關於the Fallout 4 add-on,參見Automatron (add-on)
關於the holodisk game,參見Automatron (holotape)

Gametitle-FO4 AUT
Gametitle-FO4 AUT

機械守衛 是可被玩家制作的companions for the Sole Survivor via the 机器人工作台.


Automatrons are specially crafted companions designed by the Sole Survivor to suit their own personal needs. They can be created, upgraded and renamed at a robot workbench, provided the resource requirements are met. They start with Protectron parts without any armor, but individual parts from other robots can be scavenged, then built and attached, and upgraded further with quality armor attachments to meet (or exceed) factory quality.

玩家自制的機械守衛可以有九种配音, many with similar functionalities. All automatrons start with the male voice selected.

The first four similar voices are the male, female and the relative processed variants of each. The voices all sound like well spoken servants, with the normal variation sounding like well recorded voices and the processed variants sounding more mechanical and modified. This voice type has personality subroutines that can be activated by selecting yes when requested when the robot is first created or by navigating through dialogue when the automatron is the current follower. These voice types are the only voice types that allow one to command the robot to self destruct, this is accomplished by navigating to the self destruct dialogue and giving the requested secondary confirmation, the unit will then begin the self destruct sequence and count down from ten, then it will explode.

Another set of similar voices are the assaultron and sentry bot voices, both having the same voice lines, mimicking the voices of the respective robots. When asked to initiate personality subroutines both voices also respond with "ERROR, command not recognized," although there are cases of both sentry bots and especially assaultrons with personalities; they respond the same when asked to self destruct.

The last three voices are different sounding beeps and clicks (beep-click, beep-dark and beep-bright). Robots with these voices appear to exhibit emotion, but have no programmed personality subroutines in-game, and other robots upon encountering them may be heard exclaiming something along the lines of "your personality appears to be an error in your program, have you considered having it purged." Robots with this voice type will respond with a (negative beep) when asked to self destruct. Which means it is impossible for automatrons with the last 3 voices to self-destruct.

Automatrons will almost always fight on the side of the Sole Survivor, but may turn against them if they attack a settlement that the robot is a part of or was recently part of, even if they are the Sole Survivor's current companion.


如果玩家不想局限在搜索机器人尸体获得的零件, they may want to invest in the Science!, Robotics Expert, Blacksmith, Gun Nut and Armorer perks, as they're a requirement when it comes to crafting some of the more advanced parts.


When building an automatron, the head and both arms are optional - an automatron can be finished without them, although in such a case it will usually be lacking means of inflicting damage or interacting with its surroundings, as demonstrated by Bosun aboard the 憲法號. However, robots with the Mr. Handy torso have more build options available without head and arms.

Robot parts can be freely mixed with almost no restrictions, enabling the player character to create unique automatrons with a range of utility and offensive capability.

Head types[]

Robobrain head
  • Perks needed to craft: Science! - Rank 2/Robotics Expert - Rank 1
  • Description: The robobrain head is a mid-to-long range engagement. It gives a robot an extra projectile attack in the form of a Mesmetron pulse and it provides a big boost in accuracy.
Assaultron head laser
  • Perks needed to craft: Science! - Rank 2/Robotics Expert - Rank 1
  • Description: The assaultron head laser gives an automatron the ability to fire off an assaultron's laser blast from its eye.

Torso types[]

Mr. Handy torso
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 1
  • Description: Three arm-slots provide an advantage for a melee based robot. The Mr. Handy torso boosts movement speed, allowing a mechanical ally to get in close with minimal fuss.
Robobrain torso
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 2/Armorer - Rank 1
  • Description: The second bulkiest torso that one can build. The robobrain torso has one advantage over its beefy brethren in that it won't overheat and leave a robot vulnerable for set periods of time.
Sentry torso
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3/Robotics Expert - Rank 1
  • Description: The sentry torso sports the best health boost of all torso models, but using it can make a robot overheat during combat - a trait that's a usual sentry bot's biggest weakness.

Arm types[]

Assaultron arm
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 1/Armorer - Rank 1
  • Description: The assaultron arm offers the best melee damage of all the arm models.
Sentry arm
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3/Robotics Expert - Rank 1
  • Description: The sentry arm allows for the best carrying capacity, the best health boost and adds decent melee damage.

Leg types[]

Mr. Handy thruster
  • Perks required to craft: None
  • Description: The fastest leg type available, the Mr. Handy thruster allows an automatron to quickly zip from enemy to enemy.
Assaultron legs
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 1/Armorer - Rank 1
  • Description: Although the assaultron legs don't offer quite as much mobility as the Mr. Handy thruster, they're a better choice for beefier 'bots, as more armor parts can be added to them.
Sentry legs
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3/Robotics Expert - Rank 1
  • Description: Offering the best carrying capacity and a ton of health, the sentry legs are the choice for a tank-like robot. The only real downside is that with these legs, one's mechanical partner may not be able to move all too freely in enclosed spaces and will be fairly loud.

Weapon systems[]

Melee weapons[]

  • Perks required to craft: Blacksmith - Rank 3
  • Description: The fastest melee weapon; makes targets take burn damage.
Hammer saw
  • Perks required to craft: Blacksmith - Rank 3
  • Description: Brutal melee weapon that packs a devastating punch. The hammer saw also stuns opponents and makes them bleed on hit.

Arm weapons[]

Heavy flamer gun
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3/Gun Nut - Rank 1
  • Description: The heavy flamer gun is effective at close-ranges;.
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3/Gun Nut - Rank 1
  • Description: The minigun is a solid choice for reliable damage from mid-range.
Gatling laser gun
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3
  • Description: Offers reliable damage at medium ranges.
Missile launcher
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3/Gun Nut - Rank 1
  • Description: Another solid choice at range, the missile launcher is particularly useful when taking on groups of enemies, as the blast can catch multiple foes.
Nuka-Cherry Launcher
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 4/Gun Nut - Rank 1
  • Description: The Nuka-Cherry launcher has the highest damage output of any weapon system.

Shoulder weapons[]

Unstable Fat Man launcher
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 4
  • Description: Highest AoE damage output of any weapon system. Fat Man's maximize one's options and initial engagement spike damage without fear of breaking diminishing overall effectiveness.
Nuka launcher
  • Perks required to craft: Science! - Rank 3
  • Description: If aiming for maximum efficiency, Nuka's are almost as deadly without the drawback of breaking or collateral damage.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
FO76 ui icon quest

Other interactions[]

  • 当機械守衛跟随玩家时每次对话将给予2-3件垃圾。
  • 機械守衛可以被玩家要求自爆。

Range of interests[]



服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡


  • 機械守衛可以安装解锁和破解电脑的设备,能代替凱特尼克·瓦倫坦的地位。
  • 機械守衛无法登上飞鸟, 除非使用巧手先生的身体。因为巧手先生的动画会采用嘎抓居礼的。
  • 機械守衛制作的数量不受限制,只会受所在村落剩余空间的影响。
  • 機械守衛可以为玩家盗窃,大部分同伴都做不到。
  • 機械守衛可以被安排劳动,即使所在村落已经满员。
  • 機械守衛不能采用保护者或者巧手先生的配音,尽管可以采用他们的外形。
  • 機械守衛和其他机器人一样需要用robot repair kit治疗。
  • 核子世界 安装后玩家可以解锁主题公园里面的很多种零件。
  • 機械守衛可在workshop模式中直接搬运。
  • 采用铁卫和机器脑腿部的機械守衛在被指定为守卫时,会略微缩小以适应岗哨。
  • 作为居民的機械守衛是可能会被敌人打死的,在游戏后期尤为常见。而且被杀的機械守衛尸体中什么零件都不会有。因此不建议大量制造機械守衛作为居民。Using the console command setessential 01001eed 1 can negate this.
  • 作为供应员的機械守衛可能会被绑架。这似乎与游戏原意不符,故在这时機械守衛无相关对话。
  • 鐵鏽惡魔会袭击有機械守衛居住的村落,后期会伴有高级机器敌人,很难对付。
  • 生存模式中如果機械守衛被打倒而未得到治疗,他们将直接死亡而非被遣返回村落。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 部分機械守衛在遭遇某些地方的NPC机器人时会敌对,导致当地其他NPC与玩家关系破裂。这已见于如下地区,具体条件不明[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Ada will quickly float around after the player character's first encounter with her.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 装备机器脑头部的機械守衛可能会用脑电波射击玩家而非敌人。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 玩家使用过康拉德·克罗格的电脑后,所有被重命名的機械守衛将会变回原名,无法再度重命名。[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC Possible fix is a preemptive one. When instructed to use the terminal, do not. Instead open up the console and type setstage mq106 1000, this will skip the step to use the terminal and move onto the next objective. You may have to use "tcl" to clip through the maglocked doors that can be opened using the terminal. When creating or renaming a robot, you should be able to rename the Automatron and keep the name.
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One When selecting an automatron companion in workshop edit mode, it will prevent you from dismissing them. To fix this edit one item on the automatron, then use the dismiss dialogue. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 任命機械守衛为商户时无法触发商户对话。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 If building an automatron with a sentry bot build (torso, arms, legs and head) and shoot it in the head, it might turn into a Protectron (Protectron animations and AI on the sentry body).[已验证]
    • 命令其前往小島也会发生此情况。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 所有機械守衛可能会随机变回原形。原因不明。
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 If building an automatron with a sentry bot build (torso, arms, legs and head) then assigning it to a guard post, it will shrink in size while remaining still, then revert back to normal size upon leaving.[已验证]

