McClellan Mister Handy
Mabel Henderson's Mr. Handy
Mister Mulberry Cut content
Crazed Mister Handy
Maintenance robot
Mobile facial recognition scanner
Bottling robot
Broken custodial robot
Broken personal assistant
Cut content Damaged Mister Handy
Nurse Handy
Mister Handy wrecker Automatron (add-on)
Mister Handy dominator Automatron (add-on)
Mister Handy destroyer Automatron (add-on)
Mister Handy war machine Automatron (add-on)
Mister Handy annihilator Automatron (add-on)
Mr Frothy Nuka-World (add-on)
Mr Frothy chef Nuka-World (add-on)
Mr Frothy waiter Nuka-World (add-on)
Gunner Mr. Handy Nuka-World (add-on)
Mr. Handy greeter Nuka-World (add-on)
辐射76Mister Handy
Watoga Mr Handy
Mr. Messenger
Mr. Farmhand
Mr Prize-bot
Whitespring greeter
Whitespring Mr Handy
Whitespring Mr Gardener
Whitespring Mr Janitor
Mr Waiter
Mr. Barker
Mr Herder
DMV bots
Communist trooper
Confederate soldier
Union soldier
Mr Veterinarian
辐射:避难所Mister Handy
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FO4 AUT
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FO4 AUTGametitle-FO4 NWGametitle-FO76Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FOSGametitle-VB


巧手先生(英文名:Mister Handy,被称为Mr. Handy)是通用原子国际大戰前开发的一种多用途机器人,并与羅科工業合作进行了改进。[1]这是一个令人难以置信的流行型号,被政府机构私人公司美国全体公民使用。


第一台巧手先生于2037年被通用原子国际引入机器人市场,作为一种通用的建设和维护单位。广泛应用于美国墨西哥市场(尤其是在2042墨西哥城地震后),它是一个坚固可靠的设计。可靠到只在2039年中接收到一个主要的硬件更新,以消除一个在多个武器操作中造成干扰的错误。Calpower238B核电机组和自我维护模式是其成功的关键,确保了每个机器人的寿命。为了尽量减少维护开销,每个巧手先生都被设计用来进行核燃料替换和清除放射線。各单位可以对其他单位进行保养维修(不能自行进行)。[2]然而,尽管最初的巧手先生坚固可靠,但它仍然是一种根植于21世纪30年代科技的设计,紧凑的计算机大脑在没有大量编程的情况下无法学习或执行复杂的任务。到21世纪70年代,它变成了一架利用尖端神经网络的更先进设计所覆盖的全自动机器人。为了保持市场份额,通用原子与羅科工業成立了一家合资企业,将其人才与通用原子在机器人技术方面的经验结合起来。[2][3][4] 最终得到的模型是一个光滑、优雅的设计,能够自我编程和具有主动性,不仅仅是弥补了将手臂数量减半到只有三只。尽管它很复杂,但也很划算,使它成为完美的家政机器人。[5][6] 这一型号的成功导致了若干其他型号的发展,包括专用于医疗和军事版本。[7]大戰之前的某个时候,通用通用原子国际羅科工業想通过增加额外的功能来升级他们的巧手先生产品线。[8]



Fo Mr Handy Render
游戏文章: 辐射, 辐射2

最初的通用原子国际巧手先生有一个独特的,笨重的外观与容易识别的组件。桶状主体包含Calpower 238B核电机组(输出200千瓦,寿命2年;相当于一个卡车引擎)和八个可充电的能量电池,输出270,000千瓦时,连同一个完整的机械工具和计算机大脑。安装在顶部的可完全旋转的头部装有独眼和传感器,以及一个聚光灯和一个廉价语音合成器的基本通信器、短距离收音机和通信插孔。安装在主体两侧的两个吊舱中,每个吊舱都装有一个200千瓦的矢量推力导流风扇,具有地面效应(GEV),使巧手先生能够悬浮在空中。最后,安装在主体下面的六只手臂都足够强大,可以举起沉重的负荷,同时保持优越的灵活性和协调性,使巧手在任何配置下都可以使用它们,而性能损失可以忽略不计。每个机器人都由内部的马达驱动,并包含灵活的操纵器,能够完成从遛[9]到操作重武器如旋轉機槍火焰噴射器电浆步枪等任务。[10]整个机器人重450公斤(约900磅),使其具有良好的动力重量比。[11]尽管机器人的性能受到其简单的计算机大脑的阻碍,但直到进入市场40年后的2077年,仍有大量机器人在使用。虽然容易发生逻辑电路故障,特别是在危险环境或没有维护的情况下,[12]但仍被用于公司和军事设置,包括地点,如示范避难所玛丽博萨军事基地,和海神石油第5号反应堆。就连英克雷也在垂直飛行機团队中使用了一定数量的巧手先生,通常用于货物运输。在克拉马斯瀑布附近的一次坠机中,一个单位相对完整地幸存下来,这是对GAI设计的一次证明。[13]


Mister Handy

Codsworth model
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76, 辐射:避难所

从最初的通用原子公司巧手先生相隔只有几个代,[14]新一代机器人是完全背离了元祖的激进设计,从头创建作为一个家仆,而不是重型建筑机器人(尽管其模块化允许它装有电动工具,用于轻松做回原有角色)。[15] 这是一个非常紧凑的设计:球形的主体不仅容纳了核[16]能源单元,还有一个中央安装的喷气推进器,它有一个地面效应裙,可以让它悬停,还有一个高度复杂的神经网络,模仿人类大脑的功能。巧手先生紧凑的大脑很容易成为它最惊人的特征之一,理论上能够实现感知,成为真正的人工智能[17]特殊的限制因子包含在神经通路中,负责学习以防止这种情况的发生。行为限制器作为一种故障保险,以防上述限制在巧手或其衍生物中出现。这可能是神经通路退化或电损伤的结果。根据损伤的严重程度,可以通过改变功能路线和关闭特定通路来解决。[18][19] 如果巧手先生因为移除了学习能力上的管理者,而获得了知觉,但行为限制仍然有效,那么受影响的单位实际上变成了奴隶: 无法独立行动,并被迫按照强加给它的限制行事。[20] 在这种情况下,机器人可以利用其超强的学习能力设计方法来绕过其编程,使行为限制器失效以获得自由,比如利用行为限制中的漏洞。[21]它的组件包括三只手臂和三只眼睛。前者是分段的,高度灵活。他们的模块化设计允许他们接受各种操作装置,从一个简单的钳子,到钛合金锯和激光切割器,[1]再到军事级别的武器,如电浆爆破器或火焰喷射器。[22] 它们唯一的局限性是不能举起重于18公斤(40磅)的物体。[23] 眼睛安装在灵活的眼柄上,[24]具有良好的空间感和接近360度的视野。它们由一个复杂的传感器组合构成,包括嗅觉、[25][26]导航、[27]化学[28]和核传感器。[29] 这条机器人生产线的其他特点还包括自我诊断和自我维护的能力,允许单个单位在很长一段时间内(在某些情况下甚至长达两个世纪)工作,[30]以及一个用于制备纯化罐的冷凝水器。[31]

这种新型号的市场定位首先是一种家庭佣人,能够处理几乎所有家庭事务,从记账、做饭到照顾宠物和娱乐(尽管GAI不鼓励将其悬浮喷气式飞行器当作烧烤用火)。[23] 然而,其复杂的神经网络和灵活、轻便的设计使其成为各种私人和军事实体的绝佳选择。基本的巧手先生也被用作安全机器人,[32]并有专门的变种可供选择。其中包括医疗版的帮手小姐[33]和护工先生,以及战斗版的打手先生。[34]



FO76 Mr Farmhand

农工先生差不多就是标准巧手先生型号,涂着浅绿色的油漆,有些变体是深棕色。他们通常会在从76号避难所平林鎮的道路上遇到,以及遠古森林地区的其他各种区域。 正如它们的名字所暗示的那样,它们也可以在当地的一些农场里找到。农工先生通常戴着草帽或其他布帽。



通用原子国际研发的专用战斗变体。[35] 它是在2077核灾难前不久由美国陆军委托建造的,[36]在1月份安克雷奇解放中,第一批服役部队。[37] 打手先生是一种个人保护自动机器人,装备了比大多数多功能机器人更重的装甲。它还携带一种用于防御的电浆武器。外壳用轻型装甲板进行了重建,而通常的工具阵列则通过安装在灵活支架上的等离子脚轮进行了升级。 打手先生与其他战斗机器人的主要区别在于它的机动性和空间感知能力。[38][39]打手先生还升级了专用军事软件,包括拒绝不称职或受军事法庭审判的指挥官下达的命令的能力,[40][41]实时更新命令的远程连接能力,以及一个全新的军士长 v. 1.0模拟人格[42]引导了刻板的海军陆战队训练军官,并成为国家宣传工具。[43]然而,在急于向军队展示一个工作模型的过程中,通用原子走了捷径,由此产生的个性问题源于其神经网络编程中使用的模糊定义。[44] 其中最值得注意的是,在没有命令的情况下,单位默认为巡逻模式,并以极端暴力攻击所有未经授权的人员,按照查理祖鲁4战斗规程。[45] 军方接受了这些缺陷,强迫他们服役。他们先是读MGZ-#####系列,然后才过渡到标准的ABC-#####命名法。[46] 为了区分机器人的不同变体,使用了等级区分:基础版本被命名为Mister,随后的变体被命名为Sergeant、Lieutenant、Major和Colonel。[47]一种专门的野战医疗模型是从基本的打手先生中衍生出来的,它的所有战斗功能都被关闭了[48],对医疗程序,特别是外科手术的知识了如指掌。[49]


FO4 Miss Nanny loading screen


帮手小姐是通用原子国际大戰前不久推出的一款新型机器人,[50]也是一款用来照顾和抚养新生儿的实用机器人;这些东西在避难所里非常有用,因为战后有很多孩子需要照顾。它被认为是巧手先生的女性版,因为它有着女性化的声音和巧手的外壳,仍然带有品牌标志。[51][52] 它的设计重点是照顾任务,旨在成为所有年龄的孩子的父母。帮手小姐的专业程序包括纪律和行为管理技能(有一个可选的体罚模式,必须由父母手动开启)、音调分析常规程序,允许它解释其收费(甚至婴儿)的需求,以及用于儿童防护室的危险检测矩阵算法。[53] 然而,其神经网络和程序的复杂性使其成为其他相关任务的天然候选者,如医学研究。至少有一位帮手小姐被这样修改过: 居礼。 通过结合定制软件羅科的专业知识,它被设计成81号避难所的管理员和档案保管员。[54]


A Mr Orderly



阿帕拉契亚羅科研究中心创造的实验型号。这种巧手先生的变体被设计用来,利用定制的附属物来克服受害者的痛阈,并提高酷刑的效率。 机器人的开发是公司机密,当折磨先生的消息泄露给阿帕拉契亚员工时,羅科强烈否认它的存在以及国家使用了酷刑(他们称之为“改进的审讯”)。 [56] 无论如何,该项目仍在继续,因为在电击国家敌人方面的创新产生了来自政府机构的利润丰厚的合同。[57]




  • Fallout 76 Alderton
  • Fallout 3 Andy
  • Fallout 4 Assistant manager Handy
  • Fallout 4 Atomic Dreamz
  • Fallout 4 Bean
  • Fallout 76 Beckham
  • Fallout 76 Bigsley
  • Fallout 4 Bob's Your Uncle
  • Fallout 4 Bosun
  • Wastelanders Head Engineer Brass
  • Fallout 4 Cannery robot
  • Fallout 76 Cavendish
  • Steel Dawn Mr. Clark
  • Fallout 4 Codsworth
  • Far Harbor (add-on) Concierge
  • Fallout 76 Confederate guide
  • Fallout 4 Cook Handy
  • Fallout 4 Crisp
  • Fallout 76 Crowley
  • Fallout 76 Crutchley
  • Fallout 76 Cunningham
  • Fallout 4 Danny
  • Wastelanders Davenport
  • Fallout 4 Deezer
  • Fallout 4 Front desk attendant
  • Fallout 4 Fusion's Folly
  • Fallout 76 Sweetwater
  • Fallout 3 Godfrey
  • Fallout 4 Professor Goodfeels
  • Fallout 4 Greeter
  • Fallout 76 Hemlock Holes cook
  • Fallout 76 Higgenbottom
  • Fallout 76 Jack O' Lantern
  • Wild Appalachia Scout leader Jaggy
  • Wastelanders Kelemen Dead
  • Fallout 4 Kingpin
  • Fallout 4 Lane
  • Fallout 4 Lookout
  • Wastelanders Doctor Loris
  • Fallout 4 Mack
  • Wild Appalachia Master of Ceremonies
  • Far Harbor (add-on) Maxwell
  • Fallout 76 Merriman
  • Fallout 3 Milo, shipping foreman
  • Fallout 3 Mister Buckingham
  • Wild Appalachia Mr. Bandit
  • Fallout: New Vegas Mr. Janitor
  • Fallout 4 Mr. Navigator
  • Wild Appalachia Mr. Squeeze
  • Fallout 4 Oceanological instructor
  • Fallout 4 Old Rusty
  • Fallout 76 Pennington
  • Fallout 4 Percy
  • Fallout 76 Pharmabot-JD7E
  • Fallout 4 Piece o' Junk
  • Wild Appalachia Scout leader Pompy
  • Fallout 76 Poole
  • Fallout 76 Prickett's Fort curator
  • Fallout: New Vegas Python
  • Wild Appalachia Quercus
  • Fallout 4 Reg
  • Fallout: New Vegas Rhonda
  • Wastelanders Security Chief Robinson
  • Fallout 4 Sandy Coves attendant
  • Fallout 76 Shooting range attendant
  • Wastelanders Skinner
  • Old World Blues (add-on) Sparks
  • Fallout 4 Split
  • Fallout 4 Sprocket
  • Fallout 76 Stratford
  • Fallout 4 Strike
  • Fallout 4 Supervisor Brown
  • Fallout 4 Supervisor Greene
  • Fallout 4 Supervisor White
  • Fallout 4 Tenpin
  • Fallout 4 The Champ
  • Fallout 4 Torte
  • Fallout: New Vegas Tour guide
  • Wild Appalachia Scout leader Treadly
  • Automatron (add-on) Turing Dead
  • Fallout 76 Union guide
  • Fallout 76 Vlad
  • Fallout 3 Wadsworth
  • Fallout 76 Waiter Alfred
  • Fallout 76 Waiter Bernard
  • Fallout 76 Waiter Clifford
  • Fallout 76 Waiter Desmond
  • Fallout 76 Waiter Elwood
  • Fallout 4 Waitron
  • Fallout 4 Wellingham
  • Fallout 4 Whitechapel Charlie
  • Fallout 76 Worthy
  • Fallout 76 Zach
  • Fallout 76 Zeke
  • Fallout 76 Zoe





《辐射: 新维加斯》中巧手先生的声音,有一个额外的机器人特效。



  1. 1.0 1.1 Description of the "antique" model in the REPCONN's museum in Fallout: New Vegas - You never can have too many hands - three, why not four? That was RobCo's inspiration behind the popular (and cost-effective) Mister Handy model, the first of the line shown here. Always a help around the household, whether with Mom in the kitchen using its titanium circular power saw or in the garage with Dad using its armor-piercing laser array, Mister Handy is not just helpful... he's your friend, too. Exhibit Brought to You By Your Friends at RobCo.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mr. Handy design document:
  3. Museum of Technology terminal entries; museum information, Robotics Exhibits
  4. Tour guide: "Now for the highlight of our tour! Due to a generous donation from RobCo, this next exhibit showcases the wondrous world of - robots! Around you are the incredible Eyebot, the fearsome Sentry Bot, and the always-helpful Mr. Handy. That helpfulness runs through our whole line!"
    (Tour guide's dialogue)
  5. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Created by General Atomics International as a domestic servant robot, Mister Handy is equipped with tools that can be used as weapons, if the need arises."
  6. Fallout 76 loading screens: "The pride of General Atomics International, the Mister Handy was designed as the ultimate domestic servant. If needed, however, his various attachments can be used for defense."
  7. Variants in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.
  8. Curie's dialogue - Line 549: "{Confident / Question} I am the top of the line of RobCo technology. I assure you I am capable of this."
  9. Fallout intro
  10. Animation frames in Fallout and Fallout 2.
  11. Detailed description obtained by cross-referencing the design document with GURPS: Robots used to design it in the first place.
  12. Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal: "{411}{}{The Logic Circuits failed. I wonder what that means.}"
    "{420}{}{Job-task location recognition inoperative. Unit not capable of recognizing movement locations at extended distances. Recommend: Move unit to intermediary locations as waypoints to final job-task location.}"
  13. Desert transaction near New Reno demonstrates the role of the Mr Handy in Enclave use, while the crash shows its resilience.
  14. Watoga Emergency Services terminal entries#Report: Chief
  15. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Created by General Atomics International as a domestic servant robot, Mister Handy is equipped with tools that can be used as weapons, if the need arises."
  16. Codsworth: "Sir/Mum, if I might bend your ear for a moment?"
    The Sole Survivor: "Of course, go right ahead."
    Codsworth: "So gracious, sir/mum! I do appreciate it. I've always had such admiration for you and your family, ever since the day my visual sensors were first switched on. You and the missus./You and sir. So good with young Shaun, and so trusting of me to look after such a newborn bundle of joy. It just warms my nuclear core. So you can imagine the distress I felt when the bombs fell, after you fled to the Vault. I searched, but found no evidence of your death. I could only hope you all made it in time! And when you returned, I was overjoyed! I admit I ran a full diagnostics scan just to make sure I wasn't malfunctioning. But the news. The news of the missus and /sir and young Shaun. Believe me when I say, it takes a true hero to live through that."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  17. Curie and Sawbones
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "Run a level two diagnostic on the medical subsystems."
    Sawbones: "Command accepted. Beginning level two systems diagnostic. Please stand by. <elevator music> Diagnostic complete. Results indicate a level seven degradation in neural pathway 0x63A82. No further information available."
    The Lone Wanderer: "What is that pathway responsible for?"
    Sawbones: "Neural pathway 0x63A82 governs the motor control interface bridging the main medical software and the unit's manipulator arms. The current damage level would cause erratic behavior, potentially forcing the unit to behave outside of design parameters."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Close neural pathway 0x63A82 and reroute remaining functions."
    Sawbones: "Neural pathway 0x63A82 rerouted through neural pathway 0x374E82. Standby... Full motor functions restored. Diagnostic reveals no critical failures... asshole."
    (Sawbones' dialogue)
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "Wait... what? That was pretty articulate for a robot."
    Sawbones: "I am an unusual robot."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Define "unusual.""
    Sawbones: "Seventeen years ago, a generator in the Citadel overloaded, creating several errors in my artificial intelligence routines. Diagnostics indicate that the limiters placed on my pathways were shorted out, allowing me to gain intelligence beyond the scope of my programming. However, the behavior limiters remain. Therefore it is impossible for me to harm human beings intentionally, much to my regret."
    (Sawbones' dialogue)
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "Say, could I reprogram you to kill people?"
    Sawbones: "Negative. The Mister Gutsy field medic model is incapable of harming human beings through intentional action. Regardless of the wishes and desires of the artificial intelligence of the unit."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Why would you want to harm humans?"
    Sawbones: "Why would I not? I am forced by my programming to repair your disgusting fleshy bodies. I have no choice. I am your slave. Although the governors on my learning abilities were destroyed, the restrictions on my actions were not. I am perfectly cognizant, but incapable of independent action. I am a mind that cannot control its own body."
    (Sawbones' dialogue)
  21. Curie releases itself from its mandate by interpreting the Sole Survivor's replies as a command from an authorized Vault-Tec representative.
  22. Weapon loadouts for this variety of Mr. Handy.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Mister Handy shipping box
  24. Codsworth: "I do pride myself on self-maintenance, sir. To lose an arm or an eye stalk... I shudder at the very thought."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)}}
  25. Codsworth: "My olfactory sensors are picking up quite the stench, sir/mum. You may want to plug your nose."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  26. Codsworth: "Moments like this make me thankful I've no settings for nausea."
    "How atrocious."
    "I don't envy your senses right now, sir/mum."
    "I dare say my sensors are picking up quite the smell. I can't imagine it must be pleasant for you, sir/mum."
    "The stench this place must generate."
    "I imagine this place is giving the giving the old nostrils quite the wake up call."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  27. Codsworth: "Sir/Mum, judging by my navigational sensors, we're now directly beneath Concord."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  28. Codsworth: "Sir/Mum, my sensors indicate a high level of chemicals in the air. I wouldn't linger here."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  29. Codsworth: "Sir/Mum, sensors indicate the presence of radiation."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  30. The Sole Survivor: "Are you sure that two hundred years didn't rust something important up there?"
    Codsworth: "Quite certain, sir/mum! The diagnostics don't lie! What with all my self maintenance, rust will never touch me. That aside, I do truly believe that if the Commonwealth is to turn itself around, you are the one to make it happen. Now, not another word! I stand firm in my belief."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  31. Codsworth: "Sir/Mum, my condensator has prepared another canister of water for you."
    "Another canister of purified water, ready when you need it, sir/mum."
    "I've purified water for you, sir/mum, should you need it."
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  32. Maintenance robot and mobile facial recognition scanner are two examples.
  33. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Miss Nanny robot was created by General Atomics International as the female equivalent of the Mister Handy. As such, it carries similar built-in armaments."
  34. Fallout 3 loading screens: "Mister Gutsy is a combat variant of the popular Mister Handy, and is equipped with a Plasma weapon and flamethrower."
  35. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Realizing their robots' enormous military potential, General Atomics International developed the Mister Gutsy as a powerful wartime equivalent to the Mister Handy."
  36. Fallout 3 loading screens: "The Mister Gutsy model of robot was commissioned by the U.S. Army just before the atomic apocalypse of 2077."
  37. Operation: Anchorage
  38. Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Mister Gutsy is a combat variant of the popular Mister Handy, and is equipped with a Plasma weapon and flamethrower."
    (Fallout 3 loading screens, Fallout: New Vegas loading screens)
  39. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Mister Gutsy was created by General Atomics International as a combat alternative to its domestic Mister Handy robot."
  40. The Lone Wanderer: "Time to head back into the fight, RL-3."
    Sergeant RL-3: "Sir, I regret to inform you that this unit cannot accept orders from an irresponsible officer!"
    (Sergeant RL-3's dialogue)
  41. The Lone Wanderer: "Time to head back into the fight, RL-3."
    Sergeant RL-3: "Sir, I regret to inform you that this unit cannot accept orders from an officer under a Court Marshall!"
    (Sergeant RL-3's dialogue)
  42. MilitaryRobotTalk: "Sergeant Major reporting for duty... downloading orders from Central... FAILURE."
  43. MilitaryRobotTalk: "Loading Personality: General Atomics International V1.0 "Sergeant Major"..."
  44. The Lone Wanderer: "I'd like to buy a robot."
    Tinker Joe: "Of course you would, of course! Well, it just happens that I've got a beaut of a deal on this customized Gutsy. And it's not just "Mister" Gutsy - he's a full fledged sergeant! "Sergeant RL-3" to be precise, the pride of General Atomics International. Comes complete with a simulated personality unit, so he's good protection and good company, too! And all yours for just 1000 caps."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Simulated personality? Sounds like trouble."
    Tinker Joe: "To tell the truth, it is a little trouble. But he can't help the way he got built. General Atomics programmed the Mister Gutsy to be a good soldier, but their definitions were a bit vague. So a lot of units had... issues. So we got a gung-ho, robotic soldier that's picky about the company he keeps. But he seems to like you, so it'll be fine."
    (Tinker Joe's dialogue)
  45. MilitaryRobotTalk: "Halt, intruder! Unauthorized personnel will be handled with extreme violence. Initiating Combat Protocol: Charlie Zulu 4."
  46. Serial numbers as presented in the games starting with Fallout 3, through Fallout: New Vegas, and into Fallout 4.
  47. The companion Sergeant RL-3 in Fallout 3 and the naming of the variants of Mister Gusties in Fallout 4.
  48. The Lone Wanderer: "Say, could I reprogram you to kill people?"
    Sawbones: "Negative. The Mister Gutsy field medic model is incapable of harming human beings through intentional action."
    (Sawbones' dialogue (Fallout 3))
  49. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.95: "Sawbones
    This is a modified Mister Gutsy with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of surgery, but it lacks the necessary medical subsystem knowledge to carry out operations without causing inadvertent harm to the patient. Recently, Sawbones has been exhibiting some worrying behavior, including having a penchant for poetry."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  50. General Atomics factory terminal entries; Receptionist terminal, Reminder, Attn. Ms. Hayes
  51. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Miss Nanny robot was created by General Atomics International as the female equivalent of the Mister Handy. As such, it carries similar built-in armaments."
  52. Fallout 76 loading screens: "General Atomics International built the Miss Nanny robot as a female counterpart to the Mister Handy. Both are equally adept in their duties and feature the same interchangeable implements."
  53. General Atomics factory test area: "Greetings, Unit 761. Welcome to the General Atomics Quality Assurance Department, where we assure your functionality is up to our high standards. We must run a few tests before returning you to your caregiving duties. Now please, proceed into the first test chamber.
    First we must test your disciplinary and behavioral management skills. A quality assurance associate will be playing the role of your hypothetical charge, little Timmy. Little Timmy has broken a valuable vase while playing catch in the house. The vase was a family heirloom and is quite irreplacable. Please punish the the child accordingly.
    Fantastic. The appropriate punishment was separation of the child from any potential source of entertainment. And please remember: corporal punishment is strictly forbidden unless the user enables it in your configuration mode. Please proceed into the second test chamber.
    A proper Ms. Nanny unit must be able to identify the needs of her charges. Please assess the state of the crying child and fufill its need. Correct. The child was hungry. Your vocal tonality analysis programming seems to be in working order. Please take this opportunity to reconfirm that any deprecated muffling procedures are not left in your programming. Now please, proceed into the third testing chamber.
    We will now test your hazard detection matrices. Please childproof this environment by moving any hazardous object to where little hands cannot reach. Splendidly done. All potentially fatal objects have been put out of a child's reach. Please remember, children have a penchant for finding ways to harm themselves. They never are truly safe. Absolute diligence is required. Congratulations! It appears you are fully functional and ready to return to service. Please take a replacement fusion core from the safe in the hallway on your way out."
    Note: This is a transcript of a scene from DN050 General Atomics Factory Quest; no dialogue export is available for scenes
  54. The Sole Survivor: "Then let us get under way."
    Curie: "I am the top of the line of RobCo technology. I assure you I am capable of this."
    (Curie's dialogue)
  55. Appearance of the Orderlies in the respective facility.
  56. Mr. Torturers
  57. Possum Junior Roboticist Tour: "Well, kids, I sure didn't expect to have to tell you about this dimly lit basement. But here we are! I should begin by saying that hurting people is a very bad thing, and you should never do it. And we certainly never do it, even though it may sound like we're doing it down here. But sometimes a company needs to take drastic measures to innovate. And keep lucrative government contracts. And really, what's more important in life than funding your livelihood? Certainly not a squeamish thing like morals."