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NBT tags can be specified for items and entities created with the /give and /summon commands. Each tag has the format <tagname>:<value> where <tagname> describes what it does, and <value> is what it applies. Multiple tags are separated by commas. (e.g. {CustomName:'"Bob"', Invisible:true). The contents of List tags are enclosed in square brackets [], while the contents of Compound tags are enclosed in curly brackets {} – note that the entire data tag is itself a Compound tag (All within a set of {}). Tag names are case-sensitive, and white space is ignored. Additionally, some tags which are either true or false are stored as Byte tags (Example: {NoAI:1b})

The player can quickly find data tags (NBT) without the use of external editors by using /data to figure out the data for each entity or block entity. See more about this in the article Commands/data.

See Entity format for the various NBT Tags that are saved for each entity. This page also contains basic information for each NBT Tag.

When None is used in a tag name that means that this tag can be put directly into the start of the dataTag.


These can be used in /give and /item commands as well as /clear. For commands such as /summon and /setblock, place them inside of a tag.


{id:"minecraft:stone",Count:3b, ..., tag:{Name:'{"text":"Name Here"}', ...}}

These tags can be used on any item.

NBT Tag Description Allowed amount of same NBT Tags Required tagnames Syntax
Item Used for any instance of item(s), it includes the resource location of the item(s) (id), the number of items in the stack (Count) and the NBT data of the item(s) (tag). It may also contain the Slot number which the item is in. Any item with a Count of less than 1 or more than 127 becomes Air. 1 id, Count {Item:{id:STRING,Count:BYTE,tag:{Item NBT data here}}}

A copyable example:


Enchantments Used for the addition of enchantments to items, it includes the id of the enchantment and the level (lvl) of the enchantment. Can specify one enchantment or multiple enchantments. It is possible specify no enchantment, which still applies the enchantment glint over the item. Any All {Enchantments:[{id:STRING,lvl:SHORT}, ...]}

A copyable example: {Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:1s}]}

StoredEnchantments Defines the enchantments stored in a enchanting book. Any None {StoredEnchantments:[{id:"minecraft:mending",lvl:1s}]}
EntityTag Used to add nbt arguments to spawn eggs or other items that summon entities such as armor stands or item frames. 1 None {EntityTag:{Entity NBT data here}}
display Used for the addition of a custom Name, colors (leather armor), and lore to items. Lore may have multiple lines.

color is a hexadecimal color value, except in decimal. An RGB to hexadecimal converter can be found here and a hexadecimal to decimal converter can be found here. Names and lore must be passed as raw JSON text.

Any At least one {display:{Name:STRING,Lore:[STRING,STRING, ...],color:INT}}

A copyable example:

{display:{Name:'{"text":"Tunic of Destiny","color":"blue",...}',Lore:['{"text":"A magical blue tunic"}','{"text":"worn by the gods..."}',color:3949738]}}

AttributeModifiers Can be used to add attributes to mobs or items. For more information, see Attribute. Any All {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:STRING,Amount:DOUBLE,Slot:STRING,Operation:INT,UUID:UUID}, ...]}

A copyable example: {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.max_health",Amount:8d,Slot:"mainhand",Operation:0,UUID:[I;13243,1439,1767,44564]}]}

Unbreakable Used to make items with durability that never degrades. 1 All {Unbreakable:BYTE} (1b for true or 0b for false)
SkullOwner Used for getting player heads. 1 All {SkullOwner:STRING} (Enter a player's username to get their head)

or {SkullOwner:{Name:STRING,Id:UUID,Properties:[{Value:STRING,Signature:STRING}]}}

HideFlags Used to hide flags (the info in the tool tip) such as enchantments, CanDestroy, CanPlaceOn, etc.

To hide multiple tags, you need to add the value of the tags you want to hide. For example, if you want to hide the "Enchantments" and the "Attributes modifiers" tags, the value you need to put is 3 (1+2).

Any All {HideFlags:INT}

The value ranges from 1 to 255, representing 255 combinations or 8 binary digits.[1]

When adding to create a unique value:

Adding 1 hides "Enchantments"

Adding 2 hides "AttributeModifiers"

Adding 4 hides "Unbreakable"

Adding 8 hides "CanDestroy"

Adding 16 hides "CanPlaceOn"

Adding 32 hides other information, including potion effects, shield pattern info, "StoredEnchantments", written book "generation" and "author", "Explosion", "Fireworks", and map tooltips

Adding 64 hides "Dyed" on leather armors

Adding 128 hides "Upgrade" on armors

In logical form:

(HideEnchantments) | (HideAttributeModifiers << 1) | (HideUnbreakable << 2) | (HideCanDestroy << 3) | (HideCanPlaceOn << 4) | (HideOthers << 5) | (HideDyed << 6) | (HideUpgrade << 7)

CanDestroy This tag is used when making adventure maps to allow a specific tool/item to break a block. Apply the tag to any item/tool. If the value is not a valid block or item it displays as "missingno". 1 At least one {CanDestroy:[STRING, ...]} (Each string specifies a block id or block tag followed by the blockstate and NBT)

A copyable example:


PickupDelay The number of ticks before an item entity can be picked up. 1 All {PickupDelay:INT}
Age The duration before an item disappears. Any number. Set to -32768 for items that don't disappear. If Age counts up to 6000 (5 minutes if Age started at default value 0), the item disappears.

Allowed 1 amount of same NBT Tags.

All {Age:INT}
generation (Minecraft Java Edition 1.8) Defines whether a written book is labeled as an "Original", a "Copy of Original", a "Copy of a copy" or "Tattered". "Original", "Copy of Original", "Copy of a copy", "Tattered"

Unknown amount of allowed same NBT Tags.

At least one {generation:INT}

0: Original

1: Copy of original

2: Copy of a copy

3: Tattered

title Defines the title of a written_book. Any String {title:"book title here"}
author defines the author of a written_book.

Can be hidden by using HideFlags:32

Any String {author:"book author here"}
pages An array that defines the pages of a written_book.

Note that for the book to properly display the text, a title and an author must also be provided, otherwise the book will display the message * Invalid book tag *

Any At least one {pages:['{"text":"Any json text can be used here!"}','{"text":"Page 2!"}']}
Fireworks Used when giving yourself firework rockets, this value defines what the rocket will do when launched: color, flight duration, shape, etc. Any At least one {Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Colors:[I;INT, ...],FadeColors:[I;INT, ...],Flicker:BYTE,Trail:BYTE,Type:BYTE}, ...],Flight:BYTE}}

A copyable example:


The following table describes more details on Enchantments sub-tag.

Tagname Description Value Type Allowed Values Example
id The resource location of an enchantment. See Enchanting for details on which id correlates to which enchantment. String Enchantment ID "minecraft:efficiency"
lvl Determines the level of an enchantment. A level between one and ten displays properly on an item as a roman numeral, however, any value above that displays as enchantment.level.lvl. Short -32768 to 32767 4

Example command: /give @p minecraft:carved_pumpkin{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:efficiency",lvl:5s}]} 1

The following table describes more details on display sub-tag.

Tagname Description Value Type Allowed Values Example
Name The name of an item displayed in game. For blocks such as Chests and Dispensers the name replaces the default 'Chest' or 'Dispenser' in the upper left hand corner of the GUI. When used on command blocks the name is displayed when executing commands. This can be seen by using the /say command. String Text with JSON object with key "text". It's value can be any character that is available within the Minecraft language files (Most characters on your keyboard)
	"text": "Sample name"
Lore The text under the name of the item. List of strings Text with JSON array containing JSON objects with key "text". Their values can be any character that is available within the Minecraft language files (Most characters on your keyboard)
		"text": "First line"
		"text": "Second line"

Example command: /[[Commands/'"`uniq--nowiki-0000000f-qinu`"'|'"`uniq--nowiki-0000000f-qinu`"']]

One can further modify the text with things like italics and boldness like so: /[[Commands/'"`uniq--nowiki-00000010-qinu`"'|'"`uniq--nowiki-00000010-qinu`"']]

The following table describes more details on the Fireworks sub-tag.

Tagname Description Value Type Allowed Values Example
Flight Defines the flight duration of the firework, the flight duration is how long the firework will wait until it explodes. Byte -128 to 127 {Flight:2b}
Explosions Defines what the firework rocket will do when its flight duration runs out, this is what the firework star is used for. More than one effect can be added as more than one firework star can be added to a rocket

Colors is the initial color of the explosion written in decimal format.

FadeColors is the color that the explosion will fade to written in decimal format.

Flicker is whether the whether the explosion flickers while it fades. This is the effect applied when you add glowstone to the firework star.

Trail is whether the particles leave trails as they travel. This effect is applied when you add a diamond to the firework star.

Type is the shape of the firework:

0 is Small Ball,

1 is Large Ball,

2 is Star-shaped,

3 is Creeper-shaped,

4 is Burst

Array Colors, FadeColors, Flicker, Trail, Type {Explosions:[{Type:3b,Flicker:1b,Colors:[I;4312372],FadeColors:[I;11743532]}]}


These tags are put on blocks as items.

Tagname Description Value Type Example
CanPlaceOn This tag is used when making adventure maps to determine which block(s) the player can place a block on. Also used on hoes to make them till dirt and on spawn eggs to place them. If the value is not a valid block or item it displays as "missingno". An array of strings, each one of which is a command argument of type block_predicate. However, to use NBT tags, the NBT data of the block must be synchronized to the client (campfires and player heads are two of the blocks that do so). {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:stone","#minecraft:logs","minecraft:player_head[rotation=8]{SkullOwner:{Name:'Dinnerbone'}}"]}
BlockEntityTag This is used for tile entities, and stores their data for when they are placed down Differs based on the block, see Tutorials/Command NBT tags Β§ Blocks 2 for details. Example: get a white shield by using a command: /give @p shield{BlockEntityTag:{Base:0}} {BlockEntityTag:{Glowing:1b}}
BlockStateTag This tag is used for blocks, and stores the block state when they are placed down. A compound where each key is a block state key, and the value is the block state value to force place for this block. Differs based on the block, see Block states for details. {BlockStateTag:{facing:"west",half:"top",shape:"straight"}}


These tags are used when using the /summon command to spawn entities or when using the /data to edit the data of entities.

NBT Tag Description Allowed tagnames Required tagnames Syntax
TileEntityData Used to store all data kept within a block. Mainly used within blocks that can store items or contain various data values, e.g., Command blocks, Chests, Jukeboxes, Dispenser, Beacon, etc. CustomName, Items, Command, Levels, Primary, Secondary, Delay, MaxNearbyEntities, MaxSpawnDelay, MinSpawnDelay, RequiredPlayerRange, SpawnCount, SpawnRange, EntityID None {TileEntityData:{Entity NBT data here}}
Motion Determines the initial velocity of most entities (all other than Dragon Fireballs, Fireballs, Small Fireballs and Wither Skulls) upon being summoned. Must be entered as double precision floating point values (decimals). Example: {Motion:[0.0,1.0,0.0]} summons with an initial upward velocity of 1.0. The values could be only -10 to 10, because it could have been to be moved very fast. It normally could lead to a wall clip. n/a All {Motion:[DOUBLE,DOUBLE,DOUBLE]}
direction Similar to Motion, determines the initial velocity of Dragon Fireballs, Fireballs, Small Fireballs, and Wither Skulls upon being summoned. This tag is required to summon said entities, otherwise the command fails. Example: {direction:[0.0,1.0,0.0]} summons with an initial upward velocity of 1.0.

This tag determines only the entity's velocity, not the direction that it's facing.

n/a All {direction:[DOUBLE,DOUBLE,DOUBLE]}
power Similar to direction, but determines constant acceleration. Example: {power:[0.0,1.0,0.0]} gives the summoned entity a constant upward acceleration of 1.0. Entities are still affected by drag when power is nonzero and eventually reaches a terminal velocity. Affects only Dragon Fireballs, Fireballs, Small Fireballs, and Wither Skulls. n/a All {power:[DOUBLE,DOUBLE,DOUBLE]}
active_effects Sets the effects that apply to a mob after it is summoned. Type -1 to apply its countdown to infinity. It should hide its numbers to *. Id, Duration, Amplifier, Ambient, ShowParticles All {ActiveEffects:[{id:STRING,duration:NUMBER,amplifier:BYTE,ambient:BYTE,show_particles:BYTE,show_icon:BYTE}, ...]}
rewardExp Controls villagers giving xp for trading, set to true or false. Normally, villagers can reward you experience orbs. True/False {rewardExp:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)
Passengers Sets which entities are riding on top of the base entity. Allows multiple entities to ride one base entity. Riding entities are still able to do all stuff they have coded. Like enemies shooting on each other etc. Do not use a recent mob (if it doesn't exist in your old version Minecraft). all (not checked) id {Passengers:[{id:STRING, ...}, ...]}
ArmorItems Defines what items are being worn by the mob. Items go in slots Feet, Legs, Chest, Head, in that order. Item None {ArmorItems:[{Count:BYTE,id:STRING,tag:{...}},{Count:BYTE,id:STRING,tag:{...}},{Count:BYTE,id:STRING,tag:{...}},{Count:BYTE,id:STRING,tag:{...}}]}
HandItems Defines what item is within the mainhand and offhand. First item is the mainhand, second is offhand. Item None {HandItems:[{Count:BYTE,id:STRING,tag:{...}},{Count:BYTE,id:STRING,tag:{...}}]}
HandDropChances Determines how likely it is for an entity to drop held Items. The tag Count in the equipment tag must be 1 or greater for this to work. 2 separate float values, one for the main hand and one for the off-hand slot. 0.0-1.0 determines likelihood of dropping, but applies a random durability if it does. Anything greater than 1.0 makes it always drop with full durability. Since it is a float value, it must be phrased as "X.Y", with X and Y being values of your choice. {HandDropChances:[FLOAT,FLOAT]}
ArmorDropChances Determines how likely it is for an entity to drop worn Items. The tag Count in the equipment tag must be 1 or greater for this to work. 4 separate float values, one for each slot. 0.0-1.0 determines likelihood of dropping, but applies a random durability if it does. Anything greater than 1.0 makes it always drop with full durability. Since it is a float value, it must be phrased as "X.Y", with X and Y being values of your choice. {ArmorDropChances:[FLOAT,FLOAT,FLOAT,FLOAT]}
NoAI Makes mobs have no AI, resulting in mobs not moving on their own. However, they still react to other changes in the environment. For example, the Zombie can still burn in the sun. {NoAI:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)
NoGravity Makes mobs unaffected by gravity. Mobs do not fall. Mobs cannot walk in the air. {NoGravity:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)
Silent Makes mobs silent. Does not work for certain sounds, see MC-64242. {Silent:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)
Fire Determines how many ticks a mob is on fire. When Fire reaches one, the fire stops, and the mob no longer takes damage. When a mob is not on fire, this value is 1. {Fire:SHORT} (ranges from 0 to 32767)
Invulnerable Makes mobs invulnerable to everything except the Void and players in Creative Mode. Mobs do not attack or run away from invulnerable mobs. {Invulnerable:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)
Attributes Customizes the attributes of the entity. See Attribute for more details Name: see Attribute for a list. Base: the amount to apply. Modifiers: how much and how it should vary. Contains values Name, Amount, Operation, UUID. Name and Base {Attributes:[{Name:STRING,Base:DOUBLE,Modifiers:[{Name:STRING, Amount:DOUBLE,Operation:BYTE,UUID:[I;INT,INT,INT,INT]}]}
Health Number of hearts (for hearts above the default maximum you must change the base value of the 'generic.max_health' attribute). All Mobs Number in half hearts {Health:FLOAT}
AngerTime, AngryAt A neutral mob becomes aggressive toward AngryAt for AngerTime ticks. Summoning neutral mobs Number in ticks, paired with a UUID {AngerTime:INT,AngryAt:[I;INT,INT,INT,INT]}
CustomName Summons a mob with a name that appears above their head. All Mobs A JSON Text component {CustomName:'"Custom Name"'} or you can use

{CustomName:'{"text":"Name Here ","color":"blue",...}'}

CustomNameVisible Alters the visibility of a custom name. 0b Means that the name is only visible when looking at the mob (default), and 1b means the name is always visible. Must use CustomName JSON code first to perform it. All Mobs Byte, 0b or 1b {CustomNameVisible:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)
PersistenceRequired Mobs are undisappearable on time. Tamed animals without commands can also evolve this action. All Mobs True/False {PersistenceRequired:BYTE} (0b for false or 1b for true)

The following table provides information on each tagname that can be added in an NBT Tag. These tagnames are specific to the /summon command.

NBT Tag Description Used In Value Type Allowed Values
Type Used to change the type of mobs, like horses. Setting a horse's type to 4 makes it a skeleton horse. Summon Integer 1 - JavaOverflowLimit
Saddle Used to spawn horses or pigs that have saddles on. Summon Boolean Binary true / false or 1 / 0
Tame Used to spawn tamed horses. Summon Boolean Binary true / false or 1 / 0
Variant Changes the horse or axolotl variant. Setting no variant or putting an incorrect variant spawns a normal white horse or pink axolotl. See Horse Variants for the list of horse variants. Summoning Horses Integer 1 - 1030
Size Changes the size of a slime, magma cube or phantom summoned into the game. Anything higher than 255 summons size 255. Anything lower than 0 summons size 0. More than 32 tends to cause extreme lag.(The high size of slime or magma cube may gotta lead to a crash. Things on your world won't be saved if you restart the game.) Summoning


Integer 0 - 255
BlockState Determines which block is being summoned when using /summon Falling_block. Use Data values to find out the ID of each block. You can also use F3+H in-game to show the ID's of items in-game. Summoning Falling_block (AKA Fallingsand) Block ID and Block States e.g.{BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:oak_log", Properties:{axis:"y"}}} All Strings
Time Whether or not the block despawns before hitting the ground. If set to 1 the block falls normally, if set to less than 1 it is set to 0. If set to 0 the block despawns immediately. Recommended to keep this value as 1. Summoning Falling_block Integer (Include Negatives) -1 - 127
DropItem Whether or not the block drops its item form if the block is unable to be placed. If set to 0 the block does not drop its respective item, if set to 1 the block drops its respective item. Summoning Falling_block Boolean Binary 0 or 1
id Determines the entity the other entity is riding on. Summon Resource location {id:"minecraft:creeper"} Any resource location corresponding to an Entity
Fuse Determines how long it takes for PrimedTnt or a Creeper to explode. Summon Short 0 - 32767
ExplosionPower Used when summoning fireballs, Withers, and Ghasts to set the power of the explosion Summon Integer 0-127; Beyond 127 no explosion;
ExplosionRadius Used when summoning Creepers to set the radius of the explosion Summon Byte 0-127
powered Determines whether a Creeper is charged or not Summon Boolean Binary 0 or 1
PersistenceRequired Mobs are undisappearable on time. Tamed animals without commands can also evolve this action. Summon True/False {PersistenceRequired:1} or {PersistenceRequired:0}
AttachFace Determines what face the bottom of the shulker lies on. Summoning Shulkers Byte 0b - 5b
Peek Determines how far the Shulkers upper half opens. Positive values make the upper half open with a spin, Negative values appear to make the upper half open without a spin. Summoning Shulkers Byte -127b - 127b
APX More information is required on this entry. Appears to be approximated X position. Summoning Shulkers Integer Any whole number
APY More information is required on this entry. Appears to be approximated Y position. Summoning Shulkers Integer Any whole number
APZ More information is required on this entry. Appears to be approximated Z position. Summoning Shulkers Integer Any whole number


These tags are used when summoning villagers. (Offers NBT can't be done in 1.14+)

Tagname Description Value type Syntax
Profession Determines the profession of the villager Numerical, 0 - 5 {Profession:#}
Offers Determines what the villager sells A string {Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:"stone",Count:1},maxUses:9999999,


Item Frame[]

These tags are used when summoning itemframes.

Tag name Description Value type Syntax
Facing Determines the direction of the item frame Numerical, 0 - 5 (0 up; 1 down; 2 south; 3 north; 4 east; 5 west) {Facing:#}
ItemRotation Determines the rotation of the item in the item frame Numerical, 0 - 7 (Clockwise) {ItemRotation:#}
Item Determines the item in the item frame A string {Item:{id:"minecraft:<item>",Count:<count>}}
Invisible Determines if the item frame is invisible 0b or 1b {Invisible:#}
Fixed Determines if the item frame is fixed 0b or 1b {Fixed:#}


These tags are used to customize potions

Tagname Description Value type Syntax
Potion Determines which type of potion be receive in / give minecraft:(potion effect) {Potion:"minecraft:#"}
CustomPotionEffects Customize the effect of potions Numerical {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:#,Amplifier:#,Duration:#}]}
CustomPotionColor Determines the Color of Potion Bottle (1.11+) Decimal color code {CustomPotionColor:#}

Armor Stand[]

These tags are used when summoning armor stands.

NBT Tag Description Value type Syntax
NoGravity Toggles gravity 0b or 1b (0b for false, 1b for true) {NoGravity:#}
ShowArms Determines whether you can see the armor stand's arms or not. Byte, 0b or 1b (0b for false, 1b for true) {ShowArms:#}
NoBasePlate Determines whether the armor stand has a base plate or not. Byte, 0b or 1b {NoBasePlate:#}
Small Determines whether the armor stand is small or not. Byte, 0b or 1b {Small:#}
Rotation Changes the rotation of the armor stand Byte, 0b or 1b {Rotation:[#f,#f]}
Marker Small Hit box Byte, 0b or 1b {Marker:#}
Pose Changes the pose of the armor stand's body parts. Any subtag can be ommited Byte, 0b or 1b {Pose:{Head:[#f,#f,#f],Body:[#f,#f,#f],LeftArm:[#f,#f,#f],RightArm:[#f,#f,#f],LeftLeg:[#f,#f,#f],RightLeg:[#f,#f,#f]}}
Invisible Determines whether the armor stand is invisible or not. Byte, 0b or 1b {Invisible:#}

Note: The Equipment tag also works for armor stands.


These tags are used when summoning turtles.

Tagname Description Value type Syntax
HomePosX Determines the X coordinate of a turtle's home beach. Numerical {HomePosX:#}
HomePosY Determines the Y coordinate of a turtle's home beach. Numerical {HomePosY:#}
HomePosZ Determines the Z coordinate of a turtle's home beach. Numerical {HomePosZ:#}
TravelPosX Determines the distance a turtle can lay eggs from its home coordinates, on the X axis. Numerical {TravelPosX:#}
TravelPosY Determines the distance a turtle can lay eggs from its home coordinates, on the Y axis. Numerical {TravelPosY:#}
TravelPosZ Determines the distance a turtle can lay eggs from its home coordinates, on the Z axis. Numerical {TravelPosZ:#}
HasEgg Determines if the turtle has an egg to lay 0 – 0b – false
1 – 1b – true


Tags used in /setblock and /fill:

Tagname Description Value Type Syntax
Command Used with command blocks. Places command block with command. A string {Command:"desired command"}
auto Used with command blocks. Places command block with "Always Active" rather than "Needs Redstone". 0 - 0b - false
1 - 1b - true

Note: This is also used for Command Block Minecarts


These tags can be used on most tile entitied blocks

Tagname Description Value Type Syntax
CustomName Displayed in the top left corner of the inventory, instead of the regular name. Works only where such a regular name exists. A JSON text component {CustomName:"\"Custom Name\""}
Lock Says a name needed on a held item to open the inventory. A string {Lock:"Key's Name"}


Tagname Description Value Type Syntax
Primary This determines the first status effect that the beacon creates. It defaults to level 1 of the effect. An ID of a status effect. {Primary:#}
Secondary This determines the second status effect. If its the same as Primary, then it increases the status effect to level 2. Otherwise it is level 1. Also an ID of a status effect. {Secondary:#}
Levels This number determines how many layers of valid blocks are below the beacon. This value updates automatically, and overrides /data inputs immediately. Integer {Levels:#}


These tags are used when using /setblock or /summon (spawner minecarts) to create spawners. Add only those data tags you want to avoid a potential error.

Tagname Description Value Type Syntax
EntityId Specifies what entity the spawner spawns. A ID of a Mob {SpawnData:{entity: {id: "minecraft:EntityName"}}
SpawnData Used for spawners that spawn entities with data tags. An entity NBT tag {SpawnData:{NBT tag}}
SpawnCount How many entities the spawner can spawn at one time. Integer {SpawnCount:#}
SpawnRange The range of which the entities can spawn. Integer {SpawnRange:#}
RequiredPlayerRange The range of which a player must be in for the spawner to start spawning entities. Integer {RequiredPlayerRange:#}
Delay The number of ticks before entities spawn when a player is first detected. Integer {Delay:#}
MinSpawnDelay After the first spawn, this is the minimum amount of ticks before more entities can spawn. Integer {MinSpawnDelay:#}
MaxSpawnDelay Similar to MinSpawnDelay. After the first spawn, this is the maximum amount of ticks before more entities can spawn. Integer {MaxSpawnDelay:#}
MaxNearbyEntities Checks the number of entities within the spawn range ('SpawnRange' tag). If the number of entities it detects is over the set MaxNearbyEntities number, it does not spawn more entities unless the amount of entities within the spawn range is decreased. Integer {MaxNearbyEntities:#}
SpawnPotentials Used when creating spawners that spawn multiple types of entities. A weighted list of entities to be spawned, including NBT tags. A List SpawnPotentials:[{data: {entity: {id: "minecraft:EntityName"} }, weight:#}]
Weight Used if spawning multiple entities using SpawnPotentials. If the same as another SpawnPotentials entity, both have an even chance of spawning. A number {Weight:#}

Sub-tags used in the SpawnPotentials data tag.

Tagname Description Value Type Syntax
Type Determines the other entity that spawns with the entity specified in the EntityId data tag. MUST be used with SpawnPotentials. A string {SpawnPotentials:[{Type:"EntityName"}]}
Weight Determines the chance of spawning the entity specified in the 'Type' sub-tag. If set to the same as another other entity's weight, they have the same chance of spawning. A number {SpawnPotentials:[{Weight:#}]}
Properties Determines the entity data tag(s) that the entity (specified in the 'Type' sub-tag) is spawned with. An entity NBT tag {SpawnPotentials:[{Properties:{NBT tag}}]}

See also[]


  1. ↑ There can be more or even wrong values, make sure you test them first! This tag may need major editing!