
{explosion heard}Sounds like they're already here. There's no way I'm letting them take me alive. There's no reason for you to stick around and help us, but feel free to kill a few of the bastards on your way out.

Eddie is the leader of the Powder Gangers operating in the NCR Correctional Facility in 2281.


Eddie is the leader of the Powder Gangers and can be found on the top floor of the administration office in the NCR Correctional Facility, having occupied the warden's office. Eddie, a former NCR prisoner, assumed control over the Powder Gangers after Samuel Cooke, the original leader of the prisoner uprising, left north with a group of followers to Vault 19 in order to wage a personal war against the NCR. Since then, Eddie has led the former prisoners as they have raided caravans passing near the NCRCF, always making sure that every Powder Ganger gives him a cut of the spoils.

If asked for work, Eddie will give the quest I Fought the Law. Killing him will result in the failure of the quest unless progressed far enough to betray him to the NCR. A positive reputation with the Powder Gangers will grant dynamite and various gunpowders from him. He will give out a maximum of 5 dynamite and 20 each of rifle and pistol powder once an Idolized status with the Powder Gangers is attained.

Eddie is protected at all times by three Powder Ganger bodyguards, as well as his good buddy Scrambler, the toughest member of the Powder Gangers.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter


  • I Fought the Law: Eddie has some work that needs to be done. Convince a Powder Ganger to leave and watch a suspicious deal go down.
  • Eddie's Emissary: Eddie wants someone to participate in the upcoming attack the Powder Gangers are planning against the NCR.



# 幻灯片 画外音��白 游戏中的条件
Powder Gangers end slide 01
胡佛大坝之后,惩戒所内群龙无首的炸藥幫消失在废墟中,监狱空无一人。惩戒所成为废土中另一个被遗弃的废墟,它的尸体偶尔会被有进取心的勘探者查探。 艾迪死亡。
Powder Gangers end slide 03
随着大坝牢牢掌握在手中,新加州共和国将注意力转向从炸藥幫手中夺取惩戒所。炸藥幫无法与NCR久经沙场的军队相匹敌,那些幸存的炸藥幫将被立即处决。 不要杀死艾迪并完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Powder Gangers end slide 02
惩戒所的大多数炸藥幫逃到废土,而不是面对军团的推进部队。那些勇敢或愚蠢留下的人被无情的军团杀死或钉在十字架上。 不要杀死艾迪并完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Powder Gangers end slide 01
NCR因失去大坝而遭受重创,无法投入任何部队从炸藥幫手中夺回惩戒所。结果,炸藥幫对商队的袭击成为了莫哈韋廢土未来几年的不幸事实。 不要杀死艾迪并为豪斯先生完成孤注一掷或为独立新维加斯完成没有神,没有主人


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Powder Gang guard armor Plasma pistol
Administration key


  • Killing Eddie without starting the quest I Fought the Law will result in failure.
  • With sufficiently low Intelligence, the Courier will ask "What is funny about a merchant?", Eddie will reply that he meant the merchant is suspicious, not humorous. Later on, the Courier can state they killed the "bunny hunter" although this does not bring any new dialogue.

Notable quotes[]


Eddie appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


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