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Only One Way Out is the tenth chapter of Among Thieves. After completing the temple and discovering the true location of Shambhala, Nate and Chloe heard voices of Zoran Lazarević's soldiers in the chamber above them, realizing they would have to fight their way out.


Nate knew that to get this far into the temple they must have had gone right through Jeff and Elena. Worried, he ran back through the temple path, killing several soldiers that got in their way. Eventually they reached the entrance where they found out Elena and Jeff were under attack by a group of soldiers, with snipers having cut off their path, until Nate and Chloe eliminated them all.

Walking Wounded[]

Once Nate and Chloe finally reached Jeff and Elena they immediately learned that the former was hit in his right side. Nate tried to convince him he would be fine and helped Jeff get up, leaving the camera behind. Chloe objected, noting that he was never going to make it. Nate disregarded her and told her to open the door so they could leave, with Chloe obeying reluctantly.


Exit the map room the way you entered it; by climbing back up the ladder. As you reach the top you will witness two pairs of soldiers that split off, one pair heading along the left and the other along the right. You can either take them out stealthily or not, but going up the stairs will trigger a soldier using a Dragon Sniper to take position at the top. On his own he should pose little threat, and his weapon has unparalleled range and accuracy, with a guaranteed one-hit kill on any standard enemy at the moment. Use it on the enemies in the corridor, past the trap entrance, and those in the trap area below too, keeping the 92FS - 9mm for the lone enemies you encounter on the way down. You will have to replace the Sniper rifle after its five bullets are spent as well.

Past the trap and up the stairs a soldier ambushes you with an Mk-NDI grenade from out of sight. Avoid it, then kill him upon entering the next corridor. A group of enemies will advance on you from the other end, including an armored shotgunner. More soldiers will attack when you reach the split in the path, including one wielding a Riot Shield. Between here and the exit you will face a few more generic enemies, with the only notable one being a shotgunner that appears directly after another grenade is thrown at you.

When you exit into the drained pool you can pick up a Pistole from the stone block in the middle, which acts as a one-handed shotgun. Use it on the two soldiers nearby if you want, but something long-range is recommended against the armored shotgunner with a skull mask that has appeared at the entrance. Once he is dead you can find Elena and Jeff under siege in the temple courtyard, although you can conveniently flank several soldiers from atop the steps. Watch out for the two snipers in the windows, on the far side and on your right, as the few soldiers attacking the reporters are not much of a concern on their own. Reuniting with Elena and Jeff starts a cutscene, followed by the chapter "Keep Moving".
