Survivor Wiki
Survivor Wiki

The Administration Staff are a special set of users on Survivor Wiki that allow them to maintain the wiki's content and configure its layout.

Current Staff

User Rank Date of Membership Expertise
Copper5 Admin February 4, 2013 US version trivia, consistency
BlueBarracudas555 Admin June 27, 2013 Consistency
Ivanornels Bureaucrat February 2, 2017 General matters, US version trivia, article writing, social media, wiki guidelines
CambodiaAaron Admin June 1, 2017 US version trivia, consistency
SavaiiSurvivor Bureaucrat June 1, 2017 Wiki Discord owner/organizer, page construction, summary author, US version trivia, consistency
Sinjoh Bureaucrat June 20, 2017 General matters, wiki guidelines, consistency
Matpeng Admin February 19, 2019 Non-US version information, consistency
RubyStretch Admin March 28, 2022 Non-US version information, consistency
Master Hydraffe Admin June 4, 2022 English-language version (sans NZ) information, consistency
TDFreddyG Bureaucrat June 18, 2022 Non-US version information, consistency
RBWarrior Admin July 8, 2022 US and non-US version information, consistency
KryptoBit Bureaucrat August 22, 2022 Images, general information
AriSebDT Admin November 11, 2022 Images, non-US version information, general information
F-L-R-N Admin February 4, 2023 General information
Tweazel Admin February 15, 2023 Images, non-US version information, general information
Lucki08 Admin February 15, 2023 General information, foreign versions
Funny345 Admin June 9, 2023 General information, consistency
Admiral Sven Admin April 15, 2024 Non-US version information
Survivorisbest Admin April 15, 2024 Non-US version information
ShinxBoy1 Admin May 10, 2024 US version information, general information, consistency



Administrators ("admins" for short, or sysops) are experienced, responsible and trusted users of Survivor Wiki, who have been granted exclusive access to special tools that could help in maintaining the Wiki.

Users who have queries about the wiki often approach Administrators. Admins provide good pieces of advice and can tremendously help in reaching a consensus during discussions.


Admins are granted the following abilities:

  • Delete pages, files and page histories;
  • Rename files and articles;
  • "Protect" articles from being edited nor renamed;
  • Block unscrupulous users and IP addresses from editing;
  • Revert articles to a previous edit; and
  • Edit the MediaWiki namespace to make changes to the interface and design.

Duties and Responsibilities

Admins have these general responsibilities:

  • Continuing significant contributions most days each month, not counting personal user space. Such edits include adding content to articles, correcting spelling, grammar and/or formatting;
  • Reasonably and promptly replying in user queries; and
  • Intervene in disputes.
  • Delete pages that are obvious spam/vandalism, or (appropriately) marked with a {{delete}} tag.
  • Protect pages that are subject to heavy vandalism or editing wars.
  • Block users that meet the criteria for blocking.

Code of Conduct

  • Unless an edit is directly dismissing factual information, admins have no authority over Survivor Wiki content and policies. Like the game of Survivor, it is the community as a whole who steers the site's direction.
  • Administrators do not own Survivor Wiki. They cannot shut out the opinions of others and enforce theirs.
  • Abuse of admin rights is subject to expulsion from the admin panel and could receive a block.


Bureaucrats are the highest achievable rank of any Survivor Wiki user. Not only are they administrators, they also have the access to granting and revoking Administrator and Rollback roles.

Bureaucrats are granted the following abilities:

  • Granting or revoking user rights, both administrators and rollbacks.
  • Granting — but not revoking — bureaucrat rights to admins, too.


Rollbacks are members of the Survivor Wiki community who assist administrators and bureaucrats in maintaining the wiki.

Rollbacks are simply given the ability to rollback a page to a previous user’s edit. This allows them to help curtail vandalism on the wiki. Rollbacks are encouraged to inform admins of vandalism, so they can see to the appropriate punishment.

Revocation of Rights

Admins may have their rights stripped by a bureaucrat for the following reasons:

  • Indefinite Inactivity: An admin who remained inactive for a long period of time without filing a leave.
  • Abuse of Authority: Using one's admin rights to harass or intimidate other users.

If a bureaucrat is required to leave permanently, Fandom will need to be contacted to have their rights removed. Generally, bureaucrats inactive for at least one year can have their role removed with no other caveats; however, in other cases, community consensus may be required. Keep in mind that what may be required to remove the bureaucrat role is up to Fandom’s staff.

Users are also encouraged to contact Fandom in the event they or the community at large feel the administrative staff is not properly doing their duties.

Survivor Wiki Policies
User Rights Administration
General Policies Assume Good FaithBlockingCitationDiscussionManual of StylePage ProtectionReversion of EditsSocial MediaSpoilersUploading Images
Other Policies CategoriesUser BlogUser Page