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Mirana's Companion

Faction:The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Universal
Attack Type: Melee
Role(s): carry,disabler,initiator

Marci's Stats

STR 113 at 30 (23 + 3/level)
AGI 74 at 30 (20 + 1.8/level)
INT 64 at 30 (19 + 1.5/level)
Damage 50 - 56
Range 150
Armor 3.3
Movement 315

Special Delivery

All allied couriers gain 3 bonus levels and 1 bonus health.


Marci grabs an allied or enemy target and throws it effortlessly behind her, damaging and slowing...


Vector targeted. Marci bounds to the targeted unit, choosing a direction and distance she will...


Marci's loyalty helps ensure survival, imbuing a chosen allied hero and herself with shared...


Marci taps a hidden power, gaining Fury charges that allow her to deliver a rapid sequence of...

Marci's Talents

+65 Sidekick Damage
Unleash Duration Extended by 6s on Kill
+12% Unleash Movement Speed
+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration
+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus
+100 Dispose Damage
+10% Sidekick Lifesteal
+100 Rebound Cast/ Jump Range

Marci's Facets


Marci can protect an ally, granting them shared lifesteal and damage. Effect is stronger if she's...


Marci can protect an ally, countering attacks directed towards them if she's in range of the enemy.

Marci's Lore

Admired by many, Marci's origins are known to nameless few. She travels mostly in the company of the Princess Mirana, but the roots of their friendship are entwined in secrets neither would ever needlessly reveal. To allies, she serves as fierce and honest companion. To enemies, she acts as dauntless deterrence against harming any she deems friend. Though unwise opponents may consider her size unremarkable, Marci possesses an inner power that imbues her strikes with incredible might. She'll decimate those who think to test her, but those who earn her favor will have an unflappable confidant for life.
Close History
Proving that undying loyalty yields unrivaled power, Marci always marches into battle ready to raise fists in defense of her companions. Effortlessly flinging friends and foes around the battlefield, she happily bounds into any brawl, able to grant allies a deadly edge and unleash a hidden power strong enough to make even gods reconsider the wisdom of a hostile path.

Admired by many, Marci's origins are known to nameless few. She travels mostly in the company of the Princess Mirana, but the roots of their friendship are entwined in secrets neither would ever needlessly reveal. To allies, she serves as fierce and honest companion. To enemies, she acts as dauntless deterrence against harming any she deems friend. Though unwise opponents may consider her size unremarkable, Marci possesses an inner power that imbues her strikes with incredible might. She'll decimate those who think to test her, but those who earn her favor will have an unflappable confidant for life.

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