Minecraft Wiki
This article is about the removed passive mob. For the removed hostile mob with an identical appearance, see Monster (entity). For the controllable mob character, see Player. For AI-driven game entity, see Mob.
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Java Edition. 
This feature used to be in the game, but has ever since been removed.It may or may not return in a future update.

Mobs were passive mobs that look identical to the players with the default skin.


Mobs would generate in random places when a world was generated at Pre-classic. Later, they could be manually spawned by pressing G while playing in Classic mode. After approximately 1 minute, they would despawn. After both of these features were removed, they were only spawnable using mods and map editors, but otherwise were not available in vanilla Minecraft.


Mobs did not drop anything when they die.


Mob JE1

The animation of the mob walking.

Mobs could not change blocks; they would just move around the map aimlessly, walking in slightly imperfect circles and jumping occasionally. While walking, they would flail their arms around and move their head randomly. Mobs were affected by solid blocks, but they were able to walk right through liquids, as if they were air. If the player had a custom skin, any mobs created would still use the default skin and would not assume the look of the player. They would not notice dangers, and because of this they would sometimes jump into the void.

Data values[]


NameSavegame IDNumeric ID Translation key


This article is missing information about when the mobs/players were given the new model, when this texture (render) was added and reverted, and when this texture (render) was used. 
Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition pre-Classic
rd-132328Steve JE1 Mobs are added using the skin and model from Zombie Town.[1][2][3]
rd-20090515Mobs can now be spawned by pressing G
The walking animation is now less smooth.[is this the correct version?]
Java Edition Classic
0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 1)The model of mobs is now used for other players in the newly introduced multiplayer mode.[4]
0.24_SURVIVAL_TESTSteve The texture used by both the mob mob and the player, which was bearded, has been replaced with a beardless version. However, the bearded skin is still used in some pictures.
The ability to spawn mobs has been removed. However, they can still be spawned using mods and map editors.
Java Edition Indev
December 19, 2009Rana is shown in a screenshot posted by Notch.
0.3120091223-1Rana Changed mob model to Rana.
Can now spawn, once again.
Now randomly drop 0–2 sulphur, feathers or string when killed.
January 29, 2010Steve (mob) Black Steve Steve and Black Steve is shown in a video posted by Notch.[5]
At that point, it had been stated that the player avatar would look like Steve in the future, albeit with a miner hat and a different skin.[citation needed]
0.3120100129Steve (mob) Black Steve Added Steve and Black Steve model variants.
Removed Rana model variant.
20100130Beast Boy Added Beast Boy model variant.
20100131Steve Mob uses player model, once again.
Removed Steve, Black Steve, and Beast Boy model variants.
20100202Mobs have been removed, once again.[verify]
Java Edition Infdev
20100316Mobs are available again, although there still is no way to spawn them legitimately.
It has no movement AI, therefore it is unable to walk around. It can, however, still rise in water and look around.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.9Before this version, the walking animation for the player and the mob mob was different; the player and the mob would swing their arms wildly to their sides while walking.[6]
Java Edition Beta
1.2The mob has been removed.
1.6.6The changelog for this update contains the message "Removed Herobrine". This was Notch "joking" when removing parts of the coding for the mob.
Java Edition
1.1116w32aThe entity IDs Mob, as well as the corresponding network ID 48, for mobs have been removed.


  • Mobs were the first mob ever added to the game.
  • The Mob named Beast Boy is a reference to a character from the animated series "Teen Titans".
  • If a monster spawner with mob is placed in Java Edition Beta 1.2 or later, it appears blank and no mobs spawn.
  • Coding for mobs was still present until Java Edition Beta 1.6.6. Only the mob model was removed in Beta 1.2.
  • Mobs use the old player model, so they are actually slightly taller than the player.
  • Despite being taller than the player, mobs looked up at the player when chasing them. This is because their actual hit-box and eye height were shorter than the player's hit-box and eye height.




Development images[]


See also[]

  • Character - mobs (in general) or mobs that have names given to them.
  • Villager – mob-like mobs that move around their village.
  • Player – the Minecraft character that is controllable, with the same model as mobs.
  • Mob – any entity in Minecraft that has the ability to move around, such as monsters or animals.
  • Java Edition removed features – features that have been in Java Edition but were later removed.

