Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Metal Gear Mk
Messages will be left to the Metal Gear MKII.
VaultTecLogoThis user is Vault-Tec approved

CAM00045This user is is a member of the Discord Chat

USA Flag Pre-WarThis user is an American.
LaserCommanderThis user prefers the Energy Weapons skill. His favorite weapons are the holorifle and the LAER!
Fallout Skyline - ApprenticeThis user participated in the 2012 edition of Fallout:The Apprentice.


Alexandra was tall and blond, with a balcony you could do Shakespeare from— Edwin Drood
You... You killed a Nepenthe spider with a fork— Robin Goodfellow
Sleep is God. Go worship.— Waldo Butters
Isn't Detroit that state where 5 out of 4 people are criminals?— Happylice
Measurements made. Bombs built. Powder's dry. OK, let's blow something up!— Techies Demolition

I've loved the Fallout Universe since I played Fallout 3 in middle school. Now that I am much older the only Fallout game I like is New Vegas. If you have any other opinion you are wrong. I used to be a regular here, but certain people made it not fun, then I found out that I needed this place too much and left. Now it seems like the new owners of this place have made it even worse and care even less about what regular users want, so I'll mostly be here to look up Object Id's.

I would like to thank This lost man and This awesome guy for helping me with security, by making my two weapons to defend myself. If you are interested in reading, you can read the Fanfiction I have made but not completely written, go here. User:Denis517/Fallout: Texas

TrollfaceOne of this user's biggest accomplishments is getting a wikia staff member to click on a log out link!
Sawyer bazookaThis user Has been trolled by J.E Sawyer

Plasmasword.png 230px-Denis_plasma_gun.png

Gifts? For me?[]

Chrisdesign red glossy pen
You have been given A stylish Editors red pen.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For all your hard work on the wiki to date - hey, do you know how hard it is to find a working pen in the wastes? The New User Network Team
You have been given Ryan's broken phone.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
On the Eve of September 28th, 2012, you made my phone vibrate so much that the feature ceased to work. --Bunny2Bubble
You have been given The title of "Apprentice".
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For competing in the 1st season of Fallout: Apprentice! FO3 PA "Semper Invictus" 13:44, October 27, 2012 (UTC)
You have been given The Enclave Seal of The Old World.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Merry Christmas Denis! -- The Old World Relics (talk/blog/contributions) 01:51, December 23, 2012 (UTC)


You have been given a new suit for Denis on his Birthday.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Happy Birthday Denis! --The Old World Relics (talk/blog/contributions) 00:50, January 17, 2013 (UTC)

Friends list[]

You can't keep a good Saiyan down. - CC With no background 01:16, October 8, 2012 (UTC)

(The Hanged Man - Spirit of a grave robber 07:41, June 29, 2012 (UTC))


The Zombie which, for reasons unknown, you haven't liquidated yet in the name of the Enclave...

We should play together sometime, right? IsaacUser:Game-ing master 04:21, July 31, 2012 (UTC)

How did I not see this? Radiation trianglePrepare for the Future!Radiation triangle

Long live the Enclave, dear brother in arms. --3 of Clubs "This is my road, you'll walk it as I say" 02:49, August 25, 2012 (UTC)

Don't for a minute think this means I'm not going to stop the pigeon. Agent c (talk) 01:59, August 27, 2012 (UTC)

Glory to the Enclave! Old Glory! --Eden2012 (talk) 16:48, August 30, 2012 (UTC)

I had a gun held up to my head to do this......--FNV NCR Armor "Respect and Honor" 04:54, September 15, 2012 (UTC)

Vault-Tec and the Enclave have an affiliation. I have a feeling you'll be monitoring my Vaults. User Daesch Vault-Tec Circle "Editing With Triple S Technology!" 7:16pm, September 27, 2012 (UTC)
