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Gear (item)
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Reason: On 1.17 snapshots Sculk detection when jumping while sneaking
Jumping preview

Jumping is a mechanic that elevates the player14 block into the air. It also has other effects when combined with other forms of movement.



Jumping is done by pressing the jump key (which defaults to the space bar on PC) or the jump button on other devices (for example the 'A' button on Xbox). If auto-jump is on the player jumps whenever they brush up against the edge of a block.


Jump height changes[]

Jumping normally lets the player climb up 114 block. Players with Jump Boost I are able to jump 11516 block, and with Jump Boost II they are able to jump 212 blocks. The effect increases further with more levels of Jump Boost.

Honey blocks make players jump 316 of a block from them, meaning that they get an 85% jumping reduction.


Cobwebs and sweet berry bushes prevent players from jumping from them.

Sneaking and crawling, when activated by suffocation prevention in Java Edition, prevent players from jumping due to the reduced space. These two actions normally do not prevent players from jumping.


Jumping can be combined with sprinting to increase the player's movement speed. A single jump while sprinting costs four times as much hunger as a normal jump.


Most land-based mobs are able to jump when they are walking up blocks. However, they do not jump spontaneously, except in (but not limited to) these cases:

These mobs are able to walk up full-sized blocks without jumping:

Flying mobs (ghasts, phantoms, etc.) and water mobs (except turtles) do not jump.


Some blocks are affected when being jumped on, or when jumping is performed near them. Some blocks can also hinder or assist in jumping.

  • Water or lava negates jumping of any kind while being submerged in it. However, if the player is above the surface of the liquid, holding the jump key and in tandem with moving up against a block, the player attempts to jump out of the liquid in an effort to land on the block being moving toward.
    • Pressing the jump key while submerged in liquid makes the player ascend in it.
  • Fences and gates have vertical collision that are a block and a half tall, negating the ability for any mob to jump over it.
  • Ladders and vines can be climbed by holding the jump key while being close enough to them. Simply moving forward into them achieves the same effect.
  • Farmland reverts to a standard dirt block if an entity jumps and/or lands on it. This also causes any seeds and crops planted in the farmland to pop out. Entities do not need to jump for this to occur, as simply landing on farmland from a fall causes the same effect.
  • Turtle eggs can be broken by being jumped/landed on enough times.
  • Soul sand causes entities to sink down by 2 pixels, also lowering jump height by that much. Entities are still able to jump on blocks.
  • Honey blocks greatly decrease the jump height of any entity standing on it.
  • Slime blocks bounce entities back up to the height proportional to the downward velocity of the falling entity. Holding the jump key while falling on a slime block causes the player to jump just at the moment of making contact with the slime block. This can be done without suffering any fall damage. Holding the sneak key while landing on a slime block completely negates the bouncing.
  • Sculk sensors are able to detect many interactions and movements from entities. They cannot sense when an entity jumps, but can sense when one lands. Jumping and landing while sneaking is not detected by a sensor. Walking or landing on a wool block also nullifies the vibrations, so the sculk sensors don't pick up on it. Wool can also nullify vibrations that are between both the source of the disturbance and the sensor itself.
    • If the sculk sensor is connected to any type of redstone circuit, the vibration of an entity hitting the ground causes the sensor to output a redstone signal strength of 5.
  • Pointed dripstone (also known as a stalagmite) that's pointing upward hurts any player or mob that lands on it. Standing on a stalagmite and then jumping harms the entity repeatedly. The farther a fall before landing on a stalagmite, the more damage it does even more so than standard fall damage.


Java Edition pre-Classic
Cave game tech testAdded jumping.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 PrereleaseExperience is now gained when the player is jumping.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Removed the ability of gaining experience when jumping.
1.915w45aPlayer's jump height is increased from 1.125 blocks to 1.25 blocks.
1.1116w32aThe exhaustion cost per jump has been decreased from 0.2 to 0.05.
The exhaustion cost per sprint-jump has been decreased from 0.8 to 0.2.
1.1720w49aPlayer's jump while sneaking ignores sculk sensors.
Pocket Edition Alpha
Pre-releaseAdded jumping.


  • Jumping was one of the first transportation mechanics added.
  • The longest possible distance a player can jump without effects is over 9 blocks, by sprint-jumping out of a 2-block-high ice corridor.
  • The longest possible distance a player can jump with effects obtainable in Survival is over 11 blocks, by using Potions of Leaping, Swiftness, and Slow Falling combined with Soul Speed III boots on soul sand.
  • The longest possible distance a player can jump without effects or ice is 5 blocks, simply by sprinting.

