

大司祭克伦威尔(英文名:Confessor Cromwell)是原子神教中的"原子神的先知"和"不朽之光之父"[1],这是一个在2277年的核彈鎮宗教,崇拜大戰遗留下来的未引爆的原子弹


克伦威尔现年44岁,年轻时曾旅行,定居在核彈鎮。[2]教会允许他留下来是因为他的前任在教会中的祝福和崇高的地位,他以原子神的方式养育了他。最终,克伦威尔被证明是保护和帮助小镇的宝贵资源,他成为了大多数核彈鎮市民的古怪注意力。他与玛雅教母结婚,这是他在教会里的另一半。[Non-game 1]

他自称是原子神教的先知,并以此自居。[1]他完全相信信仰,[3]并会建议其他人沉浸在原子神的辉光中,以了解一个人拥有的最大财富就是自己。[2]他还认为,每个人都迷失在自己的道路上。[4]作为他信仰的领袖,他不遗余力地参与他周围的世俗事务。[5]由于他们的精神信仰,大司祭克伦威尔和玛雅教母以尊重和崇敬的态度对待戈布[Non-game 2]


可以看到他站在镇中心,靠近炸弹,在脚踝深的辐照水中向它祈祷。他甚至恳求原子神"塑造他脆弱的形式"。听到他向听众宣讲原子神教教徒的教义,主要是关于“诞生一千颗星星”的主题,这与他(和原子神教教徒)的信仰有关 每个原子内部都是一个完整的宇宙。[6]



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Icon severed ear color



服装 武器 其他 物品
废土居民装束 原子神教堂钥匙
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  • 与所有非玩家角色一样,克伦威尔对放射線免疫,因此尽管经常受到辐射,但不会死于辐射中毒。
  • 一些核彈鎮定居者聚集在克伦威尔周围,整天看着他;即使他死了,核彈鎮定居者也会站在那里,就好像他还在那里一样。
  • 他的一些引述包括参照圣经。[7]
  • 尽管克伦威尔声称所有原子神教教徒都必须是清醒的和平主义者,但在他的办公室里可以找到一支10mm手枪威士忌
  • 尽管克伦威尔会反对獨行者解除核彈鎮中的炸弹,但如果他们决定这样做,他不会做出负面反应。他干脆不再提起这件事。
  • 克伦威尔有时可能会从核彈鎮中消失,但核彈鎮定居者仍然会站在炸弹周围,仿佛在听他说话。
  • 无论人们听他讲多久,克伦威尔都不会停止讲话。
  • 和他说话,用V.A.T.S.然后再和他说话,可能会导致他蹲下,好像他在逃跑一样,但他仍然固定在那。核彈鎮定居者不会做出反应。
  • 港灣驚魂高级大司祭泰克圖斯将克伦威尔称为"原子神的伟大先知"。[8]






  1. 1.0 1.1 Cromwell: "Who have we here? Could it be? A new addition to our humble little community? Dear child, welcome! Welcome to Megaton! I am Confessor Cromwell, prophet of Atom and father of the undying Glow. Please child, come to the Church any time. Any time at all!"
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Confessor, have you ever traveled outside of Megaton?"
    Cromwell: "In my youth, I traveled quite a bit. But... that was a different life. I assume that you are seeking information and advice, yes? The only advice that I can offer is this: you will find no wealth in the Wasteland greater than that which you will find within yourself. Bask in Atom's Glow, and you will understand."
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Megaton?"
    Cromwell: "Megaton -- Atom's sacred village. He has chosen this place for the site of his shrine and we have been called. Outsiders ask us "why did you build a town around a bomb"? To them, I say: The bomb brings the promise of Division and the gift of the Glow. The bomb is us. The bomb is Atom. And thus, we are Atom -- awaiting the day in which each of us gives birth to a trillion new lives."
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "I could use some directions around town."
    Cromwell: "In each our own way, we are all lost. Where would you like to be, brother/sister?"
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What's the news?"
    Cromwell: "News? My friend, I take effort not to be involved in such worldly business. Earthly pursuits distract from Atom. Of course... now that you mentioned it, I've noticed that Moira has hired a mercenary to protect her goods -- the man never sleeps. So they say."
  6. Cromwell: "Behold! He is coming with the clouds! And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice! Let the men, women, and children of the Earth come forth to gather and behold the power of Atom! Let those who dwell here in his favored land attend now to the words of the Prophet of Atom! Come forth and drink the waters of the Glow, for this ancient weapon of war is our salvation, it is the very symbol of Atom's glory! Let it serve as a reminder of the Division that has occurred in the past and the resplendence of the promise of our division in the times to come! Give your bodies to Atom, my friends. Release yourself to his power, feel his Glow, and be Divided. There shall be no tears, no sorrow, no suffering, for in the Division, we shall see our release from the pain and hardships of this world. Yea, your suffering shall exist no longer; it shall be washed away in Atom's Glow, burned from you in the fire of his brilliance. Each of us shall give birth to a billion stars formed from the mass of our wretched and filthy bodies. Each of us shall be mother and father to a trillion civilizations. Each of us shall know peace, shall know an end to pain, and shall know Atom in his glory. I urge you, my friends -- come, drink with me and pray... Glorious Atom, I give unto you these feeble bones. I present to your will this frail body. I beg of you to use me as your vessel, guide me to your brilliance, divide each particle and give relief to this rotten flesh. Cast the fragile form of this ephemeral body into new life in the forge of your Glow. Atom, come -- bestow your presence on your unworthy servant. We stay true, until the Day of Division -- until the dawn of your return to His humble world."
  7. "Behold! He is coming with the clouds!" is a reference to Revelation 1:7
  8. Tektus: "The first of us, my predecessor Martin and I, had come north at the behest of Atom's great prophet, Confessor Cromwell..."
    (Tektus' dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.66: "Confessor Cromwell
    Little is known about Cromwell's past: He arrived in his early 20s (he's now 44) and was granted permission to stay due to the blessing and high standing of his successor游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 in the church, who fostered him in the ways of Atom. Eventually, Cromwell proved to be a valuable resource in protecting and aiding the town, and he became an eccentric distraction to most of the citizens of Megaton."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.74: "Gob
    Treated as a freakish, second-class citizen by many people in Megaton (particularly Colin Moriarty), Gob is skittish and nervous, always looking over his shoulder. He does his best to maintain a sense of humor and to be friendly with customers, but this is mostly out of his desire not to be beaten. Confessor Cromwell and Mother Maya treat Gob with respect and an air of reverence because of their spiritual beliefs."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)