Minecraft Wiki
This article is about The Credits and End Poem that play after using the Exit portal. "Credits" redirects here. For the Easter egg dimension, see Java Edition 20w14∞. For other uses, see Credit Sequence (disambiguation).

The Credit sequence is the lines of text and music that play when the player uses the Exit portal. This includes the End Poem, a freehand poem written by musician Julian Gough and the Credits, which serve to recognize those that have contributed to the game.


After entering the End dimension and killing the Ender dragon, the Exit portal is activated, allowing the player to enter and view the End poem followed by the credits. The player is then teleported to their spawn point if available, or the world spawn point if not. The End Poem and credits only show upon the player's first entry of exit portal. The player can also trigger the poem and credits to show by entering an End portal built using Creative mode or commands.

The End poem and credits can be successively sped up by holding Space, then additionally Ctrl, then the other Ctrl[Java Edition only]. They can be skipped entirely by pressing Escin Java Edition or "skip" in Bedrock Edition.

The credits can also be accessed by clicking on the copyright information on the main menu screen in Java Edition or by pressing the "credits" button in the "profile" section of the Settings screen in Bedrock Edition. They can also be viewed on the Minecraft website.[1]


The poem and the credits last a total of 76 minutes and 16 seconds (unaccelerated). The poem lasts 7 minutes and 38 seconds, and the credits last the remaining 68 minutes and 38 seconds.

The poem takes the form of a scrolling dialogue between two speakers who are discussing the player's accomplishments, dreams, and relation to the rest of the universe. The speakers claim to be all the universe that is distinct from the player, and that the player is reading their cosmic thoughts as words on a screen. The credits appear below the End Poem. During the poem and credits, the track credits.ogg ("Alpha" in the official soundtrack) plays.

Technical details

In Java Edition, the End Poem and credits are stored in client.jar; the text of the End Poem is located in assets/minecraft/texts/end.txt, the text of the credits is in assets/minecraft/texts/credits.json, and the text of the quote is in assets/minecraft/texts/postcredits.txt. In Bedrock Edition, the text of the End Poem is located in data/credits/end.txt, the text of the credits is in data/credits/credits.json, and the text of the quote is in data/credits/quote.txt. They can both be edited with a resource pack. The first speaker's dialog uses the formatting code §3 (or dark aqua), and the second speaker's uses §2 (or dark green). The player's name is inserted with PLAYERNAME, and the scrambled text is stored as §f§k§a§b. The poem is shown the first time the player enters the exit portal based on their  seenCredits[JE only] ( hasSeenCredits[BE only]) tag being 0 (false), after which it is changed to 1 (true) once the player first enters an End portal while in the End.

End quote

  • The following quote is attached to the End of the credits. Though signed as "Unknown" in-game, this quote was written by Horace Jackson Brown Jr. in his book, P.S. I Love You.[2]

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.



While the Poem has been in the game since its release, Mojang and Microsoft neither own the poem or the permission to use it, according to the original author Julian Gough. Julian stated that due to poor and unpleasant communication between him and Carl Manneh, then-CEO of Mojang, he refused to sign a contract to fully transfer the rights of the Poem to Mojang after he finished the Poem, though they reached an informal agreement. In August 2014, a month before Microsoft purchased Mojang for $2.5b, Carl contacted Julian again, asking him to sign the contract. Julian refused once more, therefore owns all rights to the Poem. On December 7th, 2022, Julian announced that the End Poem is released under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) license.


The credits appear after the End Poem, and credit Mojang Studios current staff, employees from partnered companies and development studios, listed persons under "Special thanks" and Mojang Studios Alumni. The credits sequence lasts 68 minutes and 38 seconds.[verify].


October 16, 2011Notch tweeted, putting out a call for writing talent to write "silly over-the-top out-of-nowhere text" for the end of the game.[3]
The writer Julian Gough[4] wrote what has become known as the End Poem.
Later, Notch stated that Gough's short story The iHole convinced him that Gough was the right person to write the End Poem.[5]
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6Added the End Poem and the credits. The file containing the End Poem is called win.txt.
1.6.1The file containing the End Poem is now called end.txt.
1.12pre6The ability to see the credits by clicking the copyright text on the menu screen has been added.
1.12.1The credits now scroll 50% faster when viewed directly from the menu screen than through the End Poem.
1.17Pre-release 1The credits now scroll faster when holding the space bar.
Now uses credits text from Bedrock Edition.
Changed the format of the credits from .txt to .json.
Removed the quote at the end of the credits.[6]
Pre-release 4Fixed several typos and errors.
Credits now scroll even faster when holding space bar and one or both of the ctrl keys.
1.18pre2Fixed more typos and errors.
Re-added the quote at the end of the credits.[6]
1.2023w17aCan now be scrolled upwards by pressing now.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha the end poem.
?The track credits.ogg now plays during the end poem.
Bedrock Edition
1.13.0beta the credits.
?The end poem now only plays once when entering the exit portal.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Added the End Poem and the credits.
Unlike other versions of the game, the credits do not play immediately after the End Poem.



External Links
