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Siege is the nineteenth chapter of Among Thieves. After escaping the ice temple, Nathan Drake and Tenzin spot smoke rising from the Tibetan village, and rushed back to learn from Elena that Lazarević's soldiers had attacked in search for them. They had to repel the soldiers and find Schäfer, who was last seen with Pema and the Phurba.



After making their way through the village Nate and Tenzin managed to reach the latter's house, but did not find Pema nor Schäfer within the premises. At his balcony Tenzin asked for Nate's binoculars, and quickly spotted Schäfer holding Pema deeper within the village. He then had Nate look, who also saw them, as well as a tank. The tank subsequently saw them as well and immediately opened fire, forcing them to jump to avoid the incoming blast.


Schäfer's house[]

You can pick up a crossbow on the table to your right, while inside Schäfer's house, which has the benefit of a guaranteed one-hit kill, but very limited ammo capacity and a slow reload time. Once you go outside you will be thrown in the middle of a firefight between attacking soldiers and several villagers, who at best will draw some fire but do markedly little to deter the soldiers using their own crossbows. Eliminate the soldier on the rooftop first, then focus on those at the stairs on the other side of the small plaza. There also is a lone Pistole lying around on the right side of the house, which can be helpful against the armored shotgunner that will be coming up the stairs.


Pick up the lone M4 dropped by a soldier, and any spare Mk-NDI grenades, then head into the next area. Upon approaching it, and after shooting a few more soldiers, you will be shot at by a man on a rooftop along the right side of the area. After his demise you should get closer and be able to spot, and be spotted by, the machine gun turret opposite said rooftop. The turret is your main goal here, and although you can lob a grenade directly behind it, it is sure to almost immediately be manned by another soldier.

Other than the turret there are no notable targets running around, save for a lot of soldiers spread around the area. To capture the turret you will have to go left, ascending up the buildings, and killing any of the turret's supporting units quickly before it catches wind of your location. Destroy the turret operator, either with a grenade or one of the propane tanks lying nearby, then repeat those actions on the group that manages to recapture it. Once you are in control of it you will be able easily dispatch the remaining soldiers, including the few reinforcements coming from the directions of Tenzin's place. The sole notable unit in this batch is another armored shotgunner.

Prior to heading to the gateway separating your current location and Tenzin's house you should loot the vicinity for any other loot, such as the Desert - 5 lying next to the turret, and the grenades and RPG - 7 on the rooftop opposite of it. Head to the gateway next, which will be subsequently blown up. Quickly shoot the soldier that blew up the door before he manages to open fire on you, followed by his compatriots coming down the path, although only the armored shotgunner is an actual threat. Follow Tenzin afterwards, dodging grenades twice and killing a few soldiers along the way.

Path to Tenzin's house[]

Once back outside you will have to deal with a lot of soldiers to be able to reach Tenzin's house. The layout is as follows: you will be able to jump on the roof of the house in front of you, with another roof and several soldiers directly to your right. There are also several soldiers in cover in the area in front of the house, as well in between the two, including another armored shotgunner. Although you will have a good view on all the soldiers below you when on the rooftop, the lack of cover makes this more problematic than it has to be. Instead, enter the first house and pick up the GAU - 19 and lug the minigun across the path to Tenzin's, meanwhile demolishing absolutely anything in your path. Be careful to use the fire button to rev up the GAU's gun, as it otherwise takes a second to actually start firing.

After going through a house you will need to go down some stairs, which is when several reinforcements will come climbing up a ladder (although if you are carrying the GAU they will likely have done so before you arrived). Of special note is the masked soldier carrying an M32 - Hammer, which will be an amazing aid to easily destroy the soldiers milling around far below you. Watch out for the one carrying a second M32 on-top of the building on the left, but otherwise there is little chance for them to withstand you targeting all of them from above with either your GAU's remaining bullets or the M32.

Once you reach the ground floor you will be ambushed by three more soldiers, one of which has a riot shield and his own Desert - 5, from inside the house on the left. Finish them off, then follow Tenzin into his home and up his stairs to end the chapter, continuing directly into "Cat and Mouse".
