Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Re: Imported vocabulary[]

Oh! Verse pagina! Dibs!

Wat vind je ervan als ik een categorie Semantic wiki in Main category maak? Daar stop ik dan Imported vocabulary in. Als we ooit nog iets met SMW gaan doen past dat allemaal netjes in die categorie.

Nog twee andere dingetjes die me opvielen:

  • Ik stel voor dat we de twee categorieën in Wiki maintenance gewoon in Attention required stoppen en dan Wiki maintenance verwijderen.
  • Volgens mij past External redirects best mooi als subcategorie in Category:Redirects.

Mee eens?

Fallout 76 data dump

- FDekker (talk) 17:23, 13 November 2020 (UTC)


I was excited to notice the other day that you were doing the tour to check out the sights of that timeless quest. I can't remember my approach when taking similar photographs, but am happy to set time to noon to 2 PM in the future to make sure the lighting is as clear as can be. I always appreciate tips and tricks from the image dude himself! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 20:33, 13 November 2020 (UTC)

I think I misunderstand what you meant earlier, but I understand now. For the Fusion Flea, I had a goal of showing the lack of a back wheel. So I was paying less attention to taking photos as usual, being preoccupied with getting a shot of the car flush with the ground, or upside down. I will still take your advice. though :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 04:59, 14 November 2020 (UTC)

DC monorail[]

Just a fun update, I wanted to let you know I wrote the new monorail article we spoke about. Let me know what you think! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:50, 17 November 2020 (UTC)

Nice catch![]

I didn't even notice that the parameter on silt bean was duplicated. --Ultimate Frog-Man (talk) 23:35, 20 November 2020 (UTC)

Re: Fallout 76 protagonist (2)[]

Alle mainspace links naar Resident (Vault 76) gaan nu naar Vault Dweller (Fallout 76). Ben nu dus klaar met de bot. - FDekker (talk) 16:36, 21 November 2020 (UTC)

Ok mooi zo, bedankt maar weer! Jspoelstra (talk) 16:41, 21 November 2020 (UTC)


That makes sense to me. I only wish to direct traffic into the subpages. But you are right, I will talk it over with the group first. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 17:36, 22 November 2020 (UTC)

Old Letter[]

The Editor ID calls it AveryNote, so I'm p sure. I'll just delete the old Olympia page and fix the links on the page. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 21:59, 22 November 2020 (UTC)

Split project[]

Hello! The project is due to the increased number of both notes and holotapes as we move along in updates, and to correct the name from holodisk. I have spoken with the group over the course of the last month or so about it. I did not know about informing Tagaziel or you about projects directly, but I can from now on. Just let me know how (I know you don't use Discord). Or conversely, I can undo the project. I have no preference, just want to make things as tidy as can be :) Let me know either way! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 17:16, 23 November 2020 (UTC)

Okie dokie, thank you for your support as always :) I will talk to Tagaziel and ask for his blessing. I will plan on continuing to Fallout 4 after and I will make sure to show love to mobile. Thank you again! ^_^ -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:24, 23 November 2020 (UTC)

Teletype and Holotape/Note Splits[]

Hi! The teletype element is obsolete/deprecated as of HTML5, so I'm proactively getting rid of them. No one seems to know why they're around in the first place. There seems to be no compelling reason not to future-proof.

As for the holotape/note split, Tag enthusiastically expressed his support on the Discord. Hope that helps! intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]

Game titles use italics[]


I'm planning to change article titles that have a game title in them to use italics for this. Some already do (e.g. Fallout 3 Enclave outposts and camps), most – as it seems – do not. This should also be applied to disambiguation suffixes which, however, is more difficult to achieve because those pages can't be easily found with looking for the game title in Special:AllPages.

I talked about it on Discord – nobody objected, Kate supports it.

Just wanted to inform you, because it's gonna be a large number of pages … -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 14:28, 25 November 2020 (UTC)

After some newly risen debate about this topic on Discord, I've created a disussion. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 14:32, 6 December 2020 (UTC)

Fort Atlas[]

I think it might be better to make a new page for Fort Atlas, since it's a fundamentally different location from how it was before Steel Dawn. IMO, it'd help readability to split ATLAS Observatory (before Steel Dawn) and Fort Atlas (after Steel Dawn). Otherwise the page will be pretty unwieldy, trying to cover every iteration of the location. We've done this with Dagger's Den and Hawke's Refuge already. AllYourFavorites! (talk) 15:29, 25 November 2020 (UTC)

Need help for french templates, depending on the code wrote in english.[]

Hi Master J, I'm back for an other question regarding two of our templates I made (which I actually more copy/pasted from the EN wiki than "made") and had some questions ! (obviously). You helped me once for the CSS and JS code, back in the day, and I would like to know if your wisdom can help me one more time. Here we go :
- In the french wiki, I made the same Module that you have : "Module:Games" => https://fallout.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Module:Jeux. When you create an Infobox, for example, the english grammar says that you have a title like this : "Fallout 2/Fallout 4/Fallout: New Vegas character". In french, I would like to produce the opposite : "Personnage de Fallout 2/Fallout 4/Fallout: New Vegas" (as you can see "Personnage" means "character"), and in other words, put the type of object before games. I think I found the right place in the function "p.title" of the games Module, but I'm a totally noob in LUA code so I can't find a way to tweak it, in order to put words at their right place xD
- The other one is trickier. This is the "Overviewpagelist" template, which I recreated under the name : https://fallout.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Modèle:ListeVueEnsemble. He's not working, because of the same french grammar rules. Yours says that for any "holodisks and notes", this find and sort all the pages that relates to this type : "Fallout 76 holodisks and notes", etc... and in french, I would to have, again, the opposite : "Holobandes et notes de Fallout 76", but there's so many templates involved and lines that I'm really lost. I hope my questions are understable, that you can help me and that my questions are not too much to ask... And I would love to put credits for the english dude who can resolve this thing !!

Cheers, a french desesperate wiki admin.
- Arkadyos (talk) 19:45, 25 November 2020 (UTC)

Vault boys[]

yes I plan to add everything I upload here to a page, template, resource, etc. it's a big job because there are still a few thousand to upload. please feel free to place or use any I upload. i've been trying to be better about finishing what I've started but it's a lot!
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 23:07, 25 November 2020 (UTC)


Sure, I am happy to do that. I was going to ask if you may have been having some issues being able to add categories to images lately, I saw the uncategorized uploads were yours. I have been having a lot of error messages and "database locked" messages lately, so if so, I feel your pain :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:09, 27 November 2020 (UTC)

I hope so too because it can become tiresome. I have an error all the time that tells me "data lost" and asks me to make sure I am still logged in? I have to hit submit edit two, three, sometimes four times before it accepts. And that is if there is not a 504 error or database lock error in the meantime! Fingers crossed it is all just temporary :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:27, 27 November 2020 (UTC)


Hmm. Maybe there is a different way to handle the broken link that I am not familiar with? See here. The pages are already categorized under Wild Appalachia, as well as have the Wild Appalachia game icon at the top. This is just for the infobox to not have the broken link. Let me know what is the correct way. And sorry! :P -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:23, 27 November 2020 (UTC)

Brilliant! I saw what you did, already fixed up the pages back to normal. Thanks for teaching me that :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:35, 27 November 2020 (UTC)
Yes of course, those items are on my to do list as well. I know it might sound crazy to say it is faster for me to do one thing at a time, but it is, I promise! I make less mistakes, too. So never fear my darling, I will have it all done ... soonish :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 00:42, 28 November 2020 (UTC)

RE: Infobox location[]

I have since finally made the changes I wanted to. It should look a lot cleaner now. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 05:40, 28 November 2020 (UTC)

Class vs. class[]


If nothing speaks against this, I will move Fallout 3 Class, Fallout: New Vegas Class and Fallout 4 Class to lowercase "class" articles, make the related adjustments on page (apparently only affecting {{overviewintro}} – other instances on-page already use lowercases), and re-link connected pages.

On Discord, there's only one other opinion so far:

"When class represents the class of a character I believe it is supposed to be capitalized"

To which I replied:

"However, there are no specified "classes" in-game – that's all GECK-internal.
And the perks and traits pages use lowercase, too, though those are game terminology."

Okay? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 12:45, 30 November 2020 (UTC)

Tagz agrees. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 14:30, 30 November 2020 (UTC)
Leon's reading of the capitalization guideline:

"Well, like, for instance we don't capitalize the word 'skill,' but rather the specific skills themselves such as Intelligence or Strength or Lockpicking. That sort of logic would apply to classes as well. We wouldn't capitalize the base word 'class,' but rather specific classes."

Supports the change, too, so I'll go. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 15:20, 1 December 2020 (UTC)
All done, incl. IW links. Shall I add the old pages to the category:Redirects or will they be deleted? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 17:00, 1 December 2020 (UTC)

re: duplicates[]


  • so i did mark one for deletion on the 23rd: [1]
    • I do not have privileges to rename/remove images. if i did, you wouldve never seen the duplicates.
  • Do the category pages not count as a page? Some of these I am uploading as creative resources for people who don't know how to datamine/extract them. I plan to add a huge amount of them where I can, but for a good chunk the pages I want to put them on don't even exist yet: Fallout 76 range, Fallout 76 accuracy, Fallout 76 movespeed, Fallout 76 VATS, etc. I suppose most of these listed can be merged together, because that Fallout 76 combat is going to otherwise become very fat. Fallout 76 gameplay doesn't exist so maybe there.
  • One thing you can help with right now is with those weapon icons i uploaded. While they won't look good on our current wiki skin, I hope that soon we will either get one that doesn't require me to edit each and every one of these files, OR i will have to do just that.
    • Right now, the Template:Infobox weapon creation does not support the icons in the way that the Template:Infobox weapon gamebryo does. I have just removed the |icon from the template so it doesn't cause issues with what i want to do in the short term.
    • Which is, going to each 76 weapon page and adding the |icon image for each one according to the keywords on the weapon.
    • [2] see this nukacrypt link to view the KYWD section. At the bottom you see "KYWD - [003CFD8C] <UI_WeaponTypePistol>" - this is what tells the favorites wheel which icon to use when that item is hot-keyed.
    • Unfortunately, I did not upload these images with the correct names so the job might be difficult for some that aren't obvious as to which it is. Leave those ambiguous ones for me.
  • If that is a headache, you can also dump the isolated perk vaultboy sprites on their respective pages. I have every single frame and sprite extracted for the whole perk list, but i understand that many just aren't needed here.

Question about holotape transcription.[]

Are we supposed to make paragraphs out of the individual lines or go with what the game uses and what's in the files? The tapes you just updated were written exactly as the game uses them. They are all separate dialog lines both according to the game and according to the files. I don't see a guideline or policy on how this is usually handled. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 22:48, 1 December 2020 (UTC)

Real life persons and information about them[]


How does this wiki deal with such things?

-- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 16:21, 2 December 2020 (UTC)

We should abide by their request. Tägäżïël 21:15, 2 December 2020 (UTC)
FYI, I've deleted the information after reaching out to Iacono on Twitter. She asked for us to delete the information. Everyone has the right to privacy and we can only gain by respecting it. Tägäżïël 21:18, 2 December 2020 (UTC)


I switched them to fix a lot of red/broken links/redirects with FOBOS, VB, FOS. I will leave them as-is. Thanks for letting me know. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:25, 3 December 2020 (UTC)


Perfect! Thanks for the heads up! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 22:28, 4 December 2020 (UTC)


Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I am so excited about editor of the month!!! What a huge honor. I am going to be all hyped up about this for the entire following month, probably longer. Thank you!! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:24, 4 December 2020 (UTC)

Article titles[]

How come you're reverting my changes to remove abbreviations from article titles? That's not a proper academic standard, and I'm confused why you'd change it back without discussing it with me first. 寧靜 Fox 23:25, 5 December 2020 (UTC)

No we don't; if we did, we'd capitalize everything from super mutant to assault rifle, and that includes both the editing software and 3rd party programs. FW:EDITCAP states that we don't rely on in-game spellings, and FW:EDITLAN states that colloquialisms, slang, l33t speak, and other informal styles are not acceptable, which includes using abbreviations in article titles. Don't mean to bust your balls over this, but figured this is something we need to hash out before I continue making any further changes. 寧靜 Fox 12:49, 6 December 2020 (UTC)
Alright - been looking into it further with some help and I see that there are more specific rules that override FW:EDITLAN, so I get where you're coming from now. I figure I'll go the other way, and create unabbreviated articles solely to leave behind as redirects to their respective abbreviated articles, just to make it easier for people to find those articles when using the search bar. That alright with you? 寧靜 Fox 02:38, 8 December 2020 (UTC)



I request a block for User:Bibility and Special:Contributions/ due to vandalizing pages. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 16:05, 7 December 2020 (UTC)


There is a BTS on the Visions in the Fog quests which i am not sure what to make of but it looks a bit sketchy, could you have a look when you get a chance? Branebriar1930 (talk) 14:43, 9 December 2020 (UTC)

Alright no problem then. Branebriar1930 (talk) 15:32, 9 December 2020 (UTC)

Reference vote[]

Hi Jan, the vote for reference formatting guidelines has concluded, if you would not mind taking a look at it and closing it up. I can tend to any needed update after. No rush, though. And thank you! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:53, 9 December 2020 (UTC)

Sandbox question[]

Hey, J! I saw you made an edit to my sandbox, but I wasn't really sure why. It was just an old formatting test bed for The Scribe of Avalon (season). Did I do something wrong on my sandbox page? I'm just trying to understand, in case there's a learning opportunity for me.

Also, thank you for the work you did in moving all of the Collectron pages to reflect the updated capitalization! intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]

Edit summary[]

Clear to you. And kd, probably. 😉

But seriously – are summaries redundant, unwanted or something? Is the one I was using disrupting? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 14:06, 11 December 2020 (UTC)


Hey you read my mind. If you look at my to do list for the project, you can see all my upcoming tasks, which includes the two you mentioned. I do the steps in bulk one at a time so I can copy paste as quickly as possible without making mistakes. So no worries on that, but thank you for always keeping me in the loop :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 16:28, 11 December 2020 (UTC)

IW links[]

I'm curious how we/you will deal with the IW links to the combined "holotape and notes" categories and/or overview pages … -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 19:13, 11 December 2020 (UTC)

Brotherhood of Zeal[]

Should the article titles for the members of the Brotherhood of Zeal include "Brotherhood?" They're called Brotherhood Barry, Brotherhood Barnaby, and Brotherhood Buck in-game, but to me, it seems that we should treat it like a title/rank. It's sort of like calling an NCR member "NCR Smith," but NCR/Brotherhood isn't part of their actual name, no matter what the game displays. AllYourFavorites! (talk) 17:45, 12 December 2020 (UTC)

Community Messages alert pop-up[]

I don't want to raise a doubt that "kate still rulezzz", but I didn't get any pop-ups recently – UCP? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 14:48, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

Reported. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 16:04, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

Re: kbd[]

Eckserah started with it. I thought, <tt> was removed due to being deprecated, not as a question of style? But good, I will be waiting. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 17:35, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

See also User talk:Kdarrow#EDID – though nobody has started adding this to template documentations, yet. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 17:38, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

Currencies in infobox[]

Hi, J! Fallout 76 has 5 different player currencies, and the currency in which an item is categorized indicates what the player can (or cannot) do with that item. The infobox field for "value," even on an item with a value of "0" needs to have the currency defined in order to be useful to readers. Since we already use linked icons in infoboxes elsewhere, this seems the simplest solution. Otherwise, we could add the 5 currencies to the infobox template. Thoughts?
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]

I talked it over with the other dataminers about the caps icon, and we all think that it's worthwhile to use icons to denote the relevant currency, including caps. Here's why: Around May 2019, Wild Appalachia added 3 new currencies to the game. For the next 20 months, almost all of the new content that could be purchased with a currency did not use caps at all. Because of that, it's not guaranteed that a lack of defined currency will imply that the currency is caps. We want to make sure that readers can use the at-a-glance infobox to acquire that currency information at a glance. It's a miniscule addition whose benefits outweigh its cons. Are we OK to do this?
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]
It would only be items that have a meaningful value in-game, so weapons, clothing/armor, some miscellaneous items, plans/recipes, holotapes, junk. Essentially, anything that can be bought and/or sold using currency. There are too many currencies to leave them undefined. intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]

RE: Coding and TodoList/Datamining[]

So as of right now we have been just removing it. There may be an easier way to do it going forward that would be more automated, but I need to noodle on it a bit more. I currently have plans for a few other things I've been working on including a module to build the creature stats info, a module for processing the curve tables and outputting the correct value, and a module to help us do infobox verification for required fields which would help in the long run for us to find infoboxes that need updates.

Also I wanted to say I appreciate your message about my ToDo list! I have a ton of ideas on ways to make things easier/automate more. The What really links here gadget is the first step in a long line of ideas on what I can help improve and it's great to see more dataminers on here. I'm hoping to be able to get a lot more done with my group in the way of not just 76 but other games as well. I've been working with User:kdarrow and teaching her how to use xedit and nifskope for all the games so that she can find the world objects that she loves so much! If you ever pop on discord you're always welcome to message me whenever you want and I'll gladly chat with you! -Thanks a bunch -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 19:20, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

Fallout Tactics consumables[]

Somewhere in your edits, a "3 HP" escaped the table, sitting right above it. ;) -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 14:49, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Articles (grammar)[]

You don't like me adding those at times? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 16:17, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Thought, it fits the "blues" well, but also thought, then "blues" would need to be de-capped. All right then. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 16:23, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Brother Alders/Sister Harper[]

I feel there is too much speculation on whether the unnamed characters seen at the Nucleus in the beginning are Harper and Alders, the notes even say that it is 'not confirmed'. Do you agree? And if so how could we change it?Branebriar1930 (talk) 16:48, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Alright then. Branebriar1930 (talk) 18:25, 19 December 2020 (UTC)

Possible locations[]


Besides duplicated information (could instead have used transclusion), the intention behind removing these from the affected notes was exactly for this reason: to not confuse readers about possible quest locations and locations the notes can be found at. :) -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 21:45, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Question about categories[]


I know, making a category for a single page isn't what usually should be done. On the other hand, consistency again. We have Category:Nuka-World cut notes, but we also have cut notes from other add-ons that are categorized under the parent, "Add-on name cut content". Shall we delete "NW cut notes," or shall we create "cut notes" categories for the other add-ons as well? What's the better option? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 11:52, 18 December 2020 (UTC)

Cross-wiki help[]


What's with the help pages? Shouldn't the internal ones not automatically redirect to Community Central (as long as there's no local content)? I think, it's not too long ago I linked to some Help, definitely after UCP, and IIRC it still worked then. Is this a delayed change? Will it work again when CC has moved to UCP? Is there a change planned in general? Can you tell? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 20:26, 19 December 2020 (UTC)

Oh, I see. Have to check another wiki then, if it's the same there … -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 20:45, 19 December 2020 (UTC)

Visitor nif[]

Thanks for being so quick on the draw to get that .nif up!
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 01:14, 20 December 2020 (UTC)


lol … same as for Nuka-World: I'm adding the navbox to the notes, then add their link to the simultaneously opened navbox, to save them all at once after having finished the single notes … and then comes you and have it all done already in the meantime. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 15:02, 21 December 2020 (UTC)

Finn disambig page[]

I was told to change that page after consulting with Kate due to there being multiple characters named Finn. This is what we are supposed to do when a name is ambiguous not force a redirect to one of the characters. Also there is a difference between an overview page and a disambig page. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 19:18, 21 December 2020 (UTC)

While it may seem to be nonsense the page redirecting to either of them singularly is the incorrect way to handle it. Had the page not existed before I'd agree but it did and should be made into a disambig page. We have other disambig pages that are only 2 entries as well. I can't give examples atm but I can find them when I get home. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 19:29, 21 December 2020 (UTC)
There aren't many options when two things have the same name. Autocomplete doesn't always work correctly and the search also doesn't always work correctly. Having a disambig page for 2 things may seem like it shouldn't be done the policy states that any amount of topics that are ambiguous above 1 should be put into a disambig page. Fallout_Wiki:Content_organization_guideline#Disambiguation according to this the page is correct. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 19:45, 21 December 2020 (UTC)


Saw your note, just wanted to let you know I am following the disambiguation section of the content organization policy, found here, which is what I teach all my mentees. Even two identical names still need to be disambiguated, to improve readability and avoid confusion. If there is something I am missing policy-wise, let me know. Oh! And I appreciate you looking out for my young padawans! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 05:10, 22 December 2020 (UTC)

I think for rewrites of policy, it goes through the regular discussion/vote channels. I am sure everyone will listen to a proposal of yours especially! Until then, I feel more comfortable following the policy the way it is, but will keep your feelings in mind, especially for the Fallout 3/New Vegas portion. I don't see anything in the policies addressing that note at all, maybe it can be included for clarification in a rewrite proposal, if you do one. In any case, thanks for letting me know all the background happenings, I appreciate you! :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 16:18, 22 December 2020 (UTC)

Derived Stats[]

Not sure if you saw my response to your question on my talk page so I'll put it here. Seems like you're the only other person that cares about doing any work on this page right now:

I don't think cryo resist is actually a thing yet in FO76 (at least not for the player) and AP refresh isn't something I've spent much time looking into. I just happened upon that page just now and saw some correcting needing done on scrapping. Also, something else that we should consider adding to that page is Buying and Selling Barter modifications as a result of charisma or other buffs. Also maybe perk card sharing ability? Also, take a look at Poison Resistance#Fallout_76. Says poison resist is not a derived stat. Seems that maybe some page cleanup is in order? By that statement, Damage Reduction and Damage Avoidance are also not derived stats either. Same with Fire, Energy, and Damage Resistance. All those are entirely gear-based. Thoughts? Gilpo1 (talk) 17:26, 22 December 2020 (UTC)

RE:Sara Matthews[]

I saw a video where she was in the room that previously housed the SM quote but no i looked i believe everywhere for her with no signSpringtrap1128 (talk)

Linky links[]

Would you absolutely hate it if instead, I changed all the other games to have an image folder for maps? That way they would all match nicely and my brain wouldn't get all twisted around like a pretzel. Lemmmme knnoooowww <3 -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:30, 24 December 2020 (UTC)

Merry Christmas![]

Hi Jan, I know this will get buried on your talk page because of how popular you are, but I wanted to give you a tiny gift to show you how much I appreciate you. At this time last year, I was just starting out with editing and you have helped me learn so much every step of the way ever since. You have always been patient, always encouraging, even when I need more than one reminder! I love it here and I am grateful for your mentorship. Here's to another year of making all the things tidy! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:44, 24 December 2020 (UTC)

Babylon skin weaponskin wrappingpaperrifle christmas2019 l
You have been given a very festive gun.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Like a regular gun, but much, much more jolly and bright!
-kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:44, 24 December 2020 (UTC)

Fallout Friday Polls note[]

Quick note - the redlink on the 212th polls going to "next week's polls" is fully intentional. I leave it there so that it automatically becomes a bluelink when I make the next week's polls (without having to edit the original poll again).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! |\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 18:39, 26 December 2020 (UTC)


I spend 2 hours last night running all over trying to find those holotapes and when I go to upload what I took, you had already uploaded everything. Well done!

I will continue setting up missing content in the way that I did in the future.
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 01:00, 27 December 2020 (UTC)

Running a bot?[]

Hey there, Just curious as to if you're running a bot on your main wiki account? If so I'd suggest you create a bot account. We already had a conversation with Tag about doing the same thing and how it can really clutter up the recent changes feed causing issues for anyone attempting to patrol. It's also what Fandom says we should be doing. If not then ignore me XD -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 18:12, 29 December 2020 (UTC)

Not at the moment, no. Feel free to make the changes! If you get to the last couple of pages left (might be a while) just leave those there so I have a few to finish my Validation module with. Thanks a ton for your help on this!! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 16:38, 30 December 2020 (UTC)

RE: Currency[]

My idea going forward and to minimize the amount of templates we use on a page is to add a valuetype parameter for each value and specify the type using that which will automatically add the icon for whatever currencies we plan to include. There's currently another issue with the icon template where if you add an override link it doesn't work and just falls back to the image link. Technically the way our icons module works it should never link to the icon image itself and should just not be a link if no link is specified. I'm working on tracking this down now, however. We've currently got the ok from kate since she's our general main point of contact for this stuff and she plays the game often and is well versed in the game. AYF is taking a short break from the discord currently as well. Thanks for the heads up! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 19:22, 30 December 2020 (UTC)

Value issue[]

Hey just wanted to let you know that the value issue is now fixed. Let me know if anything else comes up! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 18:22, 31 December 2020 (UTC)

Hi J! I asked Eck to take a look, because I couldn't find anything wrong with the template. He is much more proficient with such things. Looks like the issue was elsewhere, and he was able to fix it. The changes I had made to the infobox item template previously were a work-around for an issue I came across with multi-game values. The infobox item template itself probably needs a refresh. It's troublesome to work with!
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]

Navbox things[]

Can and will do! Thank you for the direction :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 17:29, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Ah I definitely want it to show up. I like writing them. I will add the category from now on! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:56, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
Ohhhhhhh of course! I will do that! Sorry it is taking me a bit to get a grasp on how this is done. I am trying tho! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 19:41, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Image categories[]

I did some normal maintenance of images today, adding licensing/categories to some in the uncategorized special page. I was wondering if you could take a look and finish up some that you had uploaded, just because I am not sure what the correct category would be. I did the ones that were sort of obvious to me, but I am less familiar with the Fallout 1/2 images. I appreciate it to the max! Oh and I hope you had a great New Years! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 20:55, 4 January 2021 (UTC)

Spam filter[]

I probably could change it, but it would be better to fix a spam filter throwing false positives. Could you give me the error message?
◄► Tephra ◄► 21:16, 6 January 2021 (UTC)

Yeah, url shorteners are blacklisted on Fandom. Unfortunately, a lot of pages were created with them before the filter existed and then cause problems now when people want to edit the page without even doing anything with the url.
◄► Tephra ◄► 03:11, 7 January 2021 (UTC)

Weird categories[]

Sorry about that, I am not meaning to add them and I don't know how I am doing it. Might be the photo uploader I use? Anywho, just wanted to give you a heads up that they were not intentional :D --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 11:04, 15 January 2021 (UTC)

New Whitespring article[]

Hi Jan, how are you? Hope your New Years was fun. I am just stopping by to let you know I plan on doing some work on the Whitespring today. I have spent a few days walking through and taking notes, there is a lot that isn't covered as far as the exterior goes. (You can check out all my fancy new pictures). My plan at the moment is to have the existing Whitespring article be a sort of overview, including the lore section. The existing resort article will stay more or less the same, including everything about the big building, bunker, and vendors.

The biggest change will be a new article focusing on the grounds, the exterior of the big building covering the golf course, cottages, museum, shops, pool, tennis and golf clubs, maintenance entrance, laundry building, driving range, springhouse, and putting green. Not sure what to call it yet, I have a few ideas that I will let roll around in my head a bit more as I go. Let me know your thoughts! I am excited :) --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 20:50, 17 January 2021 (UTC)

RE: Form ID[]

If you check the page you'll notice everything has a Form ID. Base ID is only ever used when it comes to reference objects and is the Form ID of the base object. Ref ID is the Form ID of the reference itself. Keep it as Form ID. I'm going to have to modify the Form ID page to more accurately explain what things are as this page is very incorrect. The Help:Form IDs page is more accurate in what it says. The G.E.C.K glossary page we references is a wiki just like ours that can be edited by anyone, so it is by no means a direct from bethesda guide on these things. The table loop test is something I'm working on for the loops extension that was added. The strings module is from mediawiki itself and is used in a lot of places. It's needed for some things due to the built in parserfunctions not working as intended for certain applications. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 18:47, 22 January 2021 (UTC)

Van Buren party[]

Hi Jan, happy almost Valentines Day (ok not very close but close enough for me to be excited). I wanted to let you know about the work I have been doing for Van Buren - since me making a duplicate article was probably confusing (sorry!) but it was intentional on my part. Slowly but surely I am working to distinguish a few Fallout: New Vegas storylines from those of Van Buren. Not many, but some, articles have overlap that is significantly different or contradicts one another.

So far I have completed the Van Graffs and the Mormon religion, with plans to do a few more, Mordecai and New Canaan come to mind. So far it has made these little corners tidier, with links being able to stay in the same storylines consistently and categories separate. And adding a "for" template at the top or behind the scenes at the bottom to explain to the reader. Pretty please let me know your thoughts, I will put a pin in it for now, and of course I defer to what you think is best! :) --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 16:12, 24 January 2021 (UTC)

Yes early, probably because I like to wear pink and eat chocolate :) Anywho, that sounds good, I will follow your lead and just do a little work here and there and not concern myself too much. I am going to be doing some 76 unmarked locations today anyway, my favorite! Thank you as always for letting me know what you think! --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 17:24, 24 January 2021 (UTC)


Thought I'd weigh in: We should consistently italicize game titles. It's an either-or proposition, we can't sit on the fence on it. :P Tägäżïël 18:26, 25 January 2021 (UTC)


Oh no! Sorry about that, I didn't know we were only using italics in some places. I can go fix anything I changed in the meantime. I appreciate you telling me before I kept at it <3 --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 20:04, 25 January 2021 (UTC)


Sure, great idea! I agree with you. I will make sure to gather that feedback before any change. :) --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:44, 28 January 2021 (UTC)

I wanted to comment on this - I don't think we necessarily need a forum on this. I believe it is within our policies already ("Content distribution across articles should be clearly structured and convenient for readers. Simply put, this means information should be presented in a way that allows readers to easily find what they are looking for"), especially when you look at multi-game perks such as Mister Sandman or Nerd Rage! Those pages are a extremely confusing and cluttered. Additionally, there is a lack of consistency between multi-game perk pages. Sometimes the Bugs, Notes, and Behind the scenes sections go under the individual game section; sometimes all of the games share these sections at the bottom of the page.
Another consideration is that even though many of these perk cards have the same name from one game to another, they don't always behave the same from one game to another. Even within Fallout 76, there are two game modes: Adventure and Nuclear Winter. Identically named perk cards in the two game modes don't necessarily behave the same way. More game modes for Fallout 76 appear to be in the works, meaning we could soon see even more variants of the same perk card within the same title.
With all of these factors in mind and given the existing policy promoting reader convenience, I think splitting the perks is permissible and even encouraged under our policies.
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [6:01am]

RE: Splitting perk pages[]

We already split a bunch of perk pages at least for 76. The amount of constant changes to the game makes it a rather important thing to have be seperate. Not to mention some of the perk pages themselves are massive and have info from all the games scattered around them. I won't split anything until I talk to at least one or two other admins about what they think we should do going forward. Thanks for the heads up! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 03:32, 29 January 2021 (UTC)

Image q[]

Had a friend Synthsolacer stop by my talk page, asking for help taking Fallout 2 pics. I honestly couldn't remember how to do it the way they wanted, so I said I would put you in touch with them as you are the king :D --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 06:00, 1 February 2021 (UTC)

Photo question[]

i'm referring to the photo of the general store's basement, not the one of the general store itself. since the room's map is so small i don't see a way to get a shot of it without the player character being visible in some way. in the one you posted it seems that the player isn't visible and i was wondering how you went about that. Synthsolacer (talk) 12:43, 2 February 2021 (UTC)

...frankly i'm disappointed in myself for not considering photo stitching as an option. thanks for explaining! Synthsolacer (talk) 13:21, 2 February 2021 (UTC)

Re timeline[]

Of course! This is only one step. The next thing we are doing is adding a template instead, so we can change it one place if the timeline moves forward again in a future update to 2104, 2105, 2106 etc. That way, it will only have to be updated one place :) I was going through and seeing where we use them. Looks like creatures and locations will get the fancy new template :) --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 00:18, 4 February 2021 (UTC)

Aww you are sweet, but it is ok. I think the idea amongst the group is that it will save time in the future if the time advances again. We don't have to go through all the articles over and over again. --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 00:24, 4 February 2021 (UTC)


Hey any luck getting this Kendallb9000 to respond? haven't replied to any of my messages and they are still asking for others to make links (even though i told them how) and messing with the intro pages. Branebriar1930 (talk) 21:23, 4 February 2021 (UTC)


Hello hello. I am following the guidelines on the BTS speculation project here. Maybe you can help me better discern which ones I am doing wrong? I am not seeing a lot of clear cut instructions or policies about these things brought up and I am getting frustrated with doing things wrong when I am trying to follow what is written. Please help me :( --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 18:23, 5 February 2021 (UTC)

Ok this is good advice. I will do that instead. Thank you as always! --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:49, 5 February 2021 (UTC)

Bringing home the gold[]

I wanted to share with you that I won Fandom Gaming Editor of the Year for 2020!! Bringing home the gold for Nukapedia! You can see the awards here and make an announcement if you'd like. Not to brag personally but I think it is a feather in Nukap's cap :) --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:08, 5 February 2021 (UTC)

I saw your award too, HUGE CONGRATS. Wow what a great day!!! You are the one I look up to, after all. <3 --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:21, 5 February 2021 (UTC)


Any text that gets put on every single page should be done via template so we can change it with one click later on. Most wikis I've seen either use templates or outright omit this kind of redundant information altogether.

In this case, the timeline template is intended to future-proof this wiki, because the game will be going through more time jumps in the future. Do we really need to go and add that extra year to thousands of pages?

I have it the way it is, so it can toggle the content on and off. I want it to be developed further to add variables for which year something got added or removed.

I intend to do something similar with the "in the Fallout 76 update Steel Dawn." part as well, as this one is also a copy paste job.

Contact me on discord (I Am Bad#5645) if you want to discuss this further.
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 22:30, 8 February 2021 (UTC)


This isn't something I'm going to care about applying retroactively in cases where it's not an issue. In addition to standardization, the chief reason it should exist is because it will allow us to change the sentence structure should we choose to. Additionally, if we move the, for example, Nuclear Winter to Nuclear Winter (update), it won't be a herculean task. (NW is the only one that's actually an issue at this time). They may recycle names again in the future, so this helps us future-proof the wiki. I kept the template super straight forward, so users shouldn't have a hard time figuring out what it means when we have stuff like {{FO76SD}} plastered alongside it. I plan on adding the template to the article creation templates and calling it a day. Is that ok?


We added a new functionality for bugs that have been patched. Please do not break it. It's fine that you removed the PTS one in this case, but please leave it as {{verify|patched}} on other bugs.

Here is the category for patched bugs
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 22:56, 8 February 2021 (UTC)

Re:Crafting Tables[]

Yeah of course, it just misaligns it when I Find & Replace. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Slipmcripfist (talkcontribs) 23:55, February 9, 2021. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!


This was something I discussed with Kate before editing and it's something she's been working on organizing and making consistent. So I'm going to defer to her and let you two discuss and figure it out. Also, sorry about the unintentional revert on that page. I had an edit window going with other changes when you did a couple other edits rapid fire before I saved. Gilpo1 (talk) 17:25, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

Re: suffixes[]

in the case of fallout 76, the updates are not optional, separate purchases. It is impossible to discern Wastelanders from base game content because they are integrated into the game. You cannot play Fallout 76 without wastelanders, steel dawn, etc. This is unlike DLC in previous games, where content was exclusive to DLC zones (with which I agree with our suffix policy). New players coming to the game won't be knowledgeable about the updates, and will assume that the Fallout 76 page is missing when they see "Wild Appalachia" (a term now no longer present in the game). I'll back off for now, but I still want to gauge user feedback on this - because ultimately these pages need to be accessible to them, which should take a backseat to our categorization.
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 23:07, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

Workshop party[]

Oh hello! How are you? I hope amazing. About the infobox suffixes, great, sounds good. I have no real preference and will gladly defer to you. Only thing that I would like to see avoided is multiple/every update added (barring significant changes), or conversely, only the update added (since you can't play Wastelanders or Legendary Run or any of them standalone, they all blendy-blend together). A nice pair (FO76, FO76SD for example) looks mighty tidy, and communicates well what we want to get across, I think at least.

For the differentiation, yes you are exactly right and this is something I am keen on changing, only because Fallout 76 does not in any way, shape, or form, refer to anything as a settlement. It is just a different mechanic this time around. It has been pretty confusing for those who are new to the series with 76. So you bet, they are called workshops across the board, with several instances where they can be used - like public workshops, C.A.M.P.s, shelters, oh my! :D --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:21, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

Oh hello just me again! Looks like I totally misunderstood what you meant by suffixes. Classic Kate! I thought you meant infobox icons. So about article names, so absolutely, I can see where you are coming from, since I also feel comfortable with how the add-ons are named in previous games. I think its because those were standalone "games" so to speak, so it fit for that purpose. I feel like the updates of Fallout 76 function much differently, they aren't static experiences anymore, they all blend into Fallout 76 overall.
My biggest concern, and reason for wanting to go the "naming them 76 route" is that as more and more updates come out, I think it may be confusing, especially for new players, who don't have the overarching hindsight of knowing about all the previous updates. If we skipped over 76 and went right to naming something with an update suffix, someone may come here to search for "Awesome item (Fallout 76)" and, potentially unaware of each update name, may have a hard time finding what they want to read about. We can definitely chat about it, of course, just wanted to let you know what is rolling around in my brain :D --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:48, 10 February 2021 (UTC)


Hey J, my reasoning is that Seth from Fallout 1 is a much more prominent character than mentioned-only ones who are never brought up again or real-life people who are mostly of tangential interest - especially since Seth is likely the first character Fallout 1 players run into. It's meant to avoid creating a false equivalence between him and the mentioned-only Seths, especially since this one is not only in Fallout 1, but also factors into subsequent games.

I usually defer to the collective wisdom of Wikipedia in these matters. For example, Football isn't linked as Football (sport), due to the prominence of this particular sport, and links to football's disambiguation page for those seeking alternative meanings of the term. Tägäżïël 21:31, 12 February 2021 (UTC)

RE: Crafting table FO76[]

Hey J, so the reason we removed the whole requirements section for breaking items down is that in 76 you don't need anything special to scrap things. Almost every workbench works for scrapping every item as well. I'll remove the breakdown category. Originally it was there till we figured out a new way to do it. So removing params in the requirements section is the correct way to handle it for the 76 crafting table. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 22:44, 12 February 2021 (UTC)

Seth page[]

I saw your response and agree with you, I know this is the way we do it, but Tagaziel told me something different. I was just trying to help clean up the links and double redirects that were caused by the article moves. I prefer the way we have been doing it prior to this, so everything is consistent, but will of course follow any commands, just let me know :) --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 01:43, 13 February 2021 (UTC)

Wikipedia has a virtually identical policy. We fall back to WP's manual of style and practices in the absence of our own. In this case, the question is whether Seth is a primary topic or not (as the policy specifically states that a term must be ambiguous).
There are two criteria to consider: Usage and long-term significance. The two are largely tied together (topics relevant long-term will also see high usage, in essence). So, some of the tools used to determine primacy are web traffic and backlinks. I took a gander at Google Analytics and in the 10 year period between 2011 and 2020, the Fo1 Seth accounted for some 87% visits, whereas the Fo3 and real Seth McCaughey accounted for a little over 2.5% each.
Our internal links also reflect the primacy of Fallout's Seth:
  • Seth: 92 backlinks.
  • Seth (Fallout 3): Three backlinks.
  • Seth (Fallout 4): Three backlinks.
  • Seth (Fallout 76): Three backlinks.
  • Seth McCaughey: Five backlinks.
As such, Seth is not an ambiguous term. This is reflected in hard data. Thus the move. Tägäżïël 19:48, 13 February 2021 (UTC)


Oh hi there, how are you? I just saw your message, thanks for letting me in on your thoughts. Didn't mean to cause any concern. I spoke with the others and moves looked consistent to me compared to other creatures across all games, so I offered to lend a hand. -kate (kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 13:44, 15 February 2021 (UTC))

Super mutants[]

He didn't, but then again, I always believed it's better to expect bold editing from others. We're currently discussing together how best to progress, and we'll post a topic on how to generally overhaul the creature pages to make them more betta'! Tägäżïël 20:01, 15 February 2021 (UTC)


Silly question, but what edit did you make for your 100,000th? Something special? Did you do anything to celebrate? Or did you not notice and blow on by it towards the next 100k? Maybe I am just a sentimental one :) -kate (kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 19:57, 16 February 2021 (UTC))

I love your blog. What a great idea. For a great moment. Seems like they spoiled you, and definitely for good reason. When reading it, it reminds me how much has changed, the community, the games. When you made that edit, I was a young person, slaving away in med school, hadn't even played a Fallout game yet. It keeps me both in awe and humble, having been here only a tiny fraction of the timeline. Thank you for sharing the blog and memories of your momentous day with me. I suppose you should start thinking about what you will do for 500k, not too far off now :) -kate (kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:35, 16 February 2021 (UTC))

Profile pages[]

I'm seeing the same thing, except my profile page is the only one that I see and yours is gone. It appears to happen across all wikis. However, I do not know why this is and I don't work for Fandom anymore, so I don't have any insight into why it might be either. You'd need to ask Tagaziel.
◄► Tephra ◄► 19:04, 17 February 2021 (UTC)

RE:Enclave power armor and user pages[]

So first, Fandom is aware of the user page issue and is working on it. Saw you asking about it and figured I'd help.

Next, I saw the enclave power armor page and fixed the references issue that was showing up. Hope that helps! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 19:55, 17 February 2021 (UTC)

What Ecks and Tephra said. It's being worked on. Tägäżïël 11:06, 18 February 2021 (UTC)


Thank you for the assistance with the archiving tool. I had to get offline quickly before I could figure out how to fix it. -New California Ahoy Bear of the North Star modified Red Star "Who are you, that do not know their history?" 03:27, 21 January 2021 (UTC) 00:06, 19 February 2021 (UTC)


Hi! Sure no problem. The information on some of the templates are really dated, contains a lot of Fallout 2, 3 information that isn't applicable to that of 76. It was becoming challenging to wade through them for some of the users (me included) especially some being named "gamebryo" so we have been working on a project to create new templates that are for 76 only, for a fresh start. I can compile a list of them and add them to the templates page. For the vehicle template specifically, Tagaziel added the information from the old template to my new one despite my suggestions. I will reserve my comments, you can speak with him regarding his reasoning. kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 00:26, 19 February 2021 (UTC)


Are you on Discord by any chance? Would love to chat with you sometime about some ongoing wiki projects and to get on the same page as you about some things. Gilpo1 (talk) 18:26, 19 February 2021 (UTC)

Speaking of Discord, I would require my rights to be re-added on the server, since I was forced to leave. Tägäżïël 19:09, 19 February 2021 (UTC)

Tagaziel, I reviewed the conversation. You left of your own volition two times after stating that you were going to do so. Saying that someone forced you to is disingenuous. Our Discord community would never do or allow such a thing and strives to create a welcome space for everyone, especially during debates. If you need a break, there is no shame, we all do from time to time, but I felt compelled to say that it was under no circumstances forced. kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:03, 19 February 2021 (UTC)
And yet it just did, Kate. Saying "it would never do or allow such a thing" runs counter to my experience today. Please do not presume to dictate to me what I'm supposed to be feeling. Thank you.
Re: Ritchie: Gotcha, J. I'll hit him up. Tägäżïël 21:17, 19 February 2021 (UTC)

KendallB again[]

Kendall is back to changing up all the Fallout game pages again and a lot of said changes are pretty unnecessary, they don't respond to messages from others so any ideas on how to get them to stop?. Branebriar1930 (talk) 21:13, 19 February 2021 (UTC)

Hmm yes, was also thinking a short block is the only way.Branebriar1930 (talk) 16:10, 20 February 2021 (UTC)

RE:Workshop objects requirements[]

Hey there! So there is a decent amount that goes into finding the requirements for crafting things. I'm working on trying to get a guide together for all that stuff now in order to help people with figuring it out. Crafting and scrapping materials can be a pain to figure out sometimes and I need to write down the exact process we use for those. I'll get back to you hopefully shortly with more info on what is needed.

As for finding specific items that is also a bit of a pain. I can write an xedit script that can tie all the cobj to the items that they craft to help find that info. Thanks! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 20:32, 20 February 2021 (UTC)

Feedback for new project[]

I noticed we were missing all the transcriptions for message box pop-ups, so I am working on a new goal to have them centrally located here for FNV and will follow suit for the other games. I am thinking then I can go back and add links to this page for existing references, similar to how we do dialogue or terminal entries. Just wanted to run it by you in the tiny baby phase of the project for your thoughts or any preferences you may have.

Also wanted to mention I thought about what you said regarding templates the other day and I think you are right. Some are too similar to really justify needing separation, so I am merging those back together. Thanks for giving me the insight. That is all for now! :) kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:31, 20 February 2021 (UTC)

Most excellent, thank you! I am excited. Already having fun re-reading all the popups. I can even hear the sound in my head. Isn't that silly? Thank you for the feedback :) kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 13:15, 21 February 2021 (UTC)
They are in a program called xTranslate that the Fallout 76 Dataminers taught me how to use. I can ask Eckserah to write up a how-to or just let you know how to access it (I can't remember, he had to walk me through it step by step haha.) It is really cool and includes everything in the .esm including dialogue, terminals, loading screens, all the things! I use it most frequently for doing keyword searches when writing new articles, or when I swear I remember reading something but can't think of where :D kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 13:30, 21 February 2021 (UTC)

Kendall AGAIN![]

This is getting out of hand. KendallB is creating pages about FO extreme factions that have absolutely no information, and this is reflected on the practically empty pages he they create. I don't believe that their decent edits are worth the frustration they are causing other editors. Please can this Kendall be banned already, just until they learn they aren't the only editor on this wiki, because I don't know how else they will get the message. Branebriar1930 (talk) 15:45, 22 February 2021 (UTC)

Nevermind, may not be necessary as they finally responded. Branebriar1930 (talk) 16:24, 22 February 2021 (UTC)


Whelp, I completely forgot about those. Should I pick up the slack? Tägäżïël 16:26, 23 February 2021 (UTC)

That's a good idea. We could try going through community managers or I can try through my own channels. Tägäżïël 18:11, 23 February 2021 (UTC)

Black Mountain Radio segments[]

I was wondering if you knew who could fix the audio file for this radio segment. It is missing it's last line.
RadioBMSegment04 File:FNV_BMR_NewsThree.ogg

--Ant2242 (talk) 03:42, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

Found another one, RadioBMSegment07: File:FNV BMR PSAnnouncementThree.ogg.

--Ant2242 (talk) 04:19, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

This one appears to be missing several lines: RadioBMSegment09 File:FNV BMR KnowYourMutantsOne.ogg

--Ant2242 (talk) 04:32, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

Thank you.--Ant2242 (talk) 18:48, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

RE: Pipe with a space[]

Will do, thanks for looking after me. Was honestly just trying to get an overview, since those categories are a nightmare. --FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 18:49, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

FYI: duplicate file[]

Good day to you, I found a duplicate of the same object:

--FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 15:43, 27 February 2021 (UTC)

Image q's[]

I have seen a few images for awhile in the special categories that I wonder if you can take a look at. There is a file in wanted files called "placeholder" that I am not sure what to do with, and there is Dumper Truck.png this one always at the top of unused files, but is used several places? No rush on taking a peek, and thank you! -kate (kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 17:54, 27 February 2021 (UTC))

Atomic Shop Entitlements Storefront images[]

Hi J,

That entitlements page is generated from a script me and Eckserah cooked up. We will be creating a table template unique to the Atomic Shop pages that will format this dump into a hybrid table that appears differently on mobile than on desktop. This will require purging existing Atomic Shop pages (- prices), which leads to my next point.

The images will be using the native filenames in .webp format. I understand that this breaks the filename guideline, however these use naming structures unique to 76 atomic shop storefronts and will be automatically dumped in their appropriate category. As part of this project, I will be uploading .webp images which we may already have in .png. I am indifferent about cleaning up the existing pictures, however I understand that they would be preferably phased out. Going forward, all storefront images, or any images directly ripped from the game, will be uploaded without any customized naming.

This will make adding additional/missing ATX content go from a 300-400 hour project to a 2 hour one.

PS we will figure out a way for the Pages with Broken Links category to omit User: pages. From what I've gathered, ours is doing that erroneously.

Thank you,
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 22:30, 27 February 2021 (UTC)

The switch to .webp is due to its superior lossless compression and smaller file size compared to .png. This format results in higher image quality and quicker loading times, as well as being mobile data friendly for our users on the go. It is now universally supported by all browsers and has been pushed as the preferable format for fandom.
Axed Scribe-Howard (waster93) (talk) 23:06, 27 February 2021 (UTC)

Xtranslator tutorial[]

Hey J! Kate asked me to create a tutorial for getting xtranslator set up since I helped her get hers set up (Kate formatted it for me XD). Here is the link to it. Let me know if you need any help! -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 23:17, 27 February 2021 (UTC)

Re: Bolding[]

Yea. It's because whne using the semicolon you are creating a list. The bold is being held over on the things below it. Adding a colon after that heading will fix it. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 18:31, 28 February 2021 (UTC)
