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Fallout Wiki

There's a nuke inbound! Check the map to see where it will land ...and if you should run!

Death from Above! is a side quest in Fallout 76.

Quick walkthrough[]

Repeatable Quest: Death from Above! 
Wait three minutes for the nuke to touch down. 
Reward: Access to a nuked area. 

Detailed walkthrough[]

Someone has initiated a nuclear missile launch. A blast zone will be marked on the map as a red circle, indicating the area that will be affected by the missile, which will land in the middle. A timer will begin counting down from three minutes. This time can be used to escape the blast zone or travel to its outskirts to witness the explosion. Anyone on the server when this quest happens will be alerted by a region-wide system voice coming on with an alert siren to intone "Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation."

Once the timer ends, the missile will descend on the targeted area and detonate in the blast zone, ending the quest as the trademark mushroom cloud rises over ground zero, and the area is soon cloaked in a cloud of radioactive fallout. Failure to escape the blast zone before the timer expires will result in immediate death. Being killed by a nuke for the first time unlocks an achievement, but only when standing right at the impact spot where the missile lands and detonates.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
?Quest finished3:00 Time to nuke touchdownA nuclear strike is inbound! I need to make sure I'm out of range before it hits!


  • The warning that plays for this quest will stop any currently playing holotapes as well as interrupt conversations with NPCs.
  • If the missile is visible from a player character's location as it begins its final descent, an eerie chord plays, increasing in volume until detonation.
  • The dropping of the missile will be commented on by any allies.


Xbox OneXbox One If the event Scorched Earth is active, player characters who have died from radiation three or more times will be spawned in the zone but will be immune to environmental rads. This works outside of blast zones in other highly irradiated areas. [verified]
