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The Dig is the fourth chapter of Among Thieves. Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan arrived at Zoran Lazarević's camp, and used the planted charges to lure him, Harry Flynn, and his soldiers away to gain access to Marco Polo's journals.


The Diversion[]

The Diversion

Nate watches Zoran scolding Flynn for his failures.

After planting the explosive charges and traveling through the Borneo jungle, Nate and Sully managed to arrive at Lazarević's camp. They spotted Chloe, and spied Lazarević arguing with Flynn about his lack of results, until a soldier exposed another for stealing artifacts. Lazarević killed the man with a knife for his insubordination, erupting into anger afterwards. Sully prompted Nate to detonate the charges to further ruin his day, which he did, blowing up the camp they traveled through earlier that day. Lazarević, along with Flynn and Chloe, and a large contingent of soldiers ran off to investigate. Nate then took out the remaining camp guards and entered Lazarević's cabin.

To Higher Ground[]

To Higher Ground 2

Nate realizes what Zoran is looking for.

Inside the cabin, Nate searched through the journals left behind by Marco Polo that Lazarević acquired regarding the Lost Fleet. He also found files on every expedition to find Shambhala, all the way back to the 1600s. Continuing his search, he realized that the Cintamani Stone was not in Borneo at all. This led to Sully asking why Lazarević was in Borneo at all, after which Nate realized he was looking for a way to Shambhala as the stone would still be there. Calling Chloe, he asked if any remains or bodies were found, which she denied. He figured out that they must have fled the tsunami waters and left for higher ground after abandoning their ships, further deducing they must be at a nearby hill.

Unfortunately, at this point some of Lazarević's soldiers returned to the camp, discovering the camp guards killed. Nate was then forced to engage a large amount of them in a firefight throughout the camp, culminating in the destruction of the camp's watchtower. Afterwards he and Sully subsequently managed to find some ancient ruins atop the hill that Nate marked out, and were shortly after joined by Chloe. The three entered the ruins, quickly discovering the crew's remains, noting that they all had black teeth. Nate found some more blue resin, and lit it up to reveal bloodstains on the floor, ending at a caved-in doorway. He and Sully cleared it, revealing the trail to lead into a second chamber.

The Golden Passport[]

The Golden Passport 1

Nate and his allies discover the Phurba.

At the end of the chamber, they found skeletal remains holding a map and a large golden dagger. The dagger, called a Phurba, actually was a ritual object from Tibet, used to destroy ritual obstacles, as explained by Nate. He immediately realized that it was the referred to 'golden passport' in Polo's journal. The map also indicated a 'Valley of Temples', which was currently the location of a Nepalese city.

Take Them to Lazarevic[]

Take Them to Lazarević 1

Nate and Sully lose their map to Flynn.

Deciding that they had all that they needed, they went and left the ruins, only to be halted by Chloe holding them at gunpoint. She was joined by Flynn, who took the map Chloe handed to him, and after taunting Nate and Sully, told her to escort them to Lazarević. Chloe quickly disobeyed his orders, revealing her actions to have been a ruse as she disabled the two accompanying soldiers. Although wounded by a grazing shot in the process, she noted it would help her make it look more believable. She then kissed Nate, asking him to meet her in Nepal.

Trouble in Nepal[]

Trouble in Nepal 1

Nate drives through Nepal, noticing the damage that has been done.

Due to the gunshots, Nate and Sully were quickly found and chased by Lazarevic's soldiers. After a short escape, they found themselves stuck on a small cliff ledge above a large river. Desperate and with no way out, Nate implored Sully to jump, to his dismay as he complained he was too old for these kinds of actions. Regardless, as Flynn and several soldiers closed in they were forced to jump, to Flynn's own dismay as he noticed both of them survived the fall.

Later on, Nate is witnessed driving through Nepal in a jeep as he calls Chloe on the radio, remarking that Lazarević's headstart was not a joke. She explained that the city was on the brink of civil war, and that he did not need to do much to push it far enough. The resulting chaos provided him with the cover to search the city for the right temple without fear of repercussions. Chloe asked him to meet her in the Old Market, to which Nate agreed. Moments afterwards, a large armored car appeared, which started chasing him, ramming his jeep and forcing it into a tiny alley where it crashed, forcing Nate to run on foot.


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The camp[]

After the cutscenes, you will have to clear the camp of the few soldiers patrolling it. They are easy enough to dispatch with stealth, although gunning them down works too. Note that the soldier guarding the cabin carries a Micro - 9mm submachine pistol, which beats the other pistol weapons in sheer fire rate. Once all soldiers are dead, you only need to approach the cabin at the rear of the camp to start another cutscene, after which you have to defeat several waves of incoming soldiers. At this point the game quickly introduces Mk-NDI grenades to you; depending on your controls, use L2 or L1 to aim using the reticle, then tap the other to throw, alternatively hold the other button to aim using an arc.

Grenades are useful weapons to kill grouped up enemies, ones that are particularly dangerous, or relying on cover too much for you to shoot down. As a trade-off Nate can only carry four and they are somewhat rare, although enemies have a chance to drop them. Aside from the four he starts with, Nate can pick up another two pairs from the two ammo boxes next to the window. There also is another Wes - 44 revolver on a desk behind you, and Sully will periodically kill a random soldier if he can get a proper shot using the Dragon Sniper he found.

Enemies will come in from either the left, right, or middle, in groups of around four men. Although staying put in the cabin can seem tempting, this is an unfavorable position as the shipwrecks and general terrain block your line of sight too much, and the cabin lacks the walls to prevent flanking attacks by the soldiers. Regardless, try to use grenades to take out the soldiers when they are still grouped up and generally unaware of your position.

Per the previous advice you will eventually be better off by moving out and using the terrain to your advantage. With the enemies unaware of your current position you can actively flank them, using the same line of sight-breaking objects to keep them unaware of where you are. The few soldiers carrying a Moss - 12 shotgun are the most dangerous in this scenario, but their weapon is simultaneously much more valuable for this kind of tactic. After stopping three waves you will have to shoot several soldiers that attack Sully directly, which also gives you some breathing room to rearm yourselves.

When that wave is dead another immediately follows, with soldiers coming in from all sides. That wave is then also followed up by a smaller one, combined with a soldier manning the machine gun turret in the tower on Sully's left. The turret will pin Sully down, while another soldier will have a clear line of sight on you from an open window on its side. If possible kill said soldier from afar, or throw a grenade (which will all have respawned) through the window to take him and the tower out entirely if you can manage it without being shot down. If not, play it safe to dispatch any soldiers roaming around, then take your time with the tower.

The ruins[]

Once the tower is gone the chapter will feature no more gunplay. Use the remains to climb the ledge to where Sully is, then head through the passage located behind it. Follow this until you reach an entrance into some ancient ruins, at which point Chloe also joins you. Enter the ruins and search it until you find a piece of resin, which you can grab and light with Triangle. This will reveal a blood trail you have to follow to another dead end, which you clear using Up when prompted.

Explore the newly revealed chamber, then exit after the cutscene. Another one follows, after which you have a short time to run away from the chasing soldiers. Beat up the one that attempts to block you, then attempt to make the jump up ahead. Nate will barely make it, after which you have to climb up to continue, ultimately making your escape along with Sully.
