Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Limmiegirl uses the Talkback feature

If I left you a message: please answer on your talk page, then place {{tb|your username}} on my TP.
If you leave me a message: I will answer on my talk page, then place {{tb|my username}} on your TP.

Please click here to leave me a new message.


I'm watching you! ಠ_ಠ

Now see here, ya cheeky...[]

I could never create a Yu Gi Oh deck worth showing you, because you've already gone through all the combinations anyway. It'd be like trying to show you an episode of Naruto, you'd already know the plot off by heart. (Seriously though, hope you're well, and get your butt online at some point so I can banter at your face) User Talk:ArchmageNeko Archmage NekoNeko's Haunt 00:28, November 10, 2016 (UTC)

Lucky Timing![]

That's Great! You can see America implode from the inside! Which state did you move to? I'm not on the chat much anymore, but we can talk on Steam, FB, or Twitter if you'd like. Metal Gear Mk. II "Anything, for the family" 21:50, November 15, 2016 (UTC)

Merry Christmas and (a bit too early to wish it already, but I'll do it already anyway) a Happy New Year![]

I would like to use the Christmas/New Year-wishes-tradition, to thank those around me who kept this wikia and daily life more fun for me during the past year. Everything just seems so normal and evident that we are here almost every day, yet it's very worthwhile to consider for a moment how wonderful it is to have people like you around me, making editing and being on chat a lot more enjoyable. I would also like to use this opportunity to wish a happy and healthy new year for you and everyone around you who is dear to you. I hope you'll have a great and healthy new year in which all your wishes may come true! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 02:34, December 24, 2016 (UTC)

Merry Christmas![]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Lims! ----Cassie I can see you 12:35, December 25, 2016 (UTC)

Wikia's forced addition of videos to the wiki[]

Hello, I realise you may not have edited the wiki, or even visited us in a while. We do miss you, and I apologise for contacting you with a request for help… but we do need it, and there’s not much you need to do to help us.

As you may be aware, Wikia/Fandom have added a number of videos to pages on the wiki that they have self authored. Although the consensus view so far seems to be that these are not to our standards, I encourage you to view these for yourself and make up your own mind.

You can find a link to all the videos, and a petition I would like you to consider here. If you believe that these videos do not meet our standards, detract from the wiki, and should be removed, I encourage you to vote yes on this petition. You are of course welcome to vote no if you do not believe this is the case.

Thank you for your consideration. Agent c (talk) 21:25, September 7, 2017 (UTC)

Its good to see you pop by Limmie. I hope everything is going well for you. Agent c (talk) 05:04, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks C. It's good to have a chance to help out again.
Limmiegirl Lildeneb Talk! ♪ 16:23, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

Video Forums[]

Thank you for participating in the video forums so far.

In order to work out where to go from here, I've created another forum asking the community where our "Red line" is, and whether or not I should continue to be the point person on this.

You can find the new forum here. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this matter. Agent c (talk) 16:14, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

Hello, this is just a quick message to let you know a fourth question has been added based on the current feedback, especially from those who voted for removing the videos. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:51, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

All Hands Meeting[]

Okay, I think its clear that going ahead with a meeting is a good idea. At this stage I would like to open the floor to agenda items. We have the following things to discuss.

  • An update on any negotiations, and other actions
  • Possible action to progress our case further whilst staying on network
  • Possible engagement with Wikia on video in line with the proposed deal- if we should participate and whom that contact person should be.
  • Possible alternatives if the situation cannot be resolved.

Please let me know if you want anything added to the agenda here

I'll be asking a number of people to speak on certain issues, but as always there will be plenty of room for discussion.

I propose that the meeting be held at 3pm North American Eastern Time on Sunday 24 September, this should be 8pm in London, 9pm Central European time, and Midday North American Western. If there are any objections please note them below and we'll look into alternative scheduling, the more objections the harder we look for a new time.

We have arranged facilities for the meeting, it will be held online. It is open to all persons who have participated in any of the video discussion threads up to today, except those employed by Fandom/Wikia inc (as this is the Community's meeting), or have been employed by them in the recent past.

Votes taken in this meeting will be taken as consensus view of the wiki, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

We have setup a discord server (Nukapedia's Fallout Shelter) located here. It is mobile friendly (via an app) and is very flexible.

Although everyone is welcome in our social space (The-Common-Room), only persons who meet the above criteria will be admitted to The-Town-Hall (where the meeting will be located). You may be asked to verify your account before this access is granted. Agent c (talk) 21:53, September 11, 2017 (UTC)


Your name came up earlier during a bull session. Miss having your sorry butt around - hope everything going on in the real-world has been doing better for you lately.

If I find any love-struck anons, I'll send them your way for old-times' sake. 寧靜 Fox 08:44, August 30, 2018 (UTC)
