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Donté Panlin

Faction:The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Universal
Attack Type: Melee
Role(s): carry,disabler,initiator,durable,escape

Pangolier's Stats

STR 100 at 30 (19 + 2.7/level)
AGI 102 at 30 (18 + 2.8/level)
INT 82 at 30 (16 + 2.2/level)
Health 1740 at 30
Mana 807 at 30
Damage 45 - 51
Range 150
Armor 5
Movement 295

Fortune Favors the Bold

Nearby enemies have a reduced chance for their random effects to happen to Pangolier....


Pangolier dashes along the target line, then slashes all enemies in the drawn direction with...

Shield Crash

Pangolier jumps in the air and slams back to the ground, dealing physical damage and slowing all...

Lucky Shot

Pangolier rolls the dice and lets fate decide the outcome for his enemies. Grants a chance to...

Rolling Thunder

Pangolier curls into a debuff immune ball with 60% additional magic resistance and rolls out....

Pangolier's Talents

-16s Rolling Thunder Cooldown
-2.5s Swashbuckle Cooldown
+125 Shield Crash Radius and Damage
+15% Attack Damage as Swashbuckle Damage
+2s Rolling Thunder Duration
+80 Shield Crash Barrier Per Hero
+200 Swashbuckle slash range
+4 Lucky Shot Armor Reduction

Pangolier's Facets

Double Jump

Pangolier can double jump with Shield Crash dealing more damage and gaining more barrier.


Rolling Thunder movement and turn speed increased, but duration is decreased.

Pangolier's Lore

The men and women that make up the Nivan Gallants live a life of swordplay, chandelier swinging, and tawdry romance. And while all adhere to their creed that “A life of adventure is the only life worth living,” the exploits of Donté Panlin still manage to raise the eyebrows of even the most hedonistic of swordsmen.

There is no monster he won’t slay. No creature he won’t woo. No tyrant he won’t stand against. And no noble immune to his silver tongue.

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