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MOBAFire Job Board

Join the MOBAFire Team! MOBAFire is a growing community and we're looking for talented people with a passion for gaming and online game communities to help us out!

Open Job Postings

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No open positions

Closed Job Postings

PositionDate PostedJob Type
Front End UI DeveloperMay 5th, 2020F/T Contract
CSS SpecialistDecember 9, 2016F/T Contract
HeroesFire Community ManagerApril 9, 2015P/T Contract
UI DesignerSep 25, 2014Single Contract
Coordinator/AssistantSep 25, 2014F/T Contract
WriterSep 25, 2014P/T Contract
Social Media ManagerApril 14, 2014Contract
MOBAFire Community ManagerMarch 25, 2014Contract
Senior PHP DeveloperJanuary 07, 2014F/T Contract
Intermediate PHP DeveloperJanuary 07, 2014F/T Contract
PHP DeveloperMay 18, 2013F/T Contract
C# DeveloperMay 18, 2013F/T Contract
Web Design GuruJanuary 21, 2013F/T Contract
Video Producer/CommentatorSept 25, 2012F/T Contract
Content ReviewerSept 25, 2012F/T Contract
Star PHP DeveloperJune 18, 2012F/T Contract

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide