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Gear (item)
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No carpet vs carpet

The comparison between not having carpets and having carpets.

Hostile mobs spawn in and around your builds at zero light level or if it is night time. Mobs such as creepers have the potential to destroy your creations, while others may attack you. There are many ways of preventing hostile creatures from spawning.

Basic spawn-proofing[]

Light blocks
One of the most basic ways to prevent mob spawning is by placing torches. These increase the light level around them, stopping hostiles from spawning. Other blocks such as glowstone or shroomlight emit higher light levels, but are harder to come by. This method does not work with mobs whose spawning does not rely on low light level, such as slimes, magma cubes and hoglins.
Slabs and partial blocks
Mobs cannot spawn on blocks that are less than a full block in height. Areas covered in bottom slabs are unable to spawn mobs, no matter the light level, although double slabs, top slabs and upside-down stairs are still spawnable. Also, dirt path and farmland are partial blocks (15/16th of a block in height) and cannot be spawned upon.
Transparent blocks
Mobs also cannot spawn on top of transparent blocks, such as glass, or partially transparent blocks, such as leaves.
Mobs cannot spawn on carpets because they are not a full block.
Snow layer
Snow layers of thicknesses 2 to 7 prevent hostile mobs from spawning.
Redstone components
Mobs cannot spawn on buttons, levers, pressure plates, and all types of rails.
Mobs other than water mobs are unable to spawn in water. Mobs other than striders are unable to spawn on lava.

(Side note: You can download mods to show where you have to spawn-proof for your mob farm or entity removing needs.)

Advanced spawn-proofing[]

Mob switch[]

Main article: Tutorials/Mob switch