Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dirty Blue's sandbox. Please don't edit willy-nilly.

Infobox image format demonstration[]

Still don't understand why attempting to implement this style of image was met with immediate administrative obstruction and being dragged into a series of pointless debates about non-existent policy.


The world's a dangerous place... for anyone in my way. Heh.— Glory

Glory, originally G7-81,[citation needed] is a synth member of the Railroad in 2287. She is a "heavy" for the Railroad, sent on their most dangerous and combat-heavy missions. Despite this, she prefers not to engage in assignments where she must kill synths, even Generation 1 or 2 models.


In 2280, Glory was known as G7-81 and was one of many synths rescued by the Railroad. Unlike most synths who are traumatized and go through a memory wipe procedure, she opted out and begged to join the Railroad. She initially worked with High Rise at Ticonderoga, but was eventually called into the Railroad HQ and promoted to a heavy agent in the same year. She took Tommy Whispers under her wing in 2281 and trained him into becoming a heavy agent. [citation needed]

Leveled list findings and research[]

This is a record of various leveled lists from FO4 and their users, for use by myself or anyone else in improving the accuracy of our character pages. Current FO4 character pages have a fairly consistent issue where the listed inventory is just whatever the person who first wrote that section found in the character's inventory, which is an issue because a lot of characters have semi-random inventories.

If a character is listed multiple times it's because they are a part of both LLs; for example post-quest Brandis will have one weapon from BOSSoldier_SemiAuto and one weapon from BOSSoldier_MinigunOrGatling.

The "contents" should be self-explanatory. There are some deeper details about how it generates the attachments that I don't understand but you can still get the gist of it. The less specific it is, the more random the resulting item is; if it doesn't specify "auto" or "semiauto" it can spawn as either, for example.

The LVL indicates that it only has a chance to spawn if the player is at the listed level or higher - IE, a level 10 player can only get an Automatic 10mm from LLI_Gunner_Auto, while a level 30 player has an equal chance of that or an Automatic Laser, an Automatic Combat Rifle, or an Automatic Plasma. If no level is listed then it has a chance of spawning at any level, obviously.

Note that while I'm grouping them by their name, the name has no bearing on the user. Just because a character uses an LL under the "Gunners" category doesn't mean they're considered a Gunner by the game.


  • LLI_Gunner_Auto
      • LL_10mm_Pistol_Auto
      • LL_LaserGun_Automatics (LVL 17+)
      • LL_CombatRifle_Rifle_Auto (LVL 25+)
      • LL_PlasmaGun_Auto (LVL 27+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle_Rifle_Auto (LVL 34+)
      • None?
  • LLI_Gunner_Melee
      • LL_Baton
      • LL_Powerfist (LVL 20+)
      • LLI_Ripper (LVL 30+)
  • LLI_Gunner_SemiAuto
      • LL_LaserGun_SemiAuto
      • LL_CombatRifle_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 20+)
      • LL_PlasmaGun_SemiAuto (LVL 27+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle_ShortRifle_SemiAuto (LVL 28+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 31+)
  • LLI_Gunner_SemiAuto_Boss
      • LL_LaserGun_SemiAuto
      • LL_CombatRifle_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 20+)
      • LL_PlasmaGun_SemiAuto (LVL 27+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle_ShortRifle_SemiAuto (LVL 28+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 31+)
        • NOTE: Identical to the above but has an "Epic Loot Chance" tag; I assume this relates to legendaries.
      • None?
  • LLI_Gunner_Sniper
      • LL_HuntingRifle_Sniper
      • LL_LaserGun_SniperRifle (LVL 20+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 28+)
      • LL_CombatRifle_Sniper (LVL 29+)
      • LL_PlasmaGun_SniperRifle_SemiAuto (LVL 30+)
      • LL_GaussRifle (LVL 38+)
      • None?
  • LLI_Gunner_Weapon_High
      • LL_LaserGun_Rifle_SemiAuto
      • LL_CombatRifle_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 19+)
      • LL_PlasmaGun_Rifle_SemiAuto (LVL 21+)
      • LL_AssaultRifle (LVL 28+)


