Minecraft Wiki
Sprinting Steve
Sprinting Alex

Sprinting is a method of transportation that allows the player to move faster, at the expense of depleting saturation. While sprinting, the player's field of view expands slightly while increasing the player's reach by .5-1 block. Players also inflict more knockback on the first hit when sprinting.


To sprint, the player can press sprint while moving, or double tap forward. The player cannot sprint if their hunger bar is at 6 (🍗🍗🍗) or below, or when they are under the Blindness effect.

Mobs that can sprint include:


Sprinting anim

Particles coming out of the ground while sprinting.

Sprinting allows the player to move at around 5.612 meters/second, which is 30 percent faster than the normal walking speed of around 4.317 m/s, jumping while sprinting allows the player to move with an average speed of 7.127 m/s. The player can turn while sprinting, resulting in slightly reduced speed. Sprinting also increases the speed of flying in Creative mode, and the speed of swimming. Although "sprinting" while mounted on a minecart, boat, horse, pig, or strider increases the field of vision like actual sprinting, it does not increase the entity's speed.

While sprinting, it is possible to jump across up to four blocks horizontally,[1] instead of the usual two blocks, although sprinting does not cause the player to jump higher.

Sprinting reduces the player's saturation. When saturation reaches zero, the hunger bar depletes at a rate of 12 every 40 meters, or 7 seconds.

Sprinting produces particles at the player's feet corresponding to the block type they are running on. When a player attacks any mob (excluding squid, iron golems and shulkers) while sprinting, the mob suffers a larger knockback than usual. Sprinting and holding down jump at the same time is usually faster, but actually becomes slower when under the effect of Speed II or higher.

Sprinting ends when the player collides with a solid block at an angle of greater than 8 degrees[note 1], sneaks, blocks or attacks a mob. If none of these happen, the player automatically stops sprinting after 30 seconds.[note 2] Sprinting also ends if the hunger bar is reduced to 6 (🍗🍗🍗) or less.

Sprinting pauses when the player eats food or drinks potions, but pressing sprint while eating food or potions does not start sprinting.


Note: Sprint keys were added in Java Edition 1.7.2. Also, the video does not mention that sprinting automatically stops after 30 seconds.


This section is missing information about other mobs that can sprint and 1.17 Skulk detection while sneaking. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition Beta
August 28, 2011Sprinting was first mentioned during PAX 2011. The sprinting mechanic would expand the combat system and increase player mobility.
September 2, 2011Jeb uploaded a video featuring the difference between sprinting and regular walking.
1.8Pre-releaseAdded sprinting.
Java Edition
1.513w05bStairs no longer prevent sprinting.
1.7.213w36aAdded "Sprint" button, defaulting to Left Ctrl.
Added the ability to "sprint" in minecarts, boats and horses. This changes only FOV and does not increase speed.
1.814w34dSprinting now speeds up flying.
1.1318w07aThe player can now sprint while swimming. Doing so makes the player's hitbox smaller, allowing them to fit into 1 block gaps. It also greatly increases the player's swimming speed.
1.14.2Pre-Release 2Sprinting now pauses when the player is consuming food or potions, but pressing sprint while consuming food or potions does not start sprinting.
1.1519w41aSprint inputs can now be switched between Hold and Toggle mode in the Accessibility Settings.
1.1821w38aLow-angle collisions with blocks no longer stop the player from sprinting.
21w41aIncreased the angle at which colliding with blocks does not prevent sprinting from 5.5 to 8 degrees.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.1build 1Added sprinting.
Bedrock Edition
1.4.0beta player can now sprint while swimming. Doing so causes the player to dive down to the lowest point of the water pool. It also greatly increases the player's swimming speed.
beta player can now fit into 1 block gaps when sprint-swimming.
Legacy Console Edition
TU5CU1 1.0 Patch 1Added sprinting.


Issues relating to "Sprinting" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Sprinting and jumping while under a 2-block high ceiling causes a player to move at a speed almost twice as fast as regular sprinting speed, but it consumes a hunger point every second. It is also possible to jump 5 blocks when jumping out of the 2-block high ceiling.
    • This can be sped up even more by decreasing the ceiling height using trapdoors or by sprinting on ice.
    • A similar effect occurs if the player sprints and rapidly hits jump at the same time on a set of stairs.
  • Sprint-jumping actually costs less exhaustion per block travelled compared to pure sprinting, despite being faster. This is because exhaustion increases while the player is on the ground. While sprint-jumping, most of of the distance is covered in mid-air.


See also[]


  1. In the Bedrock version, there is a short window of time in which the player can move away from the solid block in order to continue sprinting. In the Java version, sprinting ends immediately upon colliding.
  2. If sprint is held, sprinting lasts longer than 30 seconds.

