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I'm an old guy, an' I don't get out too much. Ain't got much chance for action, y'know what I mean? ...

Typhon is an elderly ghoul[1] living in Broken Hills in 2241.


Born before the Great War, Typhon is the son of the former leader of Necropolis, Set.[2] When the bombs finally dropped, the father and son took shelter in Vault 12 located underneath Bakersfield. Vault 12, designed to study the effects of radiation on humans with a vault door designed to never close, worked as intended, and radiation would flood into the vault, ghoulifying all of its residents.[Non-game 1] In the summer of 2083, these first-generation ghouls would form the undead city of Necropolis in the ruins of Bakersfield.[Non-game 2]

In the spring of 2084, his father wrested control from the former overseer of the vault and took over as ruler of the newfound settlement.[Non-game 3] Still in his adolescence, Typhon's young mind proved to work out in his favor, as his developing mind appeared less addled by the radiation than those who had turned at older ages.[3] His father, having a poor sense of humor and inflated sense of authority that was left relatively unchanged by the radiation, became a source of resentment to Typhon, who came to view his old man as nothing more than a "total bastard."[3] Having spent the majority of his life mutated, Typhon considers himself to have "grown up" as a ghoul, feeling that there's "never been any other way for [him]."[2][3]

Sometime after the fall of Necropolis and the loss of Set as its leader, Typhon found a lucrative career as an athlete, winning a small fortune in bottlecaps from competing in footraces.[4] When these "running days" of his ended, the old ghoul settled down in the mutant-friendly settlement of Broken Hills, stashing his winnings in the town well and retiring to the Old Ghouls' Home in the town's residential district.[4][5] He has resided in the settlement long enough for buildings to have been built and rebuilt repeatedly, which has caused him to forget the exact location of his stash.[6]

In 2241, the ghoul is undergoing sexual frustration brought on by his age, which leaves little opportunity for him to "get out much." Remembering his stashed earnings from years past, the ghoul is willing to part with his stash and its whereabouts if he is given a Cat's Paw pornographic magazine to relieve himself, a rubber blow-up doll to have sex with, and a bottle of Rot gut to settle down after the fact.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.


Typhon's Treasure: Typhon asks the player to fetch him a number of items: A Cat's Paw magazine, rubber doll, and some rot gut. Afterwards, he will reveal the location of his stash (and spawn with a damaged rubber doll).


Apparel Weapon Other items
Glowing ghoul outfit


After giving Typhon a rubber doll, several hours later, he will be carrying a damaged rubber doll.


Typhon appears only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

In Greek mythology, Typhon was a monster spawned from the union of Gaia and Tartarus (other sources say either Gaia alone, or Hera alone), colossal in size with thousands of snake heads sprouting from his shoulders. Even the Olympian gods feared him and fled at the sight, save for Zeus. Before being imprisoned under Mount Etna by Zeus for attempting to usurp the gods' reign over the cosmos, Typhon mated with Echidna and they sired several equally infamous monsters such as Cerberus, the Chimaera, and the Lernaean Hydra (the one slain by Heracles during his Twelve Labors).

  • The ghoul Typhon's father being named Set is also a reference to the fact that the god Set was connected with Typhon between Greek and Egyptian mythologies.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Typhon's character description: "{100}{}{You see an old ghoul.}"
    "{101}{}{You see Typhon, son of Set.}"
    "{102}{}{You see an old ghoul with intelligence fairly gleaming from his eyes.}"
    (Typhon's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Chosen One: "{106}{}{Who are you?}"
    Typhon: "{155}{}{I'm Typhon. Y'ever hear of Set? He used to run the old-time town of Necropolis. I'm his son. Got born before the radiation hit us, so I grew up mutated. Ain't never been any other way for me.}"
    (Typhon's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Chosen One: "{156}{}{Tell me about Set.}"
    Typhon: "{163}{}{'Total bastard' would be a fine way to describe the old man. Being turned into a ghoul from the radiation didn't do much for his sense of humor or sense of authority, let me tell you. 'Course, it kinda screwed up everyone's brains. I think growing up ghoulie made it a little easier on me.}"
    (Typhon's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Typhon: "{112}{}{Back in my running days, I won quite a few races, made quite a bit of cash. Long time ago, I stashed all of my winnings not too far from here. If someone was t'do me a favor or two, I might tell 'em where that "treasure" is.}"
    (Typhon's dialogue)
  5. Typhon: "{103}{}{Howdy there, kiddo, and welcome to the Old Ghouls' Home!}"
    The Chosen One: "{105}{}{Old Ghouls' Home?}"
    Typhon: "{152}{}{It's kind of a joke. There ain't any ghouls but old ghouls. We're all sterile, see, but we're incredibly long-lived. We're the first and last generation of ghouls. This is a place for those of us who just wanna rest for a while.}"
    (Typhon's dialogue)
  6. Typhon: "{223}{}{All right. I remember stashing the cash somewhere downtown. It's been so many years, though, and the buildings have been built and rebuilt over and over, that I'm not sure exactly where it is. If it helps any, I remember thinkin' I should put it somewhere that wasn't likely to be torn down or plowed over. Somewhere indispensible, ya' know? Good luck to you.}"
    (Typhon's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible 0 Vault system: "Vault 12 In order the study the effects of radiation on the selected population, the Vault Door was designed not to close. This is the Necropolis Vault... and the ghouls were the result."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2083 Summer The city of Necropolis founded by the ghoul survivors of Vault 12 (and the US citizens that fled to Bakersfield when the bombs fell)."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2084 Spring Set takes control of Necropolis, wresting control from the original Overseer. The Vault 12 Overseer, not willing to take a dirtnap, is driven north and history loses sight of him."