關於other characters named Beckett,參見Beckett

Okay, yeah. Let's just sit on our thumbs for a while and hope the world just gets better, right? I've been there. But it won't, you know.

Beckett is a former member of the Blood Eagles and possible ally in Appalachia. He says that he is a reformed man who has moved on from the cruel raider lifestyle, having previously killed people for as little as looking at him the wrong way. He wishes to move on from such painful memories and tie up loose ends pertaining to his history.


As a child growing up in Maryland, Beckett did not have much. His father died when he was very young and he never knew his mother, leaving just Beckett to take of his kid brother, Frankie.[1] One day, while playing in a destroyed factory, they were ambushed by a pack of wild dogs. Frankie was bitten and contracted rabies. Beckett stayed by his side, and nursed him back to health, even stealing rabies medication just to keep him alive. From that day on, they made a vow to stick with each other forever, no matter the situation.[2]

Realizing that they were actually good at stealing, they worked together as a pair in order to commit small-time crime. They usually stuck to theft. As a child, one of the first people Beckett robbed was a wandering poet who came to visit their camp. When she was sleeping, Beckett went through her satchel and stole all of her mentats for Frankie. Frankie had a raging bloodlust and wanted more, despite Beckett's refusal. When Beckett finally joined a real gang when he was older, he left Frankie behind for his own good.

Beckett started out in Hopkins' Hooligans, a tiny operation of raiders, and the going was good. There was everything a raider could want until Hopkins got himself killed, and the gang fell apart. Beckett wandered for a bit, until he fell into Edwin's gang, a larger group, making bigger scores.[3] Beckett thrived with this new group. Edwin was crazy, but he was a good man, and those who served under him were happy. With this pack, Beckett even made his trek into Appalachia, bringing Frankie with him. He left Frankie with the Settlers in Foundation and continued to run with Edwin's gang, racking up loot left, right and center. However, when he became hooked on chems, it all came crashing down.

The Blood Eagles were the ones supplying local gangs with chems and were monitoring to see just who got addicted. Those who did were given special, highly addictive spiked chems, and forced to work for the Eagles in order to get more of it. Beckett was hooked and got roped into the gang, committing various acts, such as the murder of a Settler family, all in his drugged-out state of mind. Eventually, Beckett was able to gain clarity and sobriety on what had happened to him, heavily regretting his actions under the influence of drugs, and became convinced to leave the Eagles and hopefully eventually cause their downfall.

He continued to fight them and their control until he eventually pushed too hard. He was captured by the Eagles and imprisoned at the Rollins labor camp, soon to be tortured and executed. A radio transmission about his impending execution was picked up on the Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI radio of a Vault Dweller from Vault 76, and they traveled to the Rollins labor camp to rescue Beckett from his impending death. Grateful to the rescue, Beckett asks the Vault Dweller to retrieve his belongings from another Blood Eagles camp at The Sludge Works and set his personal bar up at their C.A.M.P. so he can find them. Once the bar is up and running, Beckett reaches the C.A.M.P. and asks the Vault Dweller to aid him in taking vengeance against the Blood Eagles with disrupting their operations.

His initial requests include rescuing his friend Sage and doing favors for Edwin and Ronny, a member of Edwin's gang. These include killing Bronx and rescuing Edwin's pet Noodles. Later, Beckett requests help eliminating the Blood Eagles, including Star and taking down their triad of leaders: The Blood, The Eye, and The Claw, while also making amends with Edwin's gang and getting their support when taking on the Blood Eagles at their main base in the Watoga Underground. Beckett's motive is also to rescue Frankie after hearing his brother's life is being threatened by the Blood Eagles.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Image Description
Icon interactions essential
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui extra team
This character is a permanent C.A.M.P. ally.
Icon interactions romance
This character can be romanced.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a vendor. Caps: 1200
Sells: *Food
  • Nuka-Cola
  • Alcohol
25 Strictly Business
This character starts quests.

• Narrow Escape
• An Eagle Flies Free


  • Narrow Escape: The Vault Dweller must save Beckett at Rollins labor camp.
  • An Eagle Flies Free: This is Beckett's overarching questline.
  • Dirty Little Secrets: Beckett requests the Vault Dweller to retrieve Edwin's diary at the Freak Show.
  • Exit Sage Left: Beckett requests his friend Sage be rescued from the Cult of the Mothman at Blake's Offering.
  • Out of Key: Beckett requests Edwin's key be retrieved at the treetops.
  • Traitor's Demise: As a favor for Ronny, Beckett requests Bronx be killed at Ingram Mansion.
  • Supply and Demand: Beckett requests a Buffout supply be found at Dagger's Den.
  • Spilling Blood: Beckett requests The Blood be killed at Bloody Frank's.
  • Pet Peeve: Beckett requests Edwin's pet Noodles be saved.
  • Shooting Star: Beckett requests Star be killed at Seneca Gang camp.
  • Bot of Gold: Beckett requests a Miss Nanny at Garrahan Mining Headquarters be found to help Edwin.
  • Sibling Piracy: Beckett has discovered Frankie is involved with the Blood Eagles and requests for clues to be found at The Eye's hideout, the Vantage.
  • Needs of the Many: Beckett requests the Blood Eagle's poison supply at the ammo dump be stolen.
  • Eye for an Eye: Beckett requests The Eye be killed at Crimson Prospect.
  • Thicker Than Water: Beckett and the Vault Dweller go on a mission at the Watoga Underground to rescue Frankie.

Radiant quests[]

  • Cropping Spree
  • Loose Ends
  • Saving Skin
  • Stalking Stuffer


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Greaser jacket and jeans
Black-rim sunglasses
Combat shotgun

Notable quotes[]


Beckett appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.



  1. Vault Dweller: "What was your life like before the gangs?"
    Beckett: "I never really knew my mom, and my dad died when I was pretty young... so I ended up having to take care of my brother, Frankie. We had to steal food and drink to keep from starving. Turns out we were pretty darn good at it, so, we started our own little crime wave. We never did anything serious though. I drew the line at stealing. Frankie was a bit, uh... trigger-happy, and that worried me. When I was recruited by the Hooligans, I made Frankie stay at home. I wouldn't let him join. He always hated me for that."
    (Beckett's dialogue)
  2. Beckett: "Listen to me, Frankie. Do you remember when we were kids and we were playing near that bombed-out factory in Maryland? Then those rabid dogs jumped out and surprised us? We ran and ran, but then I fell into that ditch and twisted my leg like a dumbass. Right? I told you to run, but what did you say to me, man? Try and remember."
    Frankie Beckett: "No, Beckett... I... those moments died when Frankie died. Only a fool dwells in the past. The Blood Eagles are our future!"
    Beckett: "No. There's no Claw, there's no Blood Eagles. There's just me and you right now. So shut up and listen! After the dogs were gone and you reached into the ditch to help me out. What. Did. You. Say? Tell me! Goddamn it, Frankie, tell me!"
    Frankie Beckett: "I... I said... I... we were brothers... and we'd never walk away from... from each other, no matter how bad... no matter... how..."
    Beckett: "...no matter how bad things became. Yeah. That's exactly right. You fought off those dogs with nothing but a goddamn broken baseball bat. It almost killed you, man. You... you saved me. You were so cut up from the fight, I thought I was going to lose you, Frankie."
    Frankie Beckett: "I remember... you stole those meds for me to fight off the rabies. You kept watch over me for weeks... I... why can't I see it clearly? The hell... happened to me, Beckett? God, this hurts... it hurts so much..."
    Beckett: "I know it hurts, man. I know it does. But whatever it takes, we'll get through this together. We're family and I love you, Frankie. Always have, always will."
    (Beckett and Frankie Beckett's dialogue)
  3. Vault Dweller: "Tell me about your older gangs."
    Beckett: "Ancient history, huh? Fair enough. Well... let's see. First I was an independent, just trying to steal enough to keep me afloat. Problem was all of the competition... the gangs. Once I realized it's smarter to join them, I ran with Hopkins游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 Hooligans. That went pretty well, until Hopkins got himself killed. I ran with Edwin's gang for a little while until the Blood Eagles came calling. They, uh, "recruited" me into their gang... and the rest is history."
    (Beckett's dialogue)

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