Minecraft Wiki

The "Create New World" screen is a menu screen that allows the player to create a new world.

Java Edition[]

Respective options for world creation are organized into three different tabs: "Game", "World", and "More".


The "Game" tab of the world creation screen.

The "Game" tab.

World Name
Allows the name of the world to be set to a custom string. This name correlates to the folder in .minecraft/saves where the world save can be found.
Game Mode
Allows the default game mode of the world to be changed. Clicking the button cycles through to the next game mode. The available game modes are Survival, Hardcore, and Creative.
Allows the default difficulty setting to be changed. Clicking the button cycles through to the next difficulty. There are four options available; in order, Peaceful, Easy, Normal, and Hard.
Allow Cheats
Controls whether or not certain commands and debug functions are able to be used. Clicking the button toggles the option on and off (default).


The "World" tab of the world creation screen.

The "World" tab.

World Type
Controls the world type. Clicking the button cycles through the available world types, which are Default, Superflat, Large Biomes, AMPLIFIED, Single Biome, and, when Alt is held down, Debug Mode. Selecting Superflat or Single Biome enables the "Customize" button. With a world type of Superflat, the Customize button options the "Superflat Customization" menu is shown; with Single Biome, the button brings you to a list of selectable biomes.
Allows the world seed to be changed. Any string of characters can be placed here.
Generate Structures
Controls whether or not structures should generate in the world.
Bonus Chest
Controls whether a bonus chest full of beginner loot should generate near the player when they first spawn in to the world.


The "More" tab of the world creation screen.

The "More" tab.

Data Packs
Opens a menu that controls which data packs the world should start off with. Data packs cannot be added or removed from the world after it is created.
Allows experimental features to be enabled or disabled.
Game Rules
Opens a menu that controls which game rules should be enabled by default. Can be set even when cheats are disabled.

Bedrock Edition[]

Clock JE3
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The Create New World screen in Bedrock Edition allows for various settings to be changed and add-ons to be enabled. The menu is split into two sections, Edit Settings and Add-Ons, which are each split into two subsections.

Edit Settings[]

Game settings[]

Game settings (BE, new UI)

The Game Settings menu.

World Name
Allows the name of the world to be set to a custom string.
Default Game Mode
Allows the default game mode of the world to be changed. Clicking the button opens a dropdown allowing the player to select between Survival (default) and Creative.
Allows the default difficulty setting to be changed. Clicking the button opens a dropdown allowing the player to select between Peaceful, Easy, Normal (default), and Hard.
World Preferences
Contains two toggles: Starting Map (disabled by default) and Bonus Chest (also disabled).
Player permission when joining from invite
Opens an annotated dropdown where the player can select the default player permission level of any players who join that world. Options are Visitor (players cannot interact with the world), Member (default; players can interact with the world), and Operator (players can use commands).
World Type
Allows the world type to be selected. Clicking the button opens a dropdown allowing the player to select between Flat, Infinite (default), and Old.
Allows the world seed to be changed. Any string of characters can be placed here.
Simulation Distance
A slider that allows the simulation distance to be changed. Defaults to 10 chunks.
World Options
Various world options such as game rules that can be toggled, including Friendly Fire, Mob Loot, and Tile Drops.
Respawn Radius
An integer representing the spread distance around the world spawn where players will spawn.
Lists tentative features that can be toggled.
A list of further game rules that are considered cheats.
Random Tick Speed
An integer input that controls the rate at which random events occur in the world. Defaults to 1. Contains a reset button next to the box.

Multiplayer settings[]

Multiplayer Game
A toggle that controls whether multiplayer is enabled in this world.
Microsoft Account Settings
Shown when signed in with a Microsoft account.[more information needed]
Visible to LAN Players
A toggle controlling whether the server is visible to others on the same network.


Resource Packs[]

Require players to accept resource packs to join
A checkbox that controls whether the resource packs are optional (default) or forced.
A dropdown widget that lists active resource packs.
My Packs
A dropdown widget that lists available resource packs gotten from the Marketplace, along with a link there.
Get More Packs
A dropdown widget containing previews of resource packs from the Marketplace, with a link to browse more.

Behavior Packs[]

A dropdown widget that lists active behavior packs.
My Packs
A dropdown widget that lists available behavior packs gotten from the Marketplace, along with a link there.

Legacy Console Edition[]

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Java Edition Indev
0.3120100106Added world types to the world creation screen.
Added level types to the world creation screen – island, floating, flat, or original – which can now be set when generating a world.
Added level shapes to the world creation screen: square, long, or deep.
Added level sizes to the world creation screen: small, normal, or huge.
20100107Added level themes to the world creation screen: normal or hell.
Java Edition Infdev
Minecraft Infdev20100227-1World types no longer function.
20100327Removed map types, shapes and themes.
Removed world types.
Java Edition Beta
1.3Added the seed option to the world creation screen.
1.8Pre-releaseAdded Creative mode.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Added Hardcore mode.
1.112w01aRe-added world types to the world creation screen.
Added the Superflat world type.
1.3.112w16aAdded the Bonus Chest option to the world creation menu.
Added the Allow Cheats option to the world creation menu.
12w17aThe Bonus Chest and Enable Cheats options are now disabled when Hardcore mode is selected.
12w19aAdded the Large Biomes world type.
1.4.212w37aAdded the Superflat customization button.
1.7.213w36aAdded the AMPLIFIED world type.
1.814w17aAdded the Customized world type.
14w26aAdded the Debug Mode world type.
14w27aWorld creation options are now disabled when "Debug Mode" is selected as the world type.
1.1318w06aThe Customized world type has now been removed.
18w16aAdded the Buffet world type.
1.1419w12aWorlds with names already being used will now prepend a number in parentheses to the folder name instead of adding hyphens.
1.1620w17aAdded the Game Rules button.
Added the Difficulty button.
20w21aAdded the Import Settings button.
Split the Buffet world type option into Single Biome, Caves, and Floating Islands.
Pre-release 1Added the Data Packs button.
1.1720w45aChanged the order of the Game Mode button from Survival→Hardcore→Creative to Survival→Creative→Hardcore.
21w03aReverted the game mode order change.
1.18experimental snapshot 1Removed the Amplified and Large Biomes world types.
Pre-release 1Removed the “Caves” and “Floating Islands” world types.
Re-added the Amplified and Large Biomes world types.
1.19.423w05aOverhauled the world creation screen screen. It is now separated into three tabs: Game, World, and More.
23w06aAdded a new screen for toggling experimental features.
Pre-release 1The three tabs now have a unique look instead of being traditional buttons.
Pre-release 2The save location for the new world now shows up in a tooltip when placing the cursor over the world name.
Pocket Edition Alpha
Pre-releaseAdded the "Create new" screen. It only had settings to change the world name and the seed at the time.
World name by default is "New World".
v0.1.1V0.1.1 alpha Create New World Added the "Create new" menu version for Android.
Changed world name by default to "Unnamed world".
v0.1.2Added the "Create new" menu version for iOS.
v0.2.0V0.2.0 alpha Create New World Added game modes to the world creation screen. Changed design.
Added Survival mode.
v0.7.0V0.7.0 alpha Create New World Renamed menu to "Create a Local Game". Changed design.
World Name option is now blank but world saved by default with name "Level".
v0.7.3V0.7.3 alpha Create New World World Name option is now filled, once again. Changed world name by default to "My World".
v0.9.0build 1V0.9.0 alpha Create New World Renamed menu to "Create a World".
V0.9.0 alpha Create New World Advanced Added Advanced options with Old, Infinite, and Flat world types.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta the Bonus Chest option, which can be toggled in World Options.
?various changes added such as adding experimental toggle section and random tick.
1.18.30beta new UI for Create New World screen, a UI for preview currently.
Legacy Console Edition
TU5CU1 1.00 Patch 11.0.1Added "Superflat" world type.
Added the bonus chest option to the options menu.
TU25CU14 1.17 Added ability to customize a Superflat world.
CU36 1.38 Added the "Amplified World" option.


Java Edition[]

Bedrock Edition[]
