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A Train to Catch is the twelfth chapter of Among Thieves. Nate and Elena were captured by Flynn and Lazarević, but managed to avoid being executed and escaped. With Chloe taken away by Flynn they needed to find a way to the railyard and rescue her before they would lose track of them entirely.


Upon approaching a balcony, Nate and Elena found a group of soldiers patrolling a small plaza. Unarmed, Nate managed to take them down and acquire weapons for himself, with Elena finding a 92FS - 9mm on her own after Nate boosted her up a fire escape. A locked gate barred their path to the water tower on their way to the railyard, and Nate worked his way around so that he could shoot the planks off of it. Seconds after doing so, he and Elena were ambushed by several groups of soldiers. Once the coast was clear, the two climbed up to the water tower, where they got a clear view of the railyard.

Scoping the Railyard[]

Scoping the Railyard 1

Nate and Elena discuss their rescue strategy.

Upon seeing the railyard, Nate pulled out his binoculars for a closer look, spotting Chloe being taken aboard the train by Flynn. Seconds later, he saw Lazarević and his lieutenant getting onboard as well. Knowing there was no time to waste, Nate devised a plan in which he would enter the railyard alone, while Elena would grab a getaway vehicle and be ready to show up when Nate grabs Chloe off the train.

Once they were clear on their objectives, they parted ways, and Nate zip-lined his way down into the railyard, landing right beside a warehouse. He entered the building and got a closer look at the train, wondering how he would get to it. He then stumbled into a railcar stationed inside the building and figured he could get it moving. Upon flipping its lever, the railcar slid down the slope of the tracks, crashing through the door and tipping over as it slid into the railyard. This commotion attracted the attention of many soldiers in the area. Nate maintained his position inside the railcar, using it as cover until Elena arrived in the getaway car.

All Aboard[]

All Aboard 1

Elena helps Nate catch up to the train.

Unfortunately, the gunfight caused Nate to miss the train, but once he got onto Elena's jeep, he had her catch up to it so that he could get on board. Elena thought Nate was crazy for this, but it was the only way he could retrieve Chloe. Once Elena got Nate close enough to the train, she helped him make the leap to the caboose. Nate took one last look at Elena as the train traveled into the forest.


Reaching the water tower[]

Approach the balcony ahead, and you will spot some soldiers below, grouped together. They will then break away from each other to search the surrounding area. You are unarmed at this point, so you must first sneak your way down to the streets and acquire a firearm from one of the soldiers. Begin by making a leap to the sign on your left, then vault over to the opposite side and jump over to the top of the damaged building.

A Train to Catch gameplay 2

Nate stealth attacks one of the soldiers.

Jump the short gap and stealth attack the soldier here to get his weapon. With a bit of patience and planning you can also do the same with the remaining soldiers here, including the armored shotgunner. After taking them down, grab a FAL from one of them, then climb back up to the rooftop, then position Nate underneath the ladder to the fire escape. Wait for Elena to meet you up there so that Nate can boost her up, then follow her to the nearby rooftop.

A Train to Catch gameplay 3

Nate battles his foes from the street signs.

You will approach a door blocked by wooden planks on the other side. Go back near the ledge and look left to find a blue sign. Jump to it, then shimmy over to the orange sign. Vault over it, then shoot the planks on the door so that Elena can pass through. After doing so, you will be attacked by more soldiers. The first group appears ahead of you; try to fire at the propane tank placed in a blue crate, then fire or toss grenades at whoever is left. You will then need to vault over the sign, as you will then be attacked from behind by a second wave, which includes a sniper. The third and final wave approaches from the area which you initially used to enter the plaza, so position yourself accordingly on the signs.

After the soldiers are finally down, jump back up to the top, and wait for Elena to lower the bridge. Leap to it, then follow it to the left. Gather any ammunition, including possibly the sniper's dropped Dragon Sniper, you need before climbing the ladder to the water tower.

The railyard[]

A Train to Catch gameplay 4

Nate slides down to the railyard.

Once you are at the tower, head left and get near the zip-line that will lead you down to a warehouse. Once there, move the cart away from the doors, then head inside. Approach the railcar to your right, and climb the large boxes placed on it and follow it to the window. Move left and jump to another railcar, then follow it to a yellow walkway. Vault over the railing to your right, then leap to the final railcar here. Enter its interior and find a lever at the front that will get it moving.

After the railcar crashes outside of the warehouse, you will then end up under attack by a large group of soldiers coming in all sorts of directions. Under no circumstances will you be able to safely exit the railcar, as you must instead use it as your cover while you fend off the soldiers. There are plenty of weapons around you; with the Pistole and AK-47s being useful against any enemies that manage to get too close, especially the shotgunners. Meanwhile the FALs and three Dragon Snipers are recommended to pick off the many enemies surrounding you, especially the hostile snipers that will be able to aim directly into the railcar from their position. Lastly you should use your grenades and a well-timed propane tank explosion to deal with groups.

All Aboard 2

Two heavy weapon troops appear on the scene.

The snipers and other enemies appear as more time passes, culminating in the appearance of two large heavy weapons troops wielding GAU - 19s as the train has finally left entirely. Your current arsenal of weapons is not strong enough to handle them, and you will not have the time to properly aim the Dragon Sniper, so you should maintain your cover until backup arrives. Within seconds, an on-screen prompt will appear (Up), directing you to Elena's arrival in the getaway vehicle, which quickly starts the next cutscene, ultimately continuing into the next chapter "Locomotion".
