Knight sergeant
Knight captain
Senior knight
Knight sergeant
Knight captain
Knight commander

Knights are a caste in the Brotherhood of Steel. They 在东岸分会中,“骑士”是一个严格的军衔,学士是负责制造技术的人。


Knights are members of the Brotherhood that completed training necessary to serve as technicians, engineers and soldiers if the need arises. They are competent fighters and excel in applied sciences, a complicated term for manufacturing weapons, ammunition and maintaining the ever-expanding stock of combat technology in the Brotherhood's bunkers.

After years of service and experience (or showing exceptional talent in combat), the best Knights are promoted to paladins, the pinnacle of the Brotherhood military.

In the hierarchy of rogue chapters such as in the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel and the Midwest, knights are strictly combat personnel, with their non-combat duties folded under the scribes' supervision.

Head knight[]

The leader of the knight caste and its principal commander, responsible for managing lower ranking knights, assigning duties and providing high level command. As part of the Brotherhood command, he is required to convene with the head paladin, head scribe and the elder council regularly.

The rogue Midwest chapter does not have a head knight, having unified the knight and paladin castes into one. A roughly equivalent rank is called knight commander. The East Coast chapter also uses this rank.

Notable members[]

Senior knight[]

Senior knights are veteran knights promoted to this rank in recognition of their skills and experience. If they are particularly talented in combat, they may be invited to transfer to the paladin caste.

The Midwest chapter retains the name and function of the rank in its unified rank system.

The East Coast chapter instead uses the rank of knight captain, but retains the same function. Knight captains may also be given command of larger squads of knights in the field.

Notable members[]

Knight captain[]

Notable members[]

Knight sergeant[]

Notable members[]

  • Knight Sergeant Wilks, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Sergeant Gavil, Commonwealth, 2287
  • Knight Sergeant Merric, Commonwealth, 2287


The basic rank of the knight caste designates a competent soldier and a talented engineer fully capable of performing duties presented to him by the Brotherhood.

The Midwest chapter retains the name and function of the rank in its unified rank system.

The East Coast chapter also uses the rank of knight and retains the same function.

Notable members[]

  • Knight Michael, Lost Hills, 2161
  • Knight Paul, Lost Hills, 2161
  • Knight Larry, Lost Hills, 2161
  • Knight Torres, Mojave, 2281
  • Knight Esposito, Appalachia, pre-2102
  • Knight Johnny Moreno, Appalachia, pre-2102
  • Knight Kaede Ito, Appalachia, pre-2102
  • Knight Reische, Appalachia, pre-2102
  • Knight "Tex" Rogers, Appalachia, pre-2102
  • Knight Matthew Thornberry, First Expeditionary Force, 2103
  • Knight Alan Connors, First Expeditionary Force, 2103
  • Knight Daniel Shin, Appalachia, 2103
  • Knight Casserly, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Artoro, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Ianelli, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Conard, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Patriarcus, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Artemis, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Church, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Dillon, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Finley, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Lone Wanderer, Capital Wasteland, 2277
  • Knight Tara Astlin, Commonwealth, 2284
  • Knight Varham, Commonwealth, 2284
  • Knight Keane, Commonwealth, 2287
  • Knight Lucia, Commonwealth, 2287
  • Knight Maria Harper, Commonwealth, 2287 Creation Club
  • Knight Rhys, Commonwealth, 2287
  • Knight Rylan, Commonwealth, 2287
  • Knight Wagner, Commonwealth, 2287
  • Rogue knight, Nuka-World, 2287 (formerly)
  • Sole Survivor, Commonwealth, 2287 (optional)

Regional differences[]

Head knight[]

The east coast chapter in the Capital Wasteland has no equivalent rank, although the Eastern division under Arthur Maxson does.


The East Coast chapter instead uses the rank of knight sergeant but retains the same function. The rank gives command of two to three squads of knights, as well as the command of a base or outpost like the GNR building plaza (which may also include leading nominally higher-ranked paladins).


