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Dark Willow

Mireska Sunbreeze

Faction:The Dire
Primary Attribute: Universal
Attack Type: Ranged
Role(s): disabler,escape,support

Dark Willow's Stats

STR 80 at 30 (20 + 2/level)
AGI 57 at 30 (18 + 1.3/level)
INT 99 at 30 (21 + 2.6/level)
Health 1560 at 30
Mana 1299 at 30
Damage 46 - 54
Range 475
Armor 3
Movement 290

Pixie Dust

Whenever a skill makes Dark Willow become untargetable, she gains 100% HP Regen and 100% Mana...

Bramble Maze

Dark Willow creates a maze of brambles in the target area. Enemies that walk into a bramble take...

Shadow Realm

Dark Willow recedes into the shadows, becoming untargetable. Her next attack has increased...

Cursed Crown

Dark Willow casts an ancient fan curse on the target. After a delay, the target and nearby...


Dark Willow sends her pet wisp to roam around an ally for the duration, rapidly attacking nearby...


Dark Willow releases her pet wisp to terrorize her enemies. After a short delay, all enemies in...

Dark Willow's Talents

+2 Bedlam Attack Targets
500 Terrorize Impact Damage
-7s Bramble Maze Cooldown
+1.5s Shadow Realm Duration
+150 Cursed Crown AoE
+30 Bedlam Damage
-2s Shadow Realm Cooldown
+0.5s Cursed Crown Stun Duration

Dark Willow's Facets

Throwing Shade

Dark Willow deals more damage to nearby heroes when she's in the Shadow Realm.

Thorny Thicket

Bramble Maze creates extra brambles.

Dark Willow's Lore

Children love telling stories about the whimsical adventures of fairies... That’s because children don’t know that most fairies are spiteful jerks. And in the world of spiteful fairies there are few names spoken of with more contempt than Mireska Sunbreeze. Born to a fae merchant king, Mireska grew up in Revtel; a cutthroat nation where manipulation and murder were the norm. But while she was quite adept at navigating the etiquette, unspoken laws, and social rituals that permeated every element of her life, she found the whole thing rather boring. So, Mireska did what most rebellious children do: burn down her family estate and set off with her pet wisp Jex to live the life of a wandering grifter.

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