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Cat and Mouse is the twentieth chapter of Among Thieves. Nate and Tenzin had to save the Tibetan village from being destroyed by Lazarević's tank, while also looking for Schäfer who was accompanying Tenzin's daughter; Pema.


After the tank destroyed Tenzin's home, he and Nate ran for cover. While many of the villagers attempted to fight back, the tank's armor made it impenetrable as it continued to mow down almost everyone in sight and destroy the village. While avoiding the tank's firepower, Nate and Tenzin made their way across the village, fending off Zoran's soldiers along the way. Eventually, Nate and Tenzin reached the end of the village, where they found a cache of RPG - 7 rocket launchers, with which Nate managed to destroy the tank and save the village.

We Gotta Go[]

We Gotta Go 1

Nate waves goodbye to Tenzin.

Tenzin reunited with his daughter, Pema, while Nate spotted a convoy up ahead, realizing Zoran's soldiers had captured Schäfer in order to get the Phurba. Once Elena rejoined Nate, the two hopped into a truck and drove off, leaving Tenzin and Pema behind as he and Nate waved goodbye to each other. Once Nate and Elena caught up to the convoy, Nate opened his door and told Elena to take the wheel, as he was about to clear the road. Before Nate could fire his weapon, however, a large truck appeared and began ramming them from behind, forcing Nate to take a different approach.


As gameplay begins, run to cover at the fence ahead and shoot down the enemies behind cover, up until the tank blows up the wall next to them. Run past it and follow Tenzin up the path to the building, then duck behind the fence and wait for Tenzin to get the door open. Run inside and take the Micro - 9mm if you want to, then vault over the banister. Follow Tenzin up the stairs, shooting down your foes as you go. Round the next corner is a wall which you must hang onto to shoot the three enemies on the roof behind it.

Cat and Mouse gameplay 2

Nate runs from the tank, armed with an AK-47.

In the next open area, you must stick to the right while advancing forwards. Shoot any enemies along the way until you reach the end of the path on your side, then cross the road to reach the staircase which leads to a bridge. Attempting to cross it will cause the tank to blow it up, upon recovery follow Tenzin into another building (with a Pistole on the table nearby). Ascend the ladder, then take cover at the doorway, and shoot down the enemy across the gap. Leap to where he was, and then from there, jump down into the next building as the tank starts firing. Clear the room, take the M4s for ammo, and help Tenzin remove the debris. Jump to the wall and vault over it, then make another leap to the other side.

Cat and Mouse gameplay 3

The tanks plows through a wall behind Nate.

The tank will knock you down for a moment as it plows through the walls; once you regain control run forward until you encounter more foes. Note that Tenzin will have gone ahead of you and the narrow corridors provide little space to dodge enemy fire. In a short time you will re-encounter the tank, so avoid the tank it by going to the right and through the alleys. Eventually you reach a cliff, at which point you must drop down and sidle along the narrow ledge. The tank will momentarily appear but leave shortly after, only returning when you reach the street again. Rotate the camera while running away from it, then climb the stairs nearby and rejoin Tenzin, entering the house to escape the tank.

Cat and Mouse gameplay 4

Nate aims an RPG at the tank.

Upon entering the building eliminate the soldier in the back, where you can also find another Desert - 5, while watching out for the shotgunner with the Moss - 12 out back. On the roof you can find another soldier with an RPG - 7, next to a FAL. Use the former to damage the tank, whereas the latter's accuracy proves useful against the two soldiers in the half-destroyed building on the other side of the road, as well as the two on the structure's roof next to you on your side. One of these will also have another RPG - 7, which is your next goal to acquire. Run over there after you gun them down, eliminating any enemies inside (including the gunman with the Desert - 5 out back), and restock on Mk-NDI and M4 ammo on the building's second floor by using the indoor ladder, followed by going for the RPG on the rooftop.

After damaging the tank again you must watch out for the next sentry with an RPG, who is seen on a distant rooftop over to the left. Gun him down from where you are so that you can safely make your way to that building. Once you reach it, all the while dodging the tank's machinegun fire, use the RPG to hit it again and then get rid of the enemies in the building behind it. Once the site is cleared you can use the zipline on your left to reach the other side where you can use the large quantity of remaining RPGs to destroy the tank once and for all. After a cutscene the story continues in "Convoy".
