Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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Welcome to Nukapedia!

Hello, Plankster, and welcome to the Fallout Wiki! Thank you for your contributions, and we hope you'll stay with us and make many more.

Some links you may find useful:

  • The Nukapedia New User Network - we're here to help you become the best editor you can be. We can help you learn how to edit pages with the proper wiki code, learn our style guidelines and how to find edits that need doing, as well as how to get involved with the community.
  • Recent changes lets you see what other people are editing currently and where you can help. You can also check our community portal for things to do.
  • If you haven't already, create a user page about yourself. If you do, we'll be able to know you better as a member of our community.
  • If you are new to wikis, the help pages can help you learn how to edit and how use the wiki tools. For test edits, feel free to create a personal sandbox.
  • Nukapedia's policies and guidelines describe how we do things around here and can help you make even better contributions.

If you have questions, you can ask in our forums, join the live chat or post a message on my talk page. We hope you enjoy editing here and look forward to working with you!

-- SigmaDelta54 (Talk) 23:44, August 29, 2012

Chat Incident[]

Hi Plankster,

I have reviewed the log.

Firstly, I don't believe you've entered this situation with clean hands. I believe that you entered the room with the intention to troll. This being shown to me by your chosen subject voice, and the way you turned the conversation around to your talking point "That has nothing to do with planking really…" and your obvious South Park references. Not enough to warrant a ban at that point, but enough that I been fully active in chat at the time would have had you on my "alert" list.

Next, "A friend of mine planked for like 15 mins on a high-tension cable OVER A RAILROAD", I don't believe this is possible, and even if I did, its an incredibly stupid thing to do.

Comparing exploration with Planking wouldn't have done you any favours, I'd be more convinced than ever that you were trolling.

You were described as ignorant for these comments - this isn't an insult or being a dick, its describing you as not having knowledge of those explorers you claim kinship with.

You asked if the people in chat thought planking was stupid, and the response seems to have been yes.

You claimed people were making fun of the way you type, but I cannot see any posts that do so.

You then proceeded to call everyone in the chatroom "Fucking Lame". An insult.

When someone expressed an opposite view to you on "teapotting" you accused the person of just trying to piss you off.

You also posted "I'll be fucking laughuing my ass off when ur girlfriends dump u for some real dude with fucking balls to plank".

You then demanded that the chatroom change the conversation to Fallout - several times, sometimes in caps - because you did not seem to like how the discussion was going. This is against chat rules, and as the rules also note, Off topic is the norm here.

After you were kicked for disrupting chat, you accused the room "u troll me for fucking 5 hours and i get kicked??""

At this point, you were called "Either stupid, or the ultimate troll". The user responsible for this has now been warned, as your kick should have served.

There is no ban on your account, and I can only see the one single kick. As such, you are welcome to return to chat, however I strongly recommend reading the rules in order to avoid future incidents.

I'll retain a copy of the log in case you choose to take this further, however given that no ban has been issued (when some of your actions here could be seen that way), and you were kicked as a warning for your chat disruption, I don't see any value in doing so. Agent c (talk) 23:06, August 31, 2012 (UTC)

However you choose to see it, no power was abused, as the only power used was to kick you when you were disrupting chat. Agent c (talk) 16:57, September 1, 2012 (UTC)
You have new messages
Hello, Plankster. You have new messages at Limmiegirl's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Chat ban[]


Dear Plankster,

Since you are reading this, you were banned from the Fallout Wiki chat for insisting on bringing up your previous kick after being asked not to multiple times. This is your first offense, so your ban will automatically expire after 3 days. If you have any other questions, please ask someone or review the guidelines.

Warm regards, -- ~ Toci ~ Go ahead, make my day. 03:18, September 15, 2012 (UTC)

Plankster I pretty much estabilish command just by entering the room You either got that or you don't

Plankster I'm pretty much at the top of the food chain

Plankster I don't have a friends list, becaus I don't want to fry the server Because there would be so fucking many people signing it they can't handle it

Plankster Check dude, and I thought you were cool

Plankster Check, I'm pretty much the best judge of character, but you I missed

Tocinoman First off, that is rather rude, Plank. Second, Charles isn't in here anymore. (first warning)

Plankster You want to play post apocaliptic? go to the fucking desert and try to make it there like I do

Plankster I survived on my own for 3 days in the dsert in the middle of no where

Plankster To busy you know fucking surviving the very enviroment that set out to kill me

Plankster You people just don't get me because I'm in a higher plane of existence (you were kicked after this)

Tocinoman Plankster, I'd highly suggest watching the condescending attitude. (second warning)

Plankster My job is editing, yours is to administrate the editors

Tocinoman We're editors. Lol. We just have extra tools.

Plankster Duude, drop the aggression ball

Tocinoman Nor are you our boss, so I'd suggest stopping the condescending attitude. (third warning)

Plankster I'm not hostile to you

Tocinoman You're right, Plankster. You're not being hostile. You're belittling ALL of us. (Cc kicked you)

Plankster What the fuck I say I wanna contribute and get kicked?

Tocinoman No. You're belittling us, and we're getting sick of it.

The Gunny Gentlemen, let's move on to a new topic. (warning to drop the topic)

Cc99910 Let's talk about religion and politics

Tocinoman Let's talk about controversial kicks and bans.

Dead Gunner Lets talk about Mitt Romney (these three were quite obviously jokes, as these topics are generally frowned upon by Wikia's standards. Please don't go on a rant about how you weren't aware of the rules. Ignorance is not an excuse. When you enter our chat, you are implying that you have read the rules and are aware of what you can and cannot do.)

Plankster Yeah, mine was pretty contraversial

Agent c hardly 2 mods agreed after the fact

Tocinoman Drop the subject, please. (yet another polite warning to change the topic)

Tocinoman Chad, let's move along. Nothing to see here. (See? You're not the only person who has to stop talking about it. Drop the subject means drop the subject.)

Plankster I had to complain to a chat mod and a admin to get it sorted out

Tocinoman Plankster. This is your last warning. Tocinoman If I have to tell you again, I will ban you and sleep like a baby later. (yet another warning. I told you that this one was final.)

IN PM Plankster serioulsy, what's the matter now?? (After you sent this, I politely refused to reply as I asked for this subject to be dropped.)

Plankster And I am the one who gets kicked Serisouly (you were banned after this. I told you that you would be should you bring the subject up again.)

If anything, we were too lenient with you, as you were warned SIX times. Not many people get that luxury, and you abused it. As you were also told, the entire chat was getting quite sick of your condescending attitude. That's belittlement, "dude". Your ban will expire in 3 days. Please behave yourself in the future. Thanks! ~ Toci ~ Go ahead, make my day. 03:44, September 15, 2012 (UTC)

Chat Ban #2[]

I'll keep this short and sweet. We're getting tired of the vast arrogance and hubris you have in chat, and your general bad attitude. Comparing yourself to Greek gods, mild sexual harassment towards a female administrator, comparing us to a lynch mob, and telling us to then "behave" is unacceptable. The message you left upon leaving was the straw that broke the camel's back. Please read our rules, and tone down the arrogant behavior within seven days, and hopefully we can all get along. VictorFaceMonitor Might I Say You're Looking Fit As a Fiddle! 21:04, September 22, 2012 (UTC)

After a lengthy discussion, the administrative staff has agreed that this ban was perhaps a punishment that did not fit the crime. However, you are not excused from your actions entirely. Keep that in mind. The ban is undone, but that doesn't mean we like to see that kind of behavior. VictorFaceMonitor Might I Say You're Looking Fit As a Fiddle! 21:42, September 22, 2012 (UTC)


No admin can endorse you, you need to be active in chat for 2 months. Also, you need 100 edits - 50 article and 50 non-article edits. Energy X Signature0 21:21, December 17, 2012 (UTC)

Okay, looking at things.

  • You're not particularly active in chat, you've visted maybe a handful of times that I can recall. The type of people we look for in Chatmods are chat addicts - they're there pretty much every day, rain, hail or shine.
  • The times I recall seeing you on is pretty well covered for moderation as it is.
  • You do not have enough edits.
  • You come across as pretty immature. The chatmod tools are serious business and before handing them out we need to be sure they'll be treated with respect.
  • You have chat bans, and kicks. I wouldn't consider endorsing anyone until they're at least 6 months clear of bans. In the events listed on your TP, including the one I investigated, there appear to be some gaps in your understanding of the rules.

But moving beyond that, the consensus in the general community at the moment seems to be that we have "too many chat mods". Whilst I disagree with this statement, it does indicate that there is an extremely high standard you need to meet for community consideration. It is my general advice at the moment to tell people not to run, but if they must, make a note of times and dates when they have been on/active and moderator cover has been inadequate.

I think instead you would be better served by seeking a mentor through the New User Network (there is a link in your welcome message). We can help you improve your editing standard and get you invovled in more things in the wiki. A lot of people put a lot of stock in how well a user edits. Agent c (talk) 21:42, December 17, 2012 (UTC)

I'm sorry, but the amount of time you spend in chat is not something you can make up by working harder. Chat Moderation is not like a factory job where if you work twice as hard you can get it done in half the time. The primary, and perhaps the only true essential quality of a Chat Moderator is presence in chat. If you're not present, then it doesn't matter how good you are in the other areas, there is simply no point in appointing you.

Normally, showing up is half the job, but in chat moderation it's the whole ball game. Agent c (talk) 18:19, December 20, 2012 (UTC)

Merry Christmas![]

Nail board
You have been given a Plank with nails in it.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Now you can do some "extreme" planking with a plank with nails in it. Merry Christmas Plank! -- Fallout Skyline - Apprentice "Those Old World Relics still stand..." 01:39, December 24, 2012 (UTC)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Plankster! Yours Always; -- Fallout Skyline - Apprentice "Those Old World Relics still stand..." 01:39, December 24, 2012 (UTC)

Merry Christmas![]

You have been given a plank.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Merry Christmas, here's a plank. - CC With no background 02:53, December 24, 2012 (UTC)