FB3 Psyker





然而,野生的通灵者非常罕见。 这种人的例子很少而且相距甚远,对超自然现象的怀疑仍然存在。[4]



  • 主教在吸收了先前失败的实验以制造他的“灵能者”后获得了精神力量[5]现在在他周围拥有一个永久的反击能力,攻击所有进入的人的思想。[6]
  • 主教也试图创造类似的灵能生物,但大多数实验都失败了,导致精神错乱。大教堂中的四个人成功获得了能力,被称为灵能者。这些角色包括威格姆露西摩尔吉迪恩。一种称为 精神湮灭的装置被用来阻止传入的想法。[7]
  • 查克内城区将提供解读放逐者的塔罗牌。[8]
  • 提可提到他不相信通灵或心灵感应能力。[4]



  • 名为Bloomseer Poplar护树人成员可以分享她对獨行者未来的看法。[9]
  • 卡尔弗特教授为了延长他的寿命,他接受了一个实验程序来提取他的大脑。由于涉及生物医学凝胶成分的实验,他有能力将自己的思想投射到他人的脑海中,并希望利用这种能力实现“精神支配”。[10][11][12]


  • 预测者是一个可以提供未来愿景的孩子。如果他过度使用这种能力,他会头痛,并佩戴精神湮灭,他将其称为他的“药物”,以避免副作用。[13][14]


  • 墨菲老媽是一位在服用藥物后能够预见事件的女性,她称之为“洞察力”。她可以与獨存者分享这些幻象。[15][16]
  • 羅倫佐·凱伯拥有源自古代非自然存在的力量,这是他在空白之地的考古挖掘中发现的。他描述了他获得的能力,例如探索Ubar古人的记忆,与建立我们文明的人交流。[17]他还获得了许多其他超自然能力,例如��止衰老、心灵感应以及增加力量和抵抗力。[18]这些能力中的一些可以通过消耗羅倫佐血液中的特殊血清人为地转移到其他人身上,尽管是暂时的。他的家庭就是这种情况,獨存者也可能如此。




关于通灵等超自然/超自然的内容,Joshua Sawyer通过Tumblr表示,他认为,"一点点是可以的,如果我们接受一些古怪的科学背景,我们就已经偏离了严格的现实主义的轨道。也就是说,我认为最好是感觉陌生并且或多或少无法解释。"[Non-game 1]


  1. Chuck, Hakunin and Bloomseer Poplar
  2. The Forecaster and Mama Murphy
  3. The Master and Professor Calvert
  4. 4.0 4.1 Vault Dweller: "{1062}{}{Psychics}"
    Tycho:"{1162}{}{You mean telepathetics? Heh . . . seriously, I don't buy it.}"
  5. Gideon: "{107}{}{The walls also have minds... I saw you... tomorrow?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{Others like you are in the wall?}"
    Gideon: "{116}{}{Yes, the walls are alive with those that have gone before.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{117}{}{What happened to them?}"
    Gideon: "{119}{}{Meeting of the soul... melded with, to protect, the Master of all.}"
  6. Viscious: "{202}{}{The will of the Master prevails. What news do you have for me?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{205}{}{I have a message for the Master from his Lieutenant. I must see the Master now.}"
    Viscious: "{209}{}{You cannot be serious. In fact, you must be lying.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{211}{}{I'm not. The Lieutenant could not trust this message to the usual method. I have to see the Master right now! There is no time to waste!}"
    Viscious: "{212}{}{Then use the door, and beware the Corridor. I assume that you have your protection in place?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{214}{}{No, not really. Should I?}"
    Vicious: "{215}{}{Of course! You cannot hope to pass the Corridor without it. What did you do with your nullifier!}"
  7. Fallout Official Survival Guide p. 128: "Psychic Nullifier: A strange device, possibly the product of an alien technology. It blocks telepathic or psychic commands."
  8. Vault Dweller: " {130}{}{Well, I guess we each have our own beliefs.}"
    Chuck: " {132}{}{Indeed, we do. And your universe is shaped by your beliefs, while my universe is shaped by my thoughts. We may not share beliefs, but I wish you well in your universe.}"
    (Chuck (Fallout)'s dialogue)
  9. Lone Wanderer: "What do you see in my future?"
    Poplar: "I see a selfish man who lives among the clouds playing a dangerous game with the lives of those below him."
    (Poplar's dialogue)
  10. St. Aubin medical facility terminal entries, Terminal; Core Research Progress Note
  11. Calvert: "It is I, Professor Calvert! Don't bother looking around, I'm in your mind!"
    (Calvert's dialogue)
  12. Calvert: "No, not "astral knowledge" you simpleton! Psychic domination! And that still won't be possible until you destroy Desmond's jamming device."
    (Calvert's dialogue)
  13. Courier: "What is your "medicine" and how do you take it off?"
    The Forecaster: "This thing on my head is headache medicine. It works real good, except I can't think when it's on. Really think, I mean."
    (The Forecaster's dialogue)
  14. Courier: "Do your thinking about 'Everywhere.'"
    The Forecaster: "Let me take off my medicine... Bull and Bear over the Dam, at each other's throats... but a light from Vegas? Ball spinning on the wheel, more than two at the table, placing bets. All lose in different ways, a dam of corpses, towns of corpses, scattered across the sand. But whose, in what shares? Even the dealer doesn't know. Forecast: A rain of blood will flood the desert and not purify it."
    (The Forecaster's dialogue)
  15. Sole Survivor: "Please, tell me what you know."
    Mama Murphy: " Just listen to me, actin' the crazy old lady. It's the chems, you see. They give ole Mama Murphy the "Sight." Been that way since I was a girl."
    Sole Survivor: "That's incredible."
    Mama Murphy: "I can see a bit of what was, and what will be. And even what is, right now."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  16. Jun Long: "Mama Murphy, can we talk?"
    Mama Murphy: " I know what you're gonna ask me, Jun. I've seen it. And there's nothing I can do for ya."
    Jun Long: "But... You have the Sight... It has to be able to..."
    Mama Murphy: "It can't talk to the dead, kid. Even the Sight has limits. I'm sorry."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  17. Sole Survivor: "I was curious about the ancient artifact you always wear."
    Lorenzo Cabot: "Jack spent so many futile years trying to understand this. I could have told him everything he wanted to know. Through it, I commune with the ancient minds that founded our civilization. Whether they live within it, or it communicates with them through time or space, or whether it simply holds their memories... I don't know. What I do know is that it has widened my horizons beyond the tiny scope granted to normal men. I spent my long captivity exploring the memories of the ancients - their arts and sciences, their philosophy and worldview."
    (Lorenzo Cabot's dialogue)
  18. Sole Survivor:" Exactly what abilities does he have?"
    Jack Cabot:" Enhanced strength. Unusual resistance to most kinds of physical damage. Oh, and a kind of local telekinesis, which appears to be projected by the artifact itself."
    (Jack Cabot's dialogue)
  19. Wandering storyteller: "An interdimensional being from beyond the void! It's mere presence can warp the mind of all but the most iron-willed!"
  20. The Chosen
  21. Raider punk: "One of the psychics in the network predicted you'd return with it. Guess he was right. Nice."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)