bradley. While the wastelander refused to give in to the interrogation, the remnants ultimately found the Black Devil's hideout underneath the Boston Police rationing site based on clues the wastelander had given them.[3]

However, the remnants discovered after investigating the hideout that they did not know how to bypass its security door lock. Infuriated, the lieutenant sent a part of his officers to investigate the relay tower again while admonishing the rest to satisfy his anger; Sgt. Hodges privately suspected that the irradiated wasteland atmosphere was negatively impacting the lieutenant's health, and intended to return to the Devil's bunker and drill their way through the door.[1] Meanwhile, the remnants sent to the relay tower found Richie, the other wastelander who had attempted to contact the Black Devil, and killed him. Sgt. Hodges also set out with a group of remnants to try and break into the Black Devil's bunker once and for all.

The remnants do not appear to be aware of the main Enclave expedition in the Commonwealth led by Major Elias, presumably as a result of having lost contact with the rest of the faction.[1] Likewise, the main Enclave expedition does not appear to know of this squad's existence, although they have heard of the Black Devil and also intend to track them down.[4]


Enclave remnant[]

FO4 Enclave Remnant

These are standard Enclave soldiers who appear to be incognito, trying to blend in with the inhabitants of the Commonwealth. They are dressed in the clothing of common wasteland scavengers, wearing clothing such as military fatigues, surveyor outfits, cage armor, drifter outfits, Greaser jacket and jeans, harnesses, spike armor, and leather armor. They may also wear a random hat or bandana and carry a variable number of fusion cells and bottlecaps. There are five of these remnants encountered in total: two at relay tower 0MC-810 and three inside Mass Pike Tunnel alongside Sgt. Hodges.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Enclave remnant
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Energy Resistance
Radiation Resistance
Poison Resistance
Experience Points
AggressiveIcon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
FoolhardyIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Helps friendsIcon requiredIcon required


This group of Enclave remnants appears only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "X-02 Power Armor" and "Enclave Remnants."


Enclave Symbol (FO3)