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Fallout Wiki

Connie is a deceased scavenger and radio enthusiast in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Connie had left the Commonwealth at some point in the past, but eventually moved back home to his father. They were forced to continuously defend themselves from raider attacks, which caused Connie to ask his father how the latter had dealt with such a threat for so long. His father responded that the Black Devil had protected the Commonwealth in the past, responding to anyone who tuned their radios to his station, until the station suddenly went off the air in 2286. After scavenging in Wattz Consumer Electronics, Connie found material about "The Black Devil," the fictional pre-War superhero, and became convinced he could use it to bring the hero back to the Commonwealth. With the help of his more tech-savvy cousin Richie, they planned to each take a holotape with patriotic music and broadcast it at a corresponding relay tower. However, this attracted the attention of Enclave remnants attempting to recover the Devil's X-02 power armor, who then kidnapped Connie and took him to the BADTFL regional office for interrogation.[1] Richie, who evaded capture, was also killed later by the remnants.

Despite being tortured, Connie stayed defiant against Sergeant Hodges and his other captors, even singing "America the Beautiful" to spite them. For his resistance, Connie was beaten to near death and left to die either from his wounds or the raiders who would later come to scavenge the BADTFL office, while the Enclave remnants were still able to locate the Devil's bunker under the Boston Police rationing site.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



Connie appears only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "X-02 Power Armor."

