Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 739)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#48247 Adjust function signature of WPorg_Handbook_Walker::walk() defect (bug) high Site
#52084 Blogger Importer: Fatal constructor error in PHP8 defect (bug) high Import
#55697 Twenty Twenty-Two: Dark mode not applied to sub menu in navigation block defect (bug) high 6.1 Bundled Theme
#57193 White screen of death in theme editor when blank theme is activated. defect (bug) high Editor
#60762 WP_Navigation_Block_Renderer::get_markup_for_inner_block() can return null causing PHP8 error defect (bug) high Editor
#12722 Concurrent editing of widgets azaozz defect (bug) normal Widgets
#20881 Show code references in inherited localization files defect (bug) normal I18N
#21738 PHPMailer fourth argument '-oi' does not work with some hosts with safe_mode off defect (bug) normal Mail
#30204 wp_mail() bug with UTF-8-named attachment defect (bug) normal Mail
#31772 Browser unresponsive with long password defect (bug) normal Users
#32228 "Page updated" notification should fade as soon as another change is made. italianst4 enhancement normal Editor
#33003 making simplepie class resistant to leading whitespace feed issues rmccue enhancement normal External Libraries
#34883 Support TLS Client Certificates enhancement normal HTTP API
#35065 Tests for docblock quality enhancement normal Build/Test Tools
#35159 Email addresses with periods in bulleted text truncated upon copy/paste defect (bug) normal Editor
#35334 Pasting this text from Google results in alternating letters being linked defect (bug) normal Editor
#35990 Registering a custom post type should create a Recent CPT posts widget type feature request normal Widgets
#36258 BuddyPress Admin Toolbar becomes blank for non-logged users when loading site on a device with a screen smaller than 1024x768 defect (bug) normal Toolbar
#36575 Provide a way to alter Link Inline Toolbar Functions or presence feature request normal Editor
#36840 Link widget sort of recognizes email addresses defect (bug) normal Editor
#37805 Enhancement: TinyMCE - Add ability to detect www links enhancement normal Editor
#37820 wp_remote_get referrer not being sent correctly defect (bug) normal HTTP API
#38115 Add Highlight button to TinyMCE toolbar to allow highlighting (replaces Underline with <mark> element) enhancement normal TinyMCE
#38427 wp-cron.php: POST-request, but content-length missing defect (bug) normal HTTP API
#38646 wp-embed.min.js contains extra code defect (bug) normal Embeds
#39769 plugin rating: web vs backend discrepancies defect (bug) normal Plugins
#39870 Warning when an inserted link contains &amp;preview=true enhancement normal Editor
#40033 Press-this: can't set featured image defect (bug) normal Post Thumbnails
#40408 REST API (v2) Does not handle metadata defect (bug) normal REST API
#40537 PDF tests cannot be tested on Travis defect (bug) normal Media
#40576 Sending emails broken in 4.7.2 defect (bug) normal External Libraries
#40994 Latest update broke full justification defect (bug) normal Editor
#41047 Allow to customize insert/edit link dialog box enhancement normal Editor
#42106 Academic titles changes when copy-paste from Word defect (bug) normal Editor
#44553 limit "Tested up to" plugin header to current stable release enhancement normal Site
#44604 TinyMCE tooltips should persist when hovering on them defect (bug) normal TinyMCE
#45211 Carriage Return moves focus to bottom of page; bold text removes the following space defect (bug) normal Editor
#45259 Can't scroll down inside the editor (see screenshots) defect (bug) normal Editor
#45291 Container Block feature request normal Editor
#45303 XML parsing should be done in chunks, causing parser out of memory defect (bug) normal Import
#45316 parse_blocks returns an empty object in 'attrs' when there are no attributes defect (bug) normal Editor
#45349 Use WP_Query in render_block_core_latest_posts() enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#45392 Link checking informs linking error, which is not linking error defect (bug) normal Editor
#45405 Legacy admin notices overlay the block editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#45413 Paragraph Block: Issue with extensions and extraneous HTML defect (bug) normal Editor
#45418 Admin notices lose custom id and class attributes in Gutenberg editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#45443 Caption text is very long for gallery blog, so scroll issue see this defect (bug) normal Editor
#45478 Post slug contains Vietnamese characters SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Editor
#45481 Classic Block bold and italic defect (bug) normal Editor
#45503 While Uploading The Image Doesn't Showing Loading Bar feature request normal Editor
#45524 Position of Gutenberg Datepicker Navigation Left/Right button defect (bug) normal Editor
#45534 Image block display issue once duplicate defect (bug) normal Editor
#45551 Parent editor-style.css doesn't load if you use a child theme defect (bug) normal Editor
#45556 incorrect display of permalink address in editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#45560 WP 5.0 editor wouldn't allow me to create a audio playlist enhancement normal Editor
#45565 Table Block: entire Create button is clickable but clicking lower part of it doesn't work defect (bug) normal Editor
#45571 Remove Space In IDNAEncoder. enhancement normal External Libraries
#45575 Gutenberg editor should have borders on columns enhancement normal Editor
#45609 Issues using v 5.0 on mobile device defect (bug) normal Editor
#45624 HTML added to in page script code defect (bug) normal Editor
#45628 Translator comments showing up incorrectly for certain cases defect (bug) normal I18N
#45631 WP 5.01 update didn't like older gutenberg plugin defect (bug) normal Editor
#45644 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed in class-wp-block-parser.php line 382 defect (bug) normal Editor
#45650 creating errors and spacing issues while pasting text defect (bug) normal Editor
#45674 Cannot select Separator block by clicking on it defect (bug) normal Editor
#45684 Gutenberg breaks shortcode with nested quotes defect (bug) normal Editor
#45695 Block Editor: Classic block does not respect insert point for adding media. defect (bug) normal Editor
#45706 Don't want paragraph block to forcefully convert pasted URL defect (bug) normal Editor
#45735 Multiple Image Selection defect (bug) normal Editor
#45738 Google Trends embed graphs (Javascript) not working in WordPress 5.0.2 defect (bug) normal Editor
#45754 UI Breaks when SVG attached as featured image in post add / edit screen defect (bug) normal Editor
#45760 Tag with & not properly saved by block editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#45767 meta_box gutenberg css dashicons svg defect (bug) normal Editor
#45768 Content before editing are displayed in the preview defect (bug) normal Editor
#45781 When converting an existing article, images are partially duplicated defect (bug) normal Editor
#45833 Text selection with Ctrl+A in Firefox does not work defect (bug) normal Editor
#45835 Short paragraphs with large inital followed with header messed up defect (bug) normal Editor
#45837 Copying text from Gutenberg always paste with HTML defect (bug) normal Editor
#45841 Wrong spacing on list blocks after saving draft defect (bug) normal Editor
#45843 In Microsoft Edge, Custom Fields are not saved when "Save Draft" defect (bug) normal Editor
#45860 Error message when upload pdf file defect (bug) normal Media
#45872 MS Edge and Polish letter "ą" defect (bug) normal Editor
#45892 Cursor jumps on autosave defect (bug) normal Autosave
#45942 Preview pulls up old content defect (bug) normal Editor
#45951 Parent blocks are really hard to select defect (bug) normal Editor
#45992 Pressing delete key within a paragraph containing an anchor deletes the anchor (Firefox) defect (bug) normal Editor
#46008 Seperator Block is difficult to select defect (bug) normal Editor
#46009 Listing block improvement - make Shift Enter work like in paragraphs enhancement normal Editor
#46048 Twenty Nineteen: Latest posts block: Post title overlaps other titles on certain screen widths defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#46050 blocks.php - Invalid argument supplied for foreach() defect (bug) normal Editor
#46067 Add support for oembed for Giphy enhancement normal Embeds
#46076 Block editor preview not displaying unsaved changes to a post when meta boxes are active defect (bug) normal Editor
#46091 Chinese URL shows up as % numbers & letters defect (bug) normal Editor
#46118 Preview in Gutenberg editor does not show preview defect (bug) normal Editor
#46119 Add custom class to column enhancement normal Editor
#46139 Gutenberg publish date before 1970 defect (bug) normal Editor
#46142 "Latest Posts" blocks need "pagination" feature feature request normal Editor
#46168 Remove subject "we" from translation string enhancement normal I18N
#46189 Permalink generator way less picky with the new editor defect (bug) normal General
#46193 Translation request page issue defect (bug) normal General
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.