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Fallout Wiki

The Broken Hills caravan office is the headquarters for the caravan merchants of Broken Hills.


The caravan office is a gated and fenced off structure, with a single room within a larger open courtyard. One corner of the yard is used for a brahmin pen. Bill and Chad are located within the office room.

Bill is the caravan outfitter. He plans caravan routes, arranges for provisioning, hires people for jobs and is in charge of the Unity Patrols.[1] Bill can hire the Chosen One to shovel brahmin dung or to escort caravans.[2] He will also sell provisions to the public. Chad is the caravan master. He is responsible for the caravan while it out traveling and takes care of the business on the other end of the trade route.[3] Henchmen act as the "Broken Hills' trading and protection corps".[4] They reside at the Broken Hills caravan office when not guarding caravans or performing Unity Patrols.[5]

Shop inventory[]

Bill sells the following items with a barter skill of 86% and restocks every 14 days.[6] Any item with a percentage after it is not always restocked.

Weapons Ammunition Miscellaneous items


The Broken Hills caravan office appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. Chosen One: {111}{}{Who are you?}
    Bill: {129}{}{Me? I'm Bill. I am, as the man said, the Bill you have to pay. Though technically, I suppose, sometimes I pay you. I'm the caravan outfitter for this town. I plan the caravan routes and arrange for provisioning. I hire people for jobs, and I'm also in charge of the Unity Patrols.}
    (Bill's dialogue)
  2. Chosen One: {130}{}{Jobs? What sort of jobs?}
    Bill: {115}{}{You want a job? Well, we got two choices: Shoveling brahmin dung for a day for $100, or you can escort one of our caravans for $200. We got caravans to Gecko, the New California Republic, and Vault City.}
    (Bill's dialogue)
  3. Chosen One: {127}{}{Who are you?}
    Chad: {134}{}{I'm the caravan master for the city. I take care of the business on the other end of the trade routes.
    (Chad's dialogue)
  4. {101}{}{You see a member of Broken Hills' trading and protection corps.}
    (Henchman dialogue)
  5. Henchman: [{105}{}{Man...Unity Patrol work gets really, really old.}
    ((Henchman's dialogue)
  6. "Broken Hills Outfitter inventory box" scripting file