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Stroke of Fate

Faction:The Dire
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Attack Type: Ranged
Role(s): disabler,escape,support

Grimstroke's Stats

STR 93 at 30 (21 + 2.4/level)
AGI 75 at 30 (18 + 1.9/level)
INT 139 at 30 (25 + 3.8/level)
Health 1760 at 30
Mana 1443 at 30
Damage 50 - 54
Range 600
Armor 2.88
Movement 290

Ink Trail

Adds an effect to Grimstroke's attacks that causes enemy heroes to leave a trail of ink behind...

Stroke of Fate

Grimstroke paints a path of ink with his brush, damaging and slowing enemies. The damage is...

Phantom's Embrace

Summons a phantom that moves quickly towards the target, latching to it when she arrives. Once...

Ink Swell

Grimstroke shrouds an allied unit in ink, increasing its movement speed. Enemies in range of the...


Grimstroke binds an enemy hero to its nearest allied hero in range, preventing each from moving...

Grimstroke's Talents

+70% Stroke of Fate Speed and Travel Range
+150 Ink Swell Radius
+3 Hits to Kill Phantom
+75% Stroke of Fate Damage
+12% Ink Swell Movement Speed
+25% Soulbind Spell Damage
-4s Ink Swell Cooldown
+65 Phantom's Embrace DPS

Grimstroke's Facets


Ink Swell can be manually detonated early.

Fine Art

Stroke of Fate can now be vector targeted to manipulate the ink's travel path.

Grimstroke's Lore

Graceful, sophisticated, cunning and cruel, Grimstroke channels vile forces through the profane ink of his runebinding brush. Groomed from a young age to become a guardian of his people, Grimstroke's path to power was instead built upon a sacrifice he was all too willing to make: the lives of his entire race. Consumed by the very magic that was meant to protect them, Grimstroke's kindred now exist only as inky revenants, bound forever to his brush—their anguished screams and viscous forms apparent in the strokes of each dark mural he creates.

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