

Abbie's bunker is a location in the Mire region of Appalachia in 2102.


Abbie's bunker is a pre-War bunker constructed by the family of Abigayle Singh, who were members of the Free States.


When approaching the bunker, there is a terminal and an overseer's cache next to the front door. After entering the front room there's another terminal and a door that leads down to the living quarters. The first room in the living area is a kitchen and eating area, that flows into the living room and office with three terminals. At the back of the bunker is a bathroom, and off to the right and left of the office area are two hallways. The hallway to the right leads to a generator room on the left and a workshop on the right side. There is a tinker's workbench at the end of this hallway. There is a level 3 safe under some metal shelves next to Abbie's workstation in the room on the right. The hallway to the left leads to two bedrooms.


  • 監管人日誌:自由邦 - 在地堡門外的監管人庫房
  • 場景:從羅利家歸返 - 在輻屍人偵測系統終端機台上。
  • 艾碧的代辦事項 - 上述附近的桌上,旁邊有工具盒。
  • 大家都走了 - 在艾碧的房間,相框後面。
  • 核融合核�� - 地堡內的發電機上。
  • 加熱線圈 - Can be found in the room at the end of the hallway to the right of the main room in a cabinet. The two coils might be marked as quest items.
  • Random plan - Can be found in the room at the end of the hallway to the right of the main room on a desk next to a broken terminal.
  • 你在哪裡? - 釘在牆上的對講機旁,從外頭進來到廚房跟飯廳的入口處。
  • 棄置的情境錄音 - 艾碧的工作台(終端機)附近的垃圾桶內。
  • 棄置的簡介錄音 - 同上。
  • 給蘿絲的全像卡帶 - 需要組裝任務期間於上述代辦事項的桌子內取得。
  • 全像卡帶「母帶」 - 同上,接近完成任務期間取得。
  • 羅利的密碼 - 預先警報任務期間取得。


The area surrounding Abbie's bunker is a possible location to encounter a Flatwoods monster.


Abbie's bunker appears only in Fallout 76.
